"So... didn't I prepare enough for you for half a month?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang looked at the trio in front of him with a headache.

Wakagi Ryo blinked and complained righteously: "Because a certain chef Matsuda always has to fail several times before he can successfully process a portion of edible food with semi-finished products, so it's normal to consume it quickly, right?"

Matsuda Jinpei's face darkened.

"If it weren't for someone who always curiously came to the kitchen door to poke his head, causing the pot to crack, the water pipe to malfunction, and all kinds of seasoning boxes to mix together, would my failure rate be so high?"

It takes two hours to cook a meal, and at least one and a half hours of it is spent facing various accidents and cleaning up the mess.

This time, Hagiwara Kenji firmly stood by his childhood friend.

"I prove that it is not easy for Matsuda to leave the kitchen alive."

Wakagi Ryo: ...

Wakagi Ryo glanced at the ceiling of the hotel with a rare guilty conscience.

The main thing is that Matsuda is the chef, which always reminds him of the classic comment he saw in the comment section of a food delivery app in his previous life, "The food was so bad that my dog ​​went into the kitchen and cooked four dishes and a soup for me on the spot."

Well, in fact, you can't blame him for always looking into the kitchen, right?

Before entering the kitchen every time, he must ensure that Wakagi Ryo is definitely not within a radius of 20 meters. It seems that Zhu Fu Jingguang also recalled the fear of being dominated by some -80, and silently gave his friend a look of "thank you for your hard work".

"Ahem, so Jingguang saw Brother Gao Ming?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang: ...


Then, as if he thought of something again, he subconsciously asked Wakagi Ryo.

"Nagano Prefecture, is there really nothing unclean?"

Wakagi Ryo: ? ? ?

"Every time I come here, my brother and his team are dealing with very difficult serial murder cases. Or is it my problem?"

Wakagi Ryo: You think too much, Jingguang. As the only place in the world of science that does not rely on detectives to solve cases, isn't it normal for the Nagano trio to be busy?

Oh, no, it seems to be a duo now, and Uehara Yui has not returned to the team yet.

Thinking of this, Wakagi Ryo subconsciously opened Conan's live broadcast room.

From Conan's perspective, Wakagi Ryo saw a photo of the deceased at first glance. The man in the photo died a little tragically, with blood and flesh on his head. There was a large pool of blood on the ground. If you look closely, you can find the body of a centipede in the middle of the large pool of dried blood.

Isn't this the Fenglin Huoshan case?

Wakagi Ryo grabbed Jingguang's sleeve and said, "Come on, I'll take you to see Brother Gao Ming."

Zhu Fu Jingguang:?

"Let's find a case to fake, and then if we need to record it, we can go to see Brother Gao Ming openly?"

Zhu Fushi Jingguang:?

"How can it be that easy... Oh, it's okay."

With Liang Jun's luck, it's not that difficult to fake a case.

Before leaving, Wakaki Liang did not forget to turn around and tell a blasting duo.

"Have fun in Nagano~"

Matsuda/Hagiwara: ...

"So what is the purpose of us following here?"

Matsuda Jinpei turned his head a little confused and looked at Hagiwara Kenji, who hesitated for two seconds and answered tentatively.

"Um, let's have a good meal?"


"Hey, Wakaki?"

The familiar Osaka accent sounded behind Wakaki Ryo and Morobushi Keimitsu. Wakaki Ryo smiled and gave Keimitsu a look that said "Look, I've been scammed," then turned around and greeted Heiji and Kazuha very naturally.

"Mr. Midorikawa is here too."

Hatsuori looked around subconsciously, then asked in confusion.

"Wakaki, are you here with Mr. Midorikawa? I thought you were here with Mr. Mori."

Wakaki Ryo spoke without blinking.

"We are here to collect materials. The editor contacted me before and said that the market response to the first part of "Food City" was very good, and the animation copyright has been sold. If the subsequent ratings are good, he suggested that I produce the second part.

It just so happens that there is nothing to do during this period, so I went to various places with Midorikawa to taste the local specialties."

Hatsuori Heiji immediately patted his chest.

"For special food, don't miss Osaka and Kyoto. If I have time, I will take you to eat all the special food in Kansai."

Wakagi Ryo curled his lips.

"No need, Kazuha can take us there, you must not go with us."

Hattori Heiji: ? ? ?

Brother Wakagi, you can't be to meKazuha has some ideas, right?

"You detectives can basically be equated with the god of plague. I don't want someone to die suddenly and inexplicably next to me while I'm having a meal."

Yuyama Kazuha nodded sympathetically.

From childhood to adulthood, whenever I went out with Hattori Heiji, it seemed that I really hadn't had a few peaceful meals.

After thinking about it carefully, Hattori Heiji scratched his head as if he couldn't find any reason to refute it, and decisively chose to change the subject.

"Oh, by the way, I received a commission for a case, and I just happened to go to the nearby Torada family to take a look. Brother Wakagi, do you want to come with me?"

Wakagi Ryo pretended to be very interested and said, "What case?"

"It's like this, we received a commission from the Ryuo family.

The deceased, Ryuo Koji, was tied up and buried in the soil. The back of his head was suspected to have been hit by the murderer with a blunt instrument many times, causing his death. Moreover, the murderer also placed a dead centipede at the scene before the blood on the scene completely dried up, and then fled."

He Ye obviously recalled the tragic situation in the photo, and silently fell into a cat-like face.

Wakagi Ryo habitually reached out and touched his pocket, took out a candy and handed it over.

Hattori Heiji: ...

How about putting two milk candies in your pocket next time you go out?

"Ahem, the people of the Ryuo family think this is a revenge killing.

Because the Ryuo and Torada families seem to have a feud. Not long ago, the eldest son of the Torada family, Torada Yoshiro, died in a tornado accident. The people of the Torada family seemed to think that this was not a simple accident, but suspected that Torada Yoshiro's death was related to the Ryuo family.

So they took revenge in anger and brutally killed Ryuo Koji."

After eating the candy, He Ye seemed to feel better and added some information.

"So we plan to go to the Torada family first to confirm whether the death of the first victim, Torada Yoshiro, was an accident."

"It sounds interesting."

Wakagi Ryo immediately took Morobushi Keimitsu to join the Osaka Black Chicken's detective team and set off towards the target Torada family.


Torada Family

Hattori Heiji found Torada Shigeji, who was the first to discover Torada Yoshiro's body. When he confirmed that there was a centipede next to Torada Yoshiro's body, the vigilance of Osaka detective was immediately touched.

In terms of the number of cases, Osaka may not be as good as Tokyo where Conan is in charge, but in terms of quality, it is better.

After all, the cases where Hattori Heiji appeared were basically serial murders.

Torada Shigeji: "Centipede or something, I seem to have seen similar patterns during the sacrifice.

Oh, by the way, before you, there was also a detective from Tokyo who came here to ask similar questions. The kid with glasses next to him seemed to be particularly interested in the case and asked a lot of questions."

Hattori Heiji's Kudo detection attribute was immediately awakened. This combination is definitely Kudo and his method of elimination.

"I heard that someone died in an accident six years ago. Is that true?"

Hatori, who is a fan of Kudo Shinichi, temporarily hung up the phone. Toyama Kazuha, who has basically been trained to be a qualified detective assistant, had to take over the task of continuing to inquire about information.

"Yes. The deceased was Mr. Kai Gento, who was still a yabusa shooter in the festival until six years ago. You can ask my eldest brother's widow Yui for the details. She was the first to discover the body."

Toolman Torada Shigeji dutifully poured out all the information he knew, and after watching the entire detective team leave, he quietly returned to the house.

Wakagi Ryo followed Hattori slowly to the stable where Torada Yui was. Before opening the door of the stable, he faintly heard a woman's voice coming from inside.

"Please let me go, my husband just passed away a few days ago! It happened six years ago..."

Hattori's eyes lit up immediately. Great, I caught up with Kudo asking for clues. This time, I will definitely not lose!

The passionate young detective pushed open the door of the stable, and then froze in place for a second.

In the stable, a man in a suit with a blind left eye and an aura that looked more ferocious than all the murderers turned his head.

"Boy, what's wrong with you?"

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