Hattori Heiji looked at Yamato Gansuke with a stiff face, and cold sweat slowly slid down his cheeks.

"Uh, no, nothing."

"Oh no, there is something wrong. Have you ever seen a detective who wears a suit, has a mustache, and looks silly?"

As soon as Hattori Heiji finished speaking, Maori Kogoro, who was "happy on his face", appeared behind them and said with gritted teeth: "Does the silly detective you are talking about look like me?"

Hattori Heiji: (⊙▽⊙)

Here, Kazuha and Xiaolan showed their long-unseen enthusiasm, and on the other side, Maori Kogoro generously rewarded Hattori Heiji with an ancestral punch.

In the stable, Yamato Gansuke looked at a group of people fighting and quarreling with cold eyes, silently took out his ID, and after shocking the detective team with his fierce aura, he turned around and looked at Torada Yui.

"This is a matter of life and death! I ask again, was there anything like that next to the body six years ago?"

Torata Yui turned her head and closed her eyes.


"There is no dead centipede, only a dead horse and the emaciated body of Mr. Kai."

After getting the information he wanted, Yamato Gansuke said "Sorry, I bothered you", then stared at Wakaki Ryo expressionlessly for about 5 seconds, and slowly left the stable with a cane.

Wakaki Ryo touched his nose and smiled at Yamato Gansuke, knowing that the other party should have recognized him.

Before leaving, Maori Kogoro subconsciously stopped Yamato Gansuke.

"So, what does that centipede mean?"

Yamato Gansuke didn't look back, but replied coldly: "It's not clear yet, but if this thing is not stopped as soon as possible, I'm afraid that there will be more deaths one after another."


The reunited detective team found an empty guest room at the Torada family nearby and started a combat meeting.

Maori Kogoro: "The known common point of the two cases is that there is a dead centipede next to the body of the deceased."

Conan: "What is worrying is whether Kai Gento, who died accidentally six years ago, is related to this case."

"Six years ago may not be an accident."

Wakagi Ryo rummaged through his small backpack, touched some snacks and stuffed them into his mouth. It is really impossible to eat on time with the detective team.

So as compensation, you must brush up a little more emotional value.

"If I remember correctly, Miss Yui said that when Mr. Kai Gento was found, his body was very emaciated, right?"

Ryo Wakagi deliberately emphasized the word "emaciated".

Conan and Heiji Hattori immediately realized that something was wrong.

After a person dies, all functions of the body will stop directly. The body may slowly rot over time, or even show the phenomenon of giantism, but it is absolutely impossible to become emaciated.

"Brother Wakagi, what do you mean..."

"If I guess correctly, although it was an accidental fall off the cliff, Mr. Kai Gento should have starved to death in the end."

Yui Torada clenched her fists tightly, her tone was quite difficult.


"Falling off the cliff caused his waist to break and he couldn't stand up. The place where he fell was deserted all day long. By the time we found him, a week had passed."

A look of pity suddenly appeared on Xiaolan and Kazuha's faces.

In that case, if he starved to death without waiting for rescue, it would be such a desperate thing.

Kogoro Maori instinctively began to question.

"The man and the horse fell off the cliff together, and they haven't been found for a whole week?"

Shigeji Torada, who was listening on the side, immediately began to argue loudly.

"Of course we tried very hard to find him. All the villagers and all the police were dispatched at that time. But Mr. Kai was completely pressed down by the thick fallen leaves. We didn't find Mr. Kai until the fallen leaves were blown away by the wind, but by then it was too late."

Yui Torada subconsciously pinched her fingertips and changed the subject.

"Speaking of which, the incident six years ago is a bit similar to the accidental death of my husband."

Shigeji Torada's eyes flickered.

"Well, because my brother's body fell on a rock with a relatively good view, it was easy to find."


"Didn't you accidentally find my husband's body on the way to the cave?"

Shigeji Torada: !!!

The detective team felt that an important clue seemed to be about to appear, and immediately all pricked up their ears.

What I heard was that the current head of the Torada family was talking to his only remaining son.He cursed and cursed. And while cursing, he inexplicably revealed that before Yoshiro Torada died, he seemed to have conspired with another deceased, Ryuo Koji, to find Yamato Gansuke.

Wakagi Ryo shook his head silently.

Yamato Gansuke, a current detective who has always been a suspect inexplicably since his debut because of his ferocious appearance.

Hattori Heiji immediately decided to go to Ryuo's house to find out about this matter, and just as he stood up, he was grabbed by the collar by Ryo Wakagi.

He looked down at Conan, who was also stuck in the back of his neck, and stopped obediently to listen to Ryo Wakagi's lecture.

"Don't worry, let's eat first."

Ryo Wakagi glanced at the people from the Torada family who left, and then glanced at Torada Yui who was still in the temporary meeting room.

"Does Wakagi-kun have any ideas?"

Maori Kogoro closed the door and sat back at the table.

"Well, I think Officer Yamato is right. This is clearly a serial murder case. And this serial murder case is closely related to the death of Kai Gento six years ago."

Torata Yui's pupils trembled slightly, as if she was about to blurt out the question in the next second.

"But didn't the villagers and police officers search for a whole week?"

After being silent for a long time, Xiaolan asked the question on behalf of Torata Yui.

Wakagi Ryo held his chin and smiled slightly.

"It's a conspiracy. If you want to search the entire village including the nearby mountains, there must be a division of labor. What if the person who is assigned to search the cliff is the murderer who caused Mr. Kai to fall off the cliff?"

Xiaolan/Waza: !!!

"So, did they just ignore Mr. Kai and starve to death in despair?"

Wakagi Ryo nodded, "That's why I say this is definitely a serial murder case."

"Suppose six years ago, a group of people, including the victims of this case, Yoshiro Torada and Koji Ryuo, conspired to kill Gento Kai. One day six years later, someone discovered the truth of that year, so in order to avenge Officer Kai, who was once loved by all the villagers, they killed all the people who participated in the murder one by one...

Normal people would definitely think so."

" However, traditional revenge is a bit boring, and in regular revenge cases, the deceased will leave some items related to Gento Kai, or sentences like "You are next" and "Please repent for the sins you have committed."

Anyway, I won't write a murder script like this."

"Oh, I mean the comics."

Others in the detective team: ...

Conan and others who are used to it are too lazy to complain about Wakaki Ryo's devil-like speech this time. It's normal for the creator to occasionally show this abnormal state... right?

Torata Yui: ??????

I haven't seen him for a few years. Why does it feel like the little boy who used to follow Gao Ming has become a dangerous person?

"And if you really think like that, Gansuke-nii is even more suspicious. Yui-nii and Gansuke-nii both chose to become police officers because they admired Kai-san."

Torada Yui: "...It's really Ryo-kun. You've changed so much that I can't recognize you."

"But no matter what the final truth of this incident is, Gan-chan... Officer Yamato, he will never do something like killing someone!"

Wakagi Ryo: ...

Great, Gansuke is real!

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