After listening to Wakaki Ryo's analysis, Conan and Hattori, who were even more confused, contributed a lot of emotional points in a daze, and decided to go to the Ryuo family to find more clues.

After all, Maori Kogoro also accepted the commission, so he followed them to investigate.

Wakaki Ryo looked at Jingguang beside him, and then looked at the two girls who were left behind, "Let's find something to eat."

"I'm really hungry."

When Wakaki Ryo stood up, the floor under his feet cracked with a click, and his ankle was stuck in the crack.

Torada Yui:!

"Ryo-kun, are you okay? Strange, all the rooms were inspected last week..."

Torada Yui turned around and looked around. Except for her, everyone around had a calm expression as if they were used to it. The outspoken He Ye silently lent a hand to Wakagi Ryo and said casually: "If it's Brother Wakagi, nothing will be too strange, right?"

Xiao Lan: ( ̄ω ̄;)

Although, although it's a bit rude, He Ye is right.

Even Jing Guang next to him said something.

"It's okay, at least the house didn't collapse and we have to dig a hole to save people."

Torada Yui: ? ? ?

The group temporarily left Torata Yui and went to the street to find a restaurant that was said to be a long-established restaurant to solve the late lunch.

Without the Grim Reaper around him and with an Ou Huang Lan sitting next to him, Wakagi Ryo finished this lunch that tasted pretty good.

"Um, Brother Wakagi..."

He Ye pulled Wakagi Ryo's sleeve and asked hesitantly.

"Sister Yui, do you know that fierce-looking police officer?"

Ryo Wakagi's eyes lit up, and he poured himself a glass of water with a reserved look, but he was actually so happy that he wanted to wag his tail.

I've been waiting for you to ask this question for a long time!

In addition to giving them a panoramic experience of horror movies, the way to get the girls' emotions is to tell them a sad love story~

"Yes, not only do they know each other, they are also childhood sweethearts who grew up together."

"If nothing unexpected happened, they should have gotten married."


He Ye and Xiao Lan both exclaimed in support.

"However, the turning point of the matter probably started with the death of Gento Kai six years ago. Sister Yui and the others were influenced by Gento Kai and chose to become police officers.

In addition, as I analyzed earlier, the real cause of death of Officer Kai was actually starvation, so they have never given up the investigation of the truth of Gento Kai's death.

Some time ago, Yamato Gansuke discovered a criminal who had committed theft six years ago, was arrested by Gento Kai who was still alive at the time, and finally disappeared.

He believed that this person should be related to Gento Kai's accident.

So, some time ago, after he found the trace of this man, he followed him into the mountains, but encountered an avalanche.

Caused his left eye and left leg to become what they are now."

Xiaolan and Kazuha immediately exclaimed in worry.

"And Sister Yui must have found some clues about the Torada family. At that time, she thought Yamato Gansuke was dead. She was so disheartened that she chose to marry Yoshiro, the eldest son of the Torada family, in order to further investigate the truth.

The childhood sweethearts, due to various coincidences, met again, one was disabled and the other was married. It was really..."

"Sister Yui is so pitiful."

After listening to the story, the two girls were moved to tears, and Wakaki Ryo stuffed a candy into their eyes.


After sending the two crying girls back to their temporary residence, Wakaki Ryo, with the joy of returning home, opened the live broadcast of the detective team to see if he could get more money from Conan and Kurokaki.

Zhu Fujingguang: "Are you hiding something from me?"

When Wakaki Ryo was telling the story earlier, Zhu Fujingguang, who was sitting on the side, keenly noticed the loopholes in Wakaki Ryo's words.

Yamato Gansuke's injury and Uehara Yui's marriage all happened recently. In the past few years, Wakagi Ryo has not been to Nagano, which means...

"Ryo, you have already contacted your brother, right?"

But you didn't tell me.

Zhufu Jingguang smiled, thinking that he would prepare a bitter melon meal for Wakagi Ryo from tomorrow.

Wakagi Ryo keenly sensed a hint of Scottish alcohol from Jingguang, and immediately cleared his throat and began to change the subject.

"Ahem, I did contact Gao Ming on the way here. Speaking of which, Gao Ming's current situation may be a bit dangerous."Zhu Fu Jing Guang:?

Wakagi Ryo blinked and turned to look at Zhu Fu Jing Guang.

"No way, Jing Guang, didn't you find other problems in the story just now?"

Zhu Fu Jing Guang was slightly stunned.

"It's enough for the little girl to listen to the love story. It's better not to let them know about things that are too realistic."

"There are many ways to investigate the case. Why did Uehara Yui choose to get married?

Jing Guang, you should be very familiar with what she is doing."

Zhu Fu Jing Guang: !!!


Wakagi Ryo nodded.

"In fact, my previous statement about Gento Kai's death has loopholes."

"After all, Torada Shigeji said that they searched the village for a whole week with the police to find Gento Kai's whereabouts.

Even if the location of the back mountain is included, a week is enough to search this not-so-big village several times. If fixed personnel are assigned to search areas, the person responsible for searching that area after Gento Kai's body is found will be suspected by the police anyway.

But judging from the behavior of Yamato Gansuke and Uehara Yui, they did not have a clear target of suspicion in the previous six years."

Zhu Fushiki suddenly thought of a possibility that made him feel creepy.

"So... the whole village, or most of the people in this village, actually found Kai Gento dying under the cliff at that time, but they all chose not to help him?!"

"It's not impossible."

"But why, isn't it said that everyone in the village respects Officer Kai?"

Wakagi Ryo patted Jingguang's shoulder with a smile, but the words he said were undoubtedly cruel.

"After all, cutting off someone's financial resources is like killing their parents."

"Since ancient times, the most enduring illegal and profitable behaviors are nothing more than pornography, gambling and drugs, and this village is more or less involved in one of them. It may be that Kai Gento accidentally discovered something, or it may be that his existence prevented some people from continuing to make money."

The extent to which this collective crime village can be xenophobic is unimaginable to ordinary people. Even if the secret that has been kept is really discovered, they will try their best to trap and kill outside investigators.

Otherwise, how to explain that the Nagano trio, whose ability far exceeds that of other regional police officers, has made no progress in their six-year investigation. Presumably, everyone in the village, those who knew the truth, all kept silent.

Therefore, if you want to find out all the truth, you must become "one of our own" in this village.

This is why Uehara Yui must marry into the most prestigious Torada family in the village.

Wakagi Ryo: "Yamato Gansuke, who was injured not long ago, was sent to handle the case here, while Gao Ming, who was not injured, never showed up."

Zhu Fu Jingguang subconsciously clenched his fist.

"Brother, he went to investigate the things behind the scenes!"

Wakagi Ryo nodded, with encouragement in his eyes, and patted Jingguang on the shoulder.

"So hurry up and help Gao Ming brother!"

Zhu Fu Jingguang was silent for a moment, and suddenly turned his head, "How many more people will die?"

Oh, Jingguang is not so easy to fool.

Wakagi Ryo shrugged with a smile, "Probably two or three more will die."

"You don't plan to save people, and you want to get me out of the way."

Wakagi Ryo nodded confidently, "That's right, with the abilities of Ganzhu and Yui, it's only a matter of time before they catch the murderer. There's no need to save those innocent people."

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