"Hurry up?"

Hattori Heiji blinked, trying to play dumb.

During this period, he and Conan were obsessed with cracking codes, and it seemed that they might have forgotten to tell Wakaki Ryo about the casino.

Wakaki Ryo leaned against the wall of the ward, turned his head and smiled at Hattori Heiji.

"Hattori, after returning from Nagano, you have been whispering together from morning to night. It is obvious that you have something to hide and want to investigate it alone. You don't think you have concealed it well, do you?

Although I didn't follow you to investigate the Nagano incident, it doesn't mean that I didn't find that there were other people behind the whole thing."

"And you, Kudo, you can hold back when someone pretends to be you, but you deliberately ran to the outside of the reporter's ward to dig a tree. Don't tell me that you chose this place to talk about love with Xiaolan who you haven't seen for a long time."

Wakaki Ryo took out his mobile phone and checked the time.

"Two minutes have passed. Are you sure you want to waste more time?"

With a look of "don't try to get me out of the way", Wakagi Ryo chose a suitable position and signaled the two detectives to start the show.

Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji looked at each other, with a hint of frustration in their expressions.

Forget it, nothing can be hidden from Wakagi-san.

Kudo Shinichi turned his head and looked at Kawachi Fukasato lying on the bed.

"Why do you do this?"

"For money."

Kawachi Fukasato glanced at the black screen of the mobile phone on the bedside. After coming out of the operating room, she immediately entered the casino's website, but found that the video she had originally planned to record was not uploaded to the website.

"Kudo Shinichi's death" has become a mess. How the casino appeases and compensates those gamblers is not mentioned for the time being. For Kawachi Fukasato, failure is a foregone conclusion.

Kudo Shinichi:? !

"For money, you want to kill Makoto Yada? You know he saved your daughter a year ago!"

Kudo Shinichi gritted his teeth. When he was trapped in the cabin in the forest, he saw the words "Success or Death" carved with a knife on the wall of the cabin, which were full of resentment.

So he knew clearly that if Hattori Heiji hadn't reacted quickly enough tonight, Makoto Yada would most likely commit suicide with that gun.

Kawachi Fukasato touched the wound on his body and smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Yes, I know he is a good kid. You see, he can't even kill people."

"But my daughter is also a good kid. Her life has just begun, but she is facing the end. Why is this?"

Kawachi Fukasato's eyes were full of bloodshot, and tears rolled down her cheeks onto the collar of her hospital gown.

"She's only 7 years old, why?!"

The overly intense action caused the wound on her body to burst open, and the blood quickly stained the light-colored hospital gown red. The two detectives' faces changed, and they subconsciously wanted to press the call bell.

Kawachi Fukasato reached out and took the call bell in her hand, but did not press the button. She just took a deep breath and slightly relieved the pain in her body.

"She won't die."

She looked at the ceiling in the ward with empty eyes.

"My daughter is sick, I need money, a large amount of money in a short time!

Even if the house is mortgaged, the bank will not approve a loan of this amount for a single mother.

It is even more impossible for me to borrow usury, because I need not only the cost of the operation, but also the subsequent high cost of medical treatment. I know very well that I can't repay such a loan, and I can't imagine the scene of those debt collectors reaching their knives to my daughter."

"At this time, a man who claimed to be the manager of the casino found me, introduced me to the casino organization, and invited me to join and become their dealer."

Kudo/Hattori: !!!

The two detectives asked in unison: "What does that person look like?!"

Kawachi Fukasato turned around and looked at the two detectives expressionlessly.

"I don't know."

"That person always wore a clown mask on his face. I have never seen his face."

Kawachi Fukasato ignored the disappointed reactions of the two high school detectives and continued to talk.

"I needed money, so I accepted his invitation, and then the manager gave me this chip necklace.

You know, as a dealer who set up a gambling game, I can get 10% of the total gambling amount as a reward. For those gamblers, money is just a meaningless number. No gambler's bet amount will be less than one million.

With just one game, just one game, I can get an amount that I never dared to imagine before, and can easily raise most of my daughter's money.Treatment costs. "

Kawachi Fukasato's expression was slightly distorted at this time, and his eyes were full of persistence and desire.

"Just when I didn't know what to do after becoming a dealer, I happened to meet Makoto Yada when I went to interview a plastic surgery hospital. "

Kudo Shinichi:!

Kawachi Fukasato looked at Kudo Shinichi and curled his lips with a fake smile.

"Yes, that's what you think. Although I don't know where he got his confidence from, he always thought he found a loophole in your reasoning. He felt that since you had tarnished the reputation of the head of the Nichigen Village, as revenge, he would make Kudo Shinichi a rat crossing the street in Japan. "

Kudo Shinichi: ...

Hattori Heiji: ...

Kawachi Fukasato said so much in one breath, and seemed a little tired. He closed his eyes and took a breath, and then continued to speak.

"I saw him on the way he was pushed into the operating room. At that time, he should have just finished the anesthesia and was not very conscious, so he didn't recognize me.

I suddenly felt that this was a very good opportunity. "

"However, I was not as blind as he was. After coming to Higashi-Okuho Village a year later, I found the police here and learned the inside story of everything.

After knowing the truth, looking at Makoto Yada's plan, it was indeed a bit ridiculous. But my thought at the time was that Kudo Shinichi had been missing for so long, maybe he was dead, so..."

So, it is better to use a dead person than to harm other living people.

Kawachi Fukasato lowered his head and looked at the wound on his body that was still bleeding faintly.

"I used to think it was difficult to do bad things, but when I really started doing it, I found that, just like what the manager said, the weaknesses of human nature are really easy to use.

The villagers who revered the head of the Rigen Village could be easily incited with just a little rumor. "

"Those policemen can keep silent about the truth when facing inquiries from the outside world by using the excuse that 'if Higashi-Okuho Village can get enough attention from the outside world in the case of Kudo Shinichi, the scenic spot development plan that the village chief had shelved will most likely receive new funding'."

The salary of grassroots police officers is not very high. If the village can really get funding and become a new tourist attraction, they can also make some money.

Kawachi Fukasato sighed, "My original plan was to deliberately lead Makoto Yada to attack me and then take a video. Then, through him, I will bring up the case of the village chief's home a year ago, and use this as a starting point to explore how many unjust, false and wrong cases were solved by Kudo Shinichi, who is known as the Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei era. "

There is no need to continue the following content, Ruo Mu Liang can also analyze it.

With Kudo Shinichi's kind character, there must be more than one case like the village chief of Higen who acquiesced to the police closing the case for other reasons because he did not want the scandal of the deceased to spread.

As long as a little bit of information is dug out, how to take it out of context in the report is up to the reporters holding the pen, isn't it?

And if Yada Makoto really committed suicide, then "Kudo Shinichi who committed suicide out of fear of crime" can be written about more content.

After saying this, Kawachi Fukasato sighed deeply and closed his eyes, obviously intending to stop here for today's confession.

"Except for the manager wearing a clown mask, the website of the casino..."

Kawachi Fukasato shook his head.

"Although I failed this time, I can still participate in the life and death game. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up saving my daughter. "

"So, I can't tell you. "

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