Hattori: "Since you still plan to participate in the gambling, but you revealed the information to us, aren't you afraid that the people in the casino will do something to you?"

Kawachi Fukasato suddenly laughed out loud, and then because of the wound on her body, the laughter turned into a painful low gasp.

She looked at the two detectives who looked puzzled, and then turned to look at Wakaki Ryo who had no emotional changes from beginning to end.

"In fact, the casino has never concealed its existence."

"Hey, why do you think it is?"

Wakaki Ryo took two steps forward and stretched out his hand to press the two smart heads.

"For real gamblers, there is nothing that cannot be gambled. Maybe they have opened a bet internally, betting on the casino organization when and by whom to investigate it."

Kudo Shinichi/Hattori Heiji: ? ? ?

Is there such an operation?

Wakaki Ryo rubbed the heads of the two detectives, showing a satisfied expression at the familiar touch, but did not continue to talk.

Even if the existence of the casino is finally exposed, what can it do? Who can participate in such a gambling game is not a wealthy and powerful person? Put all these people in jail?

Stop it, it is possible to pick a few typical examples to scare the monkeys, but no country will really catch all the rich people in the country.

In the end, it is nothing more than throwing out a few scapegoats, and after the turmoil of this period is over, it will continue in a different form.

Therefore, those behind the casino are not afraid at all.

It doesn’t even matter who the owner of the casino is. As long as there are still those rich and powerful people who have money but nowhere to spend it, as long as there are still ordinary people who are in urgent need of money for various reasons, the casino will never disappear.

Even if the famous detectives really eradicate the existence of the casino, some low-level people like Hanoi Fukasato will not be grateful, but will resent them.

This is the real scary thing about the casino.

"What about the incident in Nagano? Since the people in the casino are not afraid of being exposed, why did an armed team come to clean up the mess?"

Kudo Shinichi frowned, and instead of continuing to dwell on the same topic, he changed the question.

Kawachi Fukasato was obviously stunned for a moment, lowered her head, and didn't know what she was thinking. After a while, she raised her head, with a slightly uncertain tone.

"I don't know what happened in Nagano, but if an armed team was dispatched, there is only one possibility."

"The other party used the casino's connections to open their own private game, and was discovered."

Kudo Shinichi/Hattori Heiji: !!!

"Wait, then..."

Kawachi Fukasato closed her eyes, obviously not wanting to say anything more, but pressed the call bell in her hand.

The nurse rushed into the ward quickly, and when she saw the wound burst, she exclaimed, and while busy rebandaging her, she drove out the irrelevant people in the ward with a fierce face.

Wakagi Ryo walked at the end and looked back at Kawachi Fukasato, whose cheeks were bloodless.

Tsk, you can't be too soft-hearted when doing bad things.

Wakagi Ryo, who occasionally poked at Kudo Shinichi's live broadcast room, naturally knew the most of everyone. He glanced at Kudo, who was a little depressed, and couldn't help but sigh.

"You called the ambulance, right, detective."

Kudo Shinichi nodded, and after tampering with the reporter's equipment so that it could not upload the content it filmed, he called an ambulance for the reporter covered in blood.

Hattori Heiji blinked and suddenly came to his senses.

"Wait, she deliberately provoked Makoto Yada to attack her, and even notified the police in advance, but didn't call an ambulance for herself?"

"She wanted to..."

If she really wanted to nail Kudo Shinichi to the pillar of shame, Kawachi Fukasato should not have allowed Makoto Yada to write a letter to invite detectives like the real Kudo or Hattori Heiji, but should have directly found a group of reporters to chase and intercept Makoto Yada, and face his face that is exactly the same as Kudo Shinichi, and come up with a picture and the truth.

Then find a way to stimulate Makoto Yada to commit suicide before the police arrive, so that there is no evidence.

This is a common method of public opinion warfare.

Even if the real Kudo knew about this afterwards, with the winery watching covetously on the side, Conan, who was dressed as an elementary school student, had no way to stand up and announce in front of the public that he was the real Kudo Shinichi.

Moreover, how to prove that I am me?

In general, a large part of the reason why Kawachi Fukasato failed this time was because she was still too soft-hearted.

Oh, Kudo Shinichi has the aura of a protagonist, so that's fine.

"So, she probably wants to die to atone for her sins."Kudo and Hattori didn't know what a life-or-death game was, but Ryo Wakagi, who had successfully hacked into the casino website, knew it.

It was a game in which a group of unarmed people were collectively sent to an uninhabited island, and a small amount of survival supplies were dropped every once in a while, allowing them to kill each other.

Only by killing other participants, enduring the harsh living environment on the island, and becoming the last survivor, could you get a huge bonus.

It can be said that it was really a fight for life.

"Shinichi, are you okay? Uh, who did you just say wanted to die to apologize?"

Xiaolan, who hurried over with the doctor, looked at Kudo Shinichi with a confused look on her face. His forehead was obviously terribly hot not long ago, but now he seemed to be fine.

Kudo Shinichi's expression froze, and his eyes subconsciously glanced at the two friends around him for help.

Osaka's pretender Hattori Heiji immediately laughed, and then said seriously: "Kudo is fine now. He just took the special medicine I brought, and the fever has subsided, hahahaha.

That, the one who died to apologize for his sins is... Wakagi-san's comic character. Yes, we are discussing the new comic plot with Wakagi-san."

Wakagi Ryo:?

Maori Ran looked at Hattori Heiji with a suspicious expression.

"The special medicine you are talking about is not the old white liquor you brought to Conan?"


"How, how is it possible."

Mauri Ran approached Kudo Shinichi's cheek suspiciously and sniffed, which made Wakagi, the captain of the head-pressing team, Ryo, a little eager to move.

Kudo Shinichi looked at Xiaolan who was close at hand, and his face turned red. His lips trembled twice, as if he wanted to say something.

At this moment, a familiar pain came.

Kudo Shinichi frowned and turned to look at Wakaki Ryo, who blinked, looked back innocently, and then raised his hands to show his innocence.

Kudo Shinichi: !!!

Oops, oops, this time it seems to be true, the effect of the drug is about to end!

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