The safe in Suzuki Jirokichi's home is called "Iron Lithium". It was created by the Neon machine master Sanshui Yoshiemon and is known as the strongest safe in the world.

The depth in the middle of the safe is nearly four meters, and the area is about the size of 6 tatami mats. It is called a safe, but in fact it is more like a steel hut surrounded by 50 cm thick iron plates.

It can even be used as an air-raid shelter to avoid air raids.

There is a gap of about 3 cm at the bottom of the safe.

Thanks to this 3 cm gap, Suzuki Jirokichi can feed poor Lupin some food and water every day. Otherwise, even if there is a ventilation hole, the dog is afraid that his life will not be saved.

Of course, the most pitiful person tonight is not Lupin who was locked in the safe by his owner, but Inspector Nakamori who is determined to catch Kid with his own hands.

From the "victim" Suzuki Jirokichi to the elementary school students who are "Kid's nemesis", all of them turned into actors today, cooperating with Kid's disguised maid to play him.

"You really like to play this trick, do you have a cross-dressing fetish?"

Conan put his hands in his pockets, leaned against the door of the room where the vault was located, and stared speechlessly at the maid Douzi who was lying on the vault door.

There was also a white notice on the vault door: [I have visited the belly of Tieli] - of course, that was specially posted by Suzuki Jirokichi to cooperate with Kuroba Kaito's "father-in-law fooling plan".

Nakamori Ginzo, who was deceived by the joint efforts, should be sitting in the police car, performing a fast and passionate performance with Mr. Suzuki who was driving around the city with bodyguards.

Conan, who also saw Suzuki's intention, followed suit and tricked Xiaolan and Sonoko into temporarily leaving the floor where the vault was located, while he quietly waited for a thief who came to help pick the vault lock.

Kuroba Kaito, wearing a maid outfit, put on special gloves for committing crimes, and looked back at Conan with a smile.

"Because it's cuter this way."

Conan: ( ̄ー ̄)

"Okay, I'm here to help today, not to steal things, so don't bother me, little detective."

Kuroba Kaito said, and then he took out a set of professional lock-picking tools, lay down near the lock of the vault, turned the mechanical combination lock of the vault little by little, carefully distinguished the sound of each turn, and then used the paper and pen at hand to record the feedback of different scales.

Wakagi Ryo floated over the troubled Seimodo City, watching tonight's limited program leisurely - about how the magician in the moonlight evolved into a locksmith in the moonlight.

And the special episode of how the detective became the accomplice of the thief step by step.

The capitalist is indeed a capitalist, even the thief can be forced to entrust.

Wakagi Ryo glanced at the Microbiology Research Institute building below, which was temporarily motionless, and continued to watch Conan's live broadcast seriously.

After knowing that today's vault was designed by the master of the mechanism, Wakagi Ryo was very self-aware and found an excuse to rush the manuscript, and did not follow Maori Kogoro to Suzuki's house to join in the fun.

Just kidding, although those mechanisms can't hurt him at all now, it doesn't mean that he wants to be chased by various arrows, axes and the like.

Isn't it good to watch the show elegantly?

In the Suzuki house, Kuroba Kaito's forehead was faintly sweating.

He has been really busy recently. After finishing the extra commission tonight, he has to investigate the giant spaceship Bell Sherry II that Suzuki Jirokichi spent a lot of money to build overnight. The ship's route and internal structure diagram are too important for a thief who is going to steal.

Who can understand the frustration of a thief being forced to work overtime?

Conan analyzed for a long time how he saw through Kuroba Kaito's identity, but the thief on the other side didn't even look at him, but just concentrated on studying the combination lock while writing and drawing on paper.

Conan: ...

"Okay, it seems very complicated. Do you want my help?"

Touzi exhaled and relaxed his tense nerves a little.

"Do you see the door behind you? There are many marks of being pierced by something on the door, right?"

Conan nodded in confusion.

Kuroba Kaito: "That means, if the dial is not turned correctly..."

As he was talking, an arrow suddenly shot out from the mechanism on the vault door, brushing Conan's scalp and firmly nailing it to the door panel behind him.

Conan lay on the ground with cold sweat on his face, looking at the arrow still trembling on the door with a little horror.

Almost finished.

The little detective's embarrassed evasion seemed to entertain the full schedule of the thieves. He shrugged and said, "It's like this, so this kind of thing should be left to professionals."

Conan wiped his face silently.Cold sweat on my face, as expected, I am still better at catching thieves.

"Hey, do you think the floor here seems to be particularly new?"

Conan walked around the door of the vault twice, and suddenly found something out of place.

"Look, it's right here."

Kuroba Kaito tilted his head to look in the direction Conan pointed, and after a moment of distraction, his hand deflected a little more.

The wall above Conan's head moved away with a burst of machine amplification, and a huge black axe slammed heavily on the particularly new floor tile with a clang, splitting the floor tile into pieces.

Kuroba Kaito was quick-eyed and quick-handed. When the axe chopped down, he grabbed the little Corgi in his hand, so that he was not split into two by the axe.

Douzi: "It's worthy of being a vault built by a master of machinery. Now you know why this brick is so new."

Conan: ...

After almost being killed twice, Conan finally calmed down and stood quietly away from the vault, watching Kuroba Kaito fiddle with a bunch of props to try to unlock it.

Nishitama City

There was a slight movement from the building below Wakagi Ryo. A team of 7 armed men was divided into two groups and invaded the microbiology research institute in a well-trained manner - yes, this is another classic secret place in science that should be heavily guarded in theory, but in fact can be turned upside down at any time.

However, considering that Qinchan, with a driver, mascot and two pendants, can successfully rob a military base, this team of 7 armed men below is already a very luxurious lineup in the world of science.

Wakagi Ryo came here to confirm whether this illegal organization called Red Siamese Cat really eliminated all the bacteria inside the laboratory.

Although in the original plot, after this group of cat-like robbers hijacked Suzuki Jirokichi's spaceship, they used raw lacquer to disguise themselves as bacteria, making other people on the ship mistakenly think that they were infected.

However, due to a well-known factor, if one of these people had a bad idea and secretly put a little bit of bacteria with a mortality rate of up to 80% on the spaceship, you can imagine who the only unfortunate person who would be infected would be, right?

He is not afraid of the spaceship being blown up or crashing. At most, he will harm Douzi and let him complete the feat of holding the spaceship with one hand that he had not completed before. However, bacteria are invisible and invisible things. If there is any negligence, he will not be able to bear good consequences.

So, you'd better kill all the bacteria, otherwise...

Ruo Mu Liang raised his hand, and a large orange-yellow fireball flashed dangerously in his palm.

Otherwise, I can only humanely destroy you and the bacteria together.

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