What story did the shipwreck in the sky tell?

Ryo Wakagi sat down on the only leather recliner in the room without any hesitation. Kaito Kuroba, who was occupied by the chair, huddled in the corner with a grievance, holding the fluffy thing in his hand with a bitter face.

"So, do I really have to wear such a thing? I think my own hang glider is very useful, really!"

Ryo Wakagi nodded.

"Of course, if you don't want to jump from a spaceship and then a plane, and then be blown into the spaceship engine and crushed by the high-altitude wind pressure, I advise you to wear it."

Kaito Kuroba: !!!

"No, wait, is the spaceship going to have an accident again this time?!"

Touzi looked doubtful and glanced at the pile of information on the desk.

Didn't it say that Jiro Suzuki spent a huge amount of money to build it completely according to the standards of an air fortress, except that it was not equipped with heavy firepower weapons?

Think about the last time he stole the "gem of destiny", the captain and the co-pilot were poisoned, and he, a thief, was forced to fly the plane, and the plane was inexplicably struck by lightning.

If the little detective and his girlfriend were not reliable, and the professor gave the solution of "carrying the plane with one hand to land", Kuroba Kaito would feel socially dead just by imagining that scene.

This time he deliberately chose a spaceship that is much safer than an airplane, but why can't he escape the fate of a vehicle crash?

Do I have any special BUFF like a vehicle killer?

Douzi began to doubt his life for a while.

And Wakagi Ryo also slowly recalled the whole plot.

To put it simply, the mastermind hired a small team of mercenaries to perform an extremely lively drama in the bacteria laboratory, and left a few empty ampoules at the scene, making everyone think that they raided the laboratory and took away the bacteria with a very high mortality rate in the laboratory.

Afterwards, this group of cat-like mercenaries hijacked Suzuki Jirokichi's spaceship, controlled everyone on the ship, and deliberately used the Internet to spread rumors, causing panic in several cities where the spaceship passed.

Finally, taking advantage of the opportunity when most citizens were running for refuge, they stole a large number of national treasure-level Buddha statues from Nara Prefecture.

Don't think that Buddha statues are worthless. It is not too difficult to call for tens of millions of dollars for a national treasure-level Buddha statue in a foreign auction house.

If converted into Japanese yen, it can be 30 to 40 billion, which is worth several Gin's obsession. Not to mention that they are preparing to take more than one Buddha statue.


International professional mercenaries hijacked a spaceship of old, weak and disabled people, but there was no bloodshed. No matter how you think about it, it feels that this case is too simple. The crisis is more like playing house, which makes people feel no tension at all.

Ruo Mu Liang's fingers subconsciously flicked, and his heart was ready to make trouble.

Even if we don't adjust this event to the purgatory difficulty for the sake of Ran-chan and Tou-zi, we should at least have a difficult dungeon to live up to the pomp of the Son of the World, right?


Kuroba Kaito shook the thing in his hand that looked like the wings of an angel in Western mythology, and felt a hint of chill.

What, what's going on?

Wakagi Ryo: "The one in your hand is also a hang glider, but it's just a little more fluffy. The little pigeon still needs to get used to the feeling of wings."

Seeing that Kuroba Kaito was full of resistance, Wakagi Ryo changed the topic very nicely.

"Or you can fly by yourself."

Tou-zi's mouth twitched. Based on his understanding of the professor, the flying by himself in the other person's mouth must not be a simple meaning.

"In the form of a pigeon."

Kuroba Kaito: ...

I knew it!

The little pigeon immediately put on a smile, carefully put away the new hang glider that Wakagi Ryo handed to him, and said without any reluctance: "I like the new prop you gave me so much."

Wakagi Ryo patted Kuroba Kaito's shoulder with satisfaction. Look, he is also God's own son, so this one is much easier to worry about.


"Today we have invited Professor Ota, who specializes in bacteria, to explain to you..."

Because the red Siamese cats posted provocative messages on the Internet almost as soon as they blew up the laboratory, so the next morning, whether in newspapers or on TV, all the headlines were about this laboratory attack.

Poor old man Suzuki Jirokichi, he finally received the card sent by the real Kaito Kid, and the news on the front page was originally printed.

As soon as this news came out, major newspapers immediately re-layouted overnight, and Suzuki Jirokichi's dream of making headlines was shattered again.

The old man must be furious at this moment."Once infected by this bacteria, the body surface will first itch and develop rashes... The main route of infection is droplet transmission, and young children are particularly susceptible to infection..."

While the experts on the news were still talking, Wakaki Ryo looked at the little boy Conan next to him with a teasing look.

And Hattori Heiji, who was far away in Osaka, seemed to have the same idea as him, and directly teased on the phone: "Did you hear that, what is Conan going to do now that he has become a child?"


"Stop talking nonsense."

The little Corgi was somewhat angry and took the remote control and turned off the TV directly.

Wakaki Ryo leaned against the dining table calmly, drinking the fragrant coffee brewed by Ai-chan.

Because Suzuki Sonoko invited everyone, including the Teitan Three Fools, to go to Suzuki Jirokichi's giant spaceship to play together, Wakaki Ryo came to the doctor's house early this morning to gather and prepare to set off together later.

Conan: "Compared to the problem of bacteria, I want to know more about why the criminals attacked the laboratory."

Hattori on the other end of the phone agreed, "Indeed, if the other party's target is simply bacteria, they can sneak in and take away some of it. There is no need to detonate the bomb, not to mention that they deliberately spread the information on the Internet afterwards."

Wakamura Ryo finished his coffee happily and hinted intentionally or unintentionally.

"It feels like these people seem to emphasize that this dangerous bacteria is in my hands."

Conan was stunned for a moment, and a certain idea flashed through his mind, but this idea was fleeting, so fast that Conan did not catch it in the first time.

"By the way, brother Wakamura, have you heard of the Red Siamese Cat Organization?"

Wakamura Ryo rubbed Conan's forehead with a smile.

"I don't know much. More than ten years ago, this organization was quite famous. It organized many terrorist attacks against major conglomerates in Japan.

If I remember correctly, it seemed that it was Mr. Suzuki Jirokichi who provided a lot of help to the police, which led to the demise of this organization.

Now that the red Siamese cat has made a comeback, it is very likely that it will target the old man.

After all, with you on the spaceship, I always feel that the probability of nothing happening is infinitely close to zero."

Conan: ...

Is this called not knowing much? Brother Wakamu, even if you report the names and breeds of all the cats in the organization in the next second, I won't be surprised.

But: ...

"What do you mean because I am on the spaceship, Brother Wakamu, you are slandering! Personal attack!"

The little Corgi was angry and expressed his dissatisfaction, but this protest was easily suppressed by Wakamu Ryo with one hand.

"Conan, as a human being, you should know yourself~"

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