"Aa ... Xiaolan, Uncle Maori, the doctor, Huiyuan, everyone who stayed in the restaurant, all failed to escape the fate of infection, and everyone had more or less red rashes on their bodies.

If they could not get the answers they wanted from Fujioka Takamichi as quickly as possible and solve the symptoms of infection on their bodies, when the spacecraft arrived in Osaka according to the original route, they would definitely not be waiting for a warm and friendly welcome.

So, Conan turned his head against his conscience and selectively became blind and deaf.

"There is really no virus, it's all fake! I personally went into the cryogenic storage room, checked the number of viruses in stock, and blew them all up after confirming that they were correct!"

Fujioka Takamichi was obviously broken by the small mechanism that was strengthened by more than 100 million points. The original little bit of the big boss behind the scenes was now completely gone.

Wakagi Ryo sighed a little helplessly.

"Can you guarantee that in the entire laboratory building, only the cryogenic room is used to store bacterial samples?"

Fujioka Takamichi:?

"Did you go to the site before the operation?"

Fujioka Takashi: ? ?

"If a small amount of bacterial samples were lost before you took action, would you have noticed it immediately?"

Fujioka Takashi: ? ? ?

"That is to say, even if your men hid a small jar of bacterial samples without telling you, you would not know it at all, right?"

Fujioka Takashi: ...

"Tsk, a half-baked layman."

Wakagi Ryo knocked out Fujioka Takashi, who had begun to doubt his life, with a knife, and turned his head with a tragic expression on his face, looking at Conan.

"It can be seen that he really knows nothing."

"At the current speed of the spacecraft, it will take about half an hour to arrive in Osaka. If there is no way to solve the problem of deadly bacteria during this time, then it will really be..."

"Give up, there is no hope, wait for death."

Wakagi Ryo shrugged, with a broken jar look, put his hands in his pockets, and left the sky observation deck.

Conan and Kaito Kidd were left looking at each other in bewilderment.

"Little detective, think about your last words while there is still time."

Wakagi Ryo's voice came from afar, and Kuroba Kaito put his fist against his lips, fearing that he would laugh accidentally.

"Ahem, I... I'll look for clues again."


Conan's dictionary obviously does not have the word "give up", but even if he interrogated everyone brought by Fujioka Takamichi on the spacecraft every minute, he could not find out who brought the deadly virus to the spacecraft.

As time passed, the people on the spacecraft who had previously shown symptoms of infection had more or less increased body temperature.

The words of the bacteria expert in the earlier news once again appeared in Conan's mind.

After being infected with bacteria, a rash will first appear on the skin, followed by an increase in body temperature, signs of fever, and finally... finally, death.

Conan, who had also developed a rash on his body, returned to the restaurant in silence, looking at Ran Maori, who was leaning against Sonoko, with a large area of ​​redness on her neck and arms, and even her consciousness was a little blurred.


Ran held Sonoko's hand with one hand, and tightly held her mobile phone with the other hand.

Conan's lips moved, and he was about to respond.

Ever since he was poisoned by the Black Organization and turned back into an elementary school student, he didn't want to drag Xiaolan down, so even though he stayed at the Maori Detective Agency, he never told Xiaolan the truth of the matter.

But, if everyone is going to die here, then is there any point in continuing to hide it?

Is it true that, at the last moment of life, Xiaolan has to wait for Shinichi who will never come back?One?

In a corner outside the restaurant, Kuroba Kaito quietly poked his head out to observe the situation inside the restaurant, and then turned to look at Wakaki Ryo, who had returned to his professor's vest.

"So, professor, are you sure you have solved the problem of bacterial infection, right?"

Wakaki Ryo nodded.

"After all, these people have been infected. Even if I saved their lives, the immune system in the human body will fight with the remaining bacteria, causing the body temperature to rise. It is inevitable.

Wait for a while, and after their fever subsides, they will be fine."

Kuroba Kaito, who is not specialized in medicine, touched his hat and did not raise any other questions.

Wakaki Ryo's main point is to speak out, while Kuroba Kaito's main point is unconditional trust.

"So, professor, why didn't you tell the little detective the truth?"

Wakagi Ryo said seriously: "To let him learn the overall view and the aftermath."

"Whether it is Kudo Shinichi or Edogawa Conan, for him, as long as the case is solved, it seems that the matter can be solved. Even in some completely inappropriate occasions, the first reaction of this little detective is to tell the reasoning process first.

But the reality is very complicated. This kind of reasoning = everything is better to change it."

"This incident is so simple that there is almost no case. When Fujioka Takamichi killed the bearded man, there was even an eyewitness at the scene. It can be said that there is almost no need for reasoning.

However, the murder case has been solved, the poisoning case has also been solved, has the problem been solved?"

Kuroba Kaito looked silently at all the people staggering in the restaurant.

Almost everyone has rashes of different sizes on their bodies. The two mercenaries with more serious conditions have even been burned to the point of unconsciousness.

If the professor hadn't boarded the spaceship this time, what would have happened to these people...

"Of course, the most important thing is..."

"The most important thing?"

Kuroba Kaito followed curiously.

"The most important thing is, I really want to know, in this situation where he is sure to die, whether our famous detective Kudo Shinichi will tell the truth to his girlfriend."


So after talking for a long time, the main purpose is to watch the show, right?

Kuroba Kaito despised himself in his heart.

I'm so stupid, really, I actually believed the long speeches that the professor said before. It's clear that he is a person with bad taste!

"Xiaolan, actually..."

At this moment, Conan in the restaurant silently took off his glasses, lowered his head, and gently held Xiaolan's hand holding the phone.

"Actually, I am..."

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