In the corner, Wakagi Ryo looked up and down at Kuroba Kaito who had disguised himself as Kudo Shinichi, and touched his chin thoughtfully.

"So, why do you carry the same school uniform of Teitan High School with you?"

Kuroba Kaito said with a smile: "Kudo Shinichi is a rare identity that can be impersonated without disguise. It is so easy to use. Of course, you must be prepared to switch identities at any time."

He is a professional at passing the buck!

Again, what does Kudo Shinichi's imprisonment have to do with him, Kuroba Kaito?

Wakagi Ryo nodded, showing a gratified smile of a teachable child.

Not bad, not bad, the little pigeon has a very promising future.

"So, do you really want to do this? It's not a good thing to keep that girl in the dark."

Touzi's expression was obviously a little hesitant.

Wakagi Ryo asked a question with a smile.

"Which do you think is more tragic, that the person died but the money was not spent, or that the person did not die but the money was spent?"

Kuroba Kaito: "Eh?"

Conan decided to confess now, just because he thought everyone was going to die soon.

But it won't be long before he finds out that the bacteria are fake and no one is in danger of death.

The kind of situation where a doctor sentenced him to death, so he spent all his savings to enjoy the last days of his life, but in the end it turned out to be a misdiagnosis... The little corgi's expression would probably be very interesting.

"Besides, Xiaolan is not stupid. For some things, she is just waiting for an explanation."

Inside the restaurant

"Actually, I am... I am Kudo Shinichi."

Ran Maoli, whose consciousness was a little fuzzy, opened her eyes after hearing the name Kudo Shinichi and looked at the little corgi standing in front of her.

Perhaps out of protection for the Son of the World, in the entire restaurant, except for Wakaki Ryo and Kuroba Kaito who were eavesdropping, only Xiaolan could barely stay awake.

"Shin, Shinichi?"


Ran Maori's confused eyes first fell on Conan, then passed Conan and looked behind him.

Conan: ? ? ?

Thinking of a habitual hacker on the ship, Conan turned his head suddenly, and sure enough, he saw a "Kudo Shinichi" in school uniform standing not far behind him.

Conan: ...

"Shinichi, you're okay... That's great."

After saying this, Ran Maori seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Conan quickly stuffed a pillow under Ran Maori's neck, preventing her head from hitting the wooden carvings on the back of the sofa.

Kuroba Kaito saw the little detective coming over aggressively, and the electric light on his shoes began to flash. He immediately took out a small mirror and pushed it in front of Conan's eyes.

Conan: ...

Looking at the face of himself in the mirror, which was covered with rashes and almost unrecognizable by his own mother, Conan silently closed his mouth.

If he really had to die, it would not be appropriate to destroy his image in Xiaolan's heart with such a disfigured face.

"There is good news."

Wakagi Ryo had seen enough of the show, and appeared from behind Kuroba Kaito, handing over a small spray bottle with a small amount of soil on it.

"Dig it out from the potted plant in the corner of the restaurant."

"In addition, there is this thing, which was searched from the host named Nishitani Kasumi."

Kuroba Kaito:?

"Why didn't I notice that the female host had something hidden on her body?"

Wakagi Ryo: "Tsk, it's not suitable for children, don't ask for the details."

Wakagi Ryo stuffed a card that Conan was very familiar with and a spray bottle into his hand. While Conan was still in a daze, Wakagi Ryo patted Touzi's shoulder very naturally.

"Since the matter is over, I will leave first."

After saying that, Wakamura Ryo opened the window beside the restaurant and jumped down in front of Conan's confused eyes.

When Conan and Kuroba Kaito completely disappeared from sight, Wakamura Ryo's figure also slowly dissipated into the air like bubbles.

On the spaceship

Conan stared blankly at the gradient card in his hand, and then suddenly came back to his senses.

Of course, ordinary detectives would not be so slow, but when relatives and friends are facing the threat of death, he can't help but be concerned.

Now, when he saw the assistant of the thief leave without a care, and the thief Kid himself did not have the slightest sense of panic that his life was coming to an end, how could he not react.

"You, you already knew that the existence of bacteria was fake?!"

Kuroba Kaito blinked, leaned down with his height advantage, and poked Conan becauseAllergic and red cheeks.

"Isn't the main method of a magician to deceive the audience, little detective?"

Before Conan could react, Kuroba Kaito changed back into the uniform of Kaito Kid in a second, and a small ball rolled out of his hand. Thick smoke immediately blocked Conan's sight. When the smoke dissipated, Kaito Kid had disappeared in front of Conan.


"What's going on, Conan?"

Wakagi Ryo's voice came from behind Conan again. Of course, this time he had changed back to his own identity, and was no longer Mr. Kaito's magic assistant.

Conan: ...

Although he knew rationally that this Wakagi brother in front of him was probably real, but thinking of Fujioka Takamichi who was screaming while hanging on the sky observation deck not long ago, and a bad guy who was wearing Wakagi Ryo's skin a few minutes ago, Conan still subconsciously took two steps back.

Well, what if the other party just pretended to jump off the spaceship and then repeated the same trick?

Wakagi Ryo tilted his head in confusion, then skillfully reached out and grabbed Conan's forehead.

Ah, this familiar technique, it must be Brother Wakagi.

"This card?"

Wakagi Ryo pretended to be just out of the medical room and didn't know anything, and asked blankly. ,

Conan glanced at the gradient currency card in his hand, with a gloomy face, "It's the people in the casino who are behind it. That Nishitani Kasumi is openly Fujioka Takamichi's subordinate, but secretly, she should also be a casino dealer or something else.

Maybe this time, they are betting on things like 'whether the Suzuki family's spaceship will be shot down by the government because of deadly bacteria'."

While Wakagi Ryo switched identities, Conan had already filled in all the details in his mind.

Wakagi Ryo was silent for two seconds, and then showed an expression that seemed to be relieved.

"That's at least good news."

Conan: ? ? ?

"Although we don't know much about casinos, if we change our perspective, those who have the leisure to gamble other people's lives and lives may not want to become a limiting condition on the gambling table one day.

Bacteria that can kill people invisibly, such as this time, are also a great threat to those people.

I'm afraid they will not allow such things to really flow into the market. So, although everyone has more or less symptoms of infection, they should not be in danger of life."

Conan: ...

Wakamu brother is still Wakamu brother. It only took him two seconds to see the truth of the matter. Unlike him, he was fooled by Kaito Kidd and his hateful assistant for more than half an hour!

Damn it! ! !

"Don't worry too much. Didn't the news say that if you are really infected with this bacteria, you will die within three hours at the shortest?"

"It has been almost four hours since I showed symptoms of infection. I was lucky enough not to die on the spot, so this bacteria must be fake!"

Conan: ...

Ah, what you said makes sense, Ruomu brother, I can't even find room for rebuttal.

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