Brother Ruomu is a patient with a fever, and we have to find a way to comfort him. This is really...

Conan was moved for a while, helped Ruomu Liang sit down, and took the time to look at Nishitani Kasumi and others who were imprisoned in the storage room next to the restaurant.

Before losing consciousness, Nakamori Ginzo separated these dangerous elements from the old, weak and disabled in the restaurant and imprisoned them in a dark storage room.

At this time, Nishitani Kasumi was obviously also drowsy with fever, and it was obvious that she could not get much information.

So after giving the female host a shot of anesthetic, Conan turned back to the restaurant, filled a large basin of cold water, and physically cooled down the other people who fell asleep in the restaurant one by one.

Although there were few people who could still stand on the spaceship, including the staff and passengers. Fortunately, the spaceship built by Suzuki Jirokichi at a huge cost has a very excellent automatic driving system, so there is no need for the busy little Corgi to try to drive the spaceship with his bare hands.

"You'd better call Hattori first and ask him to tell Uncle Heizo about the specific situation on the spacecraft, otherwise a spacecraft full of deadly bacteria is unlikely to land safely in Osaka."

After saying this, Wakagi Ryo took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Amuro Toru.

The Suzuki family, the Osaka Police Headquarters and the Public Security Bureau worked together. Some politicians with brain problems can't just launch nuclear bombs with their eyes closed.

It turns out that such measures are still very useful.

Although the spacecraft still did not get permission to land directly at the Osaka airport, there were still several helicopters hovering and patrolling over the temporary landing site, but at least they didn't open fire directly when they came up.

After physical cooling, the healthy old man Suzuki Jiroji woke up quickly. After listening to Conan's abridged version of the narration, he took the initiative to contact the doctor and asked someone to prepare a full set of medical equipment to give everyone on the spacecraft a comprehensive physical examination.

Generally speaking, few people are willing to do such life-threatening things, but the Suzuki family gave too much!

The doctor, wearing a protective suit and wrapped himself tightly, thought about the amount of money he had just received, swallowed nervously, and his eyes gradually became firm.

With this money, he can buy a spacious house; send his son to a better school; get rid of a stupid director in the hospital and open a private clinic...

Even if he unfortunately passed away, this money would be enough for his family to live comfortably for several lifetimes.

Let's do it!

The doctor took the full set of airdropped equipment and conscientiously performed various tests on everyone on the spacecraft, including Fujioka Takamichi.

"Mr. Suzuki, the test result is negative. Apart from the mild dehydration caused by excessive sweating, everyone is in very good health.

Oh, Mr. Maori's liver function is a little poor, so it is best to limit drinking.

However, the longest incubation time of this kind of bacteria can reach 72 hours, so everyone still needs to stay on the spacecraft for the next period of time until the risk is completely confirmed to be zero."

Suzuki Jirokichi nodded, and did not mean to embarrass the doctor.

It's just three days on the spacecraft. Judging from the supplies prepared by Suzuki Jirokichi before departure, let alone supporting the consumption of so many people for three days, it is more than enough for a few more days.

Moreover, the captured mercenaries on the ship don't need to be treated too well, as long as they don't starve to death!

The vengeful old man muttered to himself for a while, then turned around and arranged the rations for the next few days with the person in charge of logistics.


Sky Observation Deck

Mauri Ran leaned on the railing alone, staring at the gem in the center of the observation deck in a daze.

In the shadows of the corner of the observation deck, two people, one big and one small, squatted quietly, secretly observing the situation.

"Hey, don't you like to steal my account? Go!"

Conan grabbed Kuroba Kaito, who was dressed as a waiter beside him. As a dove of peace, although he knew that the professor had solved the problem of bacterial infection, he would not just walk away before confirming that everyone was safe.

In case of any emergency, he could contact the professor to come back and save the situation.

Anyway, the school is on vacation these days.

However, after the disguise, Touzi didn't walk around for two rounds before he was pulled out by Wakagi Ryo who was always on the small map, and then Conan pulled him into service.

Kuroba Kaito pulled Conan's hand away expressionlessly.

"Actually, I am Kudo Shinichi."

Touzi imitated Conan's voice and expression perfectly, and looked at Conan with a little teasing, his cheeks flushed because of social death, and even a little angry."Although this is a private matter between you and your girlfriend, do you really intend to keep it a secret from her?"

Conan glared at Kuroba Kaito with his eyes slanted.

"Then you shouldn't have shown up at that time and let Xiaolan see 'Kudo Shinichi'! Besides, do you dare to tell your true identity to the people around you?"

Although Conan didn't know the true identity of Kaito Kid under the vest, he was sure that the real age of this Kaito Kid second generation was not much different from his big age.

Toko: ...

Let alone others, Inspector Nakamori would probably be so angry that he would chase him ten blocks and then send him to prison. And Aoko might bring a whole fish feast to visit him in prison and force it into his mouth.

Tsk, it's really scary.

But I'm much better than Kudo Shinichi. I only need to wait for a year at most. After the professor gets rid of the gang in the zoo, the identity of Kaito Kid can disappear forever in Tokyo, and finally become a legendary story or some kind of urban ghost story in people's mouths.

Even if Kudo Shinichi, who had taken the unknown poison, could defeat the illegal organization that turned him into an elementary school student, he might not be able to smoothly turn back into the original high school detective.

Kuroba Kaito glanced at Conan with a hint of superiority, not knowing what a long year he would have to go through.

"I'm leaving you a way out, detective."

"Because you thought you were going to die, you were ready to tell the whole truth, but later you found out that you couldn't die. How are you going to end it?"

Conan was obviously even angrier. He pushed Kuroba Kaito hard and lowered his voice with gritted teeth.

"Then you should have told me that the bacteria were fake at the beginning!"

"So who is responsible for this situation now?!"

It's the professor!

Kuroba Kaito quickly passed the buck, and then changed out of his waiter uniform in a second and put on the same school uniform of Teitan High School.


After hearing the noise here, Xiaolan turned her head subconsciously and met Kuroba Kaito's sight.


Kuroba Kaito quickly entered the state and slowly walked to Xiaolan's side.

"Don't worry too much, Uncle Maori and the others are very optimistic about the examination. As long as we wait for 72 hours, we can leave the spaceship."

Xiaolan lowered her head and didn't look at Kuroba Kaito beside her.

"You are Kaito Kidd, right?"

The smile on Touzi's face froze for a second. It's okay that the black-haired cartoonist and Kudo Shinichi can see through me, but now any high school girl can see through my disguise of Kaito Kidd?

"Of course not, Ran, if you can't, you can try it. I'm definitely not in disguise."

Touzi pinched his face and moved closer to let Maori Ran see it clearly. On the other side, the little Corgi hiding in the shadows gnashed his teeth at the distance between Kaito Kidd and Xiaolan.

Xiaolan glanced at Touzi's slightly red face. In order to be truthful, Touzi was a little ruthless to herself.

"Actually, it's just because you look like Shinichi. I remember that some time ago, I saw a boy who looked like Shinichi on the street.

At Wakagi-kun's autograph session, I also met a high school student who looked like Shinichi. I almost made a mistake at that time."

Kuroba Kaito's body stiffened.

How to say it, you are really true!

Xiaolan raised her smiling face, "Anyway, thank you for your kindness. So this time, I won't tell Inspector Nakamori.

Of course, the premise is that you don't touch the gems."

Kuroba Kaito blinked and sighed silently.

Sure enough, the professor was right. This girl is quite smart.

Kuroba Kaito leaned against the railing silently, maintaining a safe social distance with Mao Lilan, and quietly accompanied Mao Lilan on the sky observation deck for a long time.

A few minutes later, Xiaolan politely said goodbye to Toko and walked slowly towards the elevator.


Conan looked at Kuroba Kaito who was still on the observation deck with fear, and then looked at Xiaolan who seemed to have no unusual expression, and was a little doubtful.


"Is that Shinichi brother?"

Xiaolan stopped and looked down at Conan. Because the light was behind her, Conan couldn't see Maoli Ran's expression for a while.

After a few seconds of silence, Xiaolan nodded to Conan.

"Yes, Shinichi, he secretly boarded the ship to track down those people. It seems that he is involved in a very complicated case. He asked me not to tell Inspector Nakamori and the others.

He will leave soon."

Conan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, took Xiaolan's hand, and spoke in the tone of an elementary school student.Said.

"Then let's go back to the restaurant quickly. Sister Sonoko was looking for you just now."



"You just called me Xiaolan?"

Conan: !!!

"Well, that..."

Xiaolan squatted down, helped Conan straighten his collar, and smiled gently.

"Really, Conan-kun, you have to call me Sister Xiaolan."

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