The truth is, the truth is that ... …

The above text needs to be recited and written down in dictation (bushi)

Wakagi Ryo, wearing a Sangria vest, glanced in the direction of Dorobiga Tropical Park. At this time, it should be the roller coaster murder case, so the countdown to Kudo Shinichi becoming small can begin.

Gin and Vodka, two big men, rode the roller coaster with cold faces. I don’t know if they will remain silent or shout a few times to suit the situation. And when the roller coaster is upside down, will Gin’s hat fall down with gravity, and his long hair will be all over his face...

Ah, I really want to go to the scene to see it.

Wakagi Ryo lowered his head and took a sip of the sweet coffee.

It was a mistake. It would be better to order black coffee.

His task today was to monitor the meeting between Shirley and her sister Miyano Akemi.

Originally, with Shirley’s status in the research group, it didn’t take so much trouble to meet her only relative. However, two years ago, after joining the organization as Akemi Miyano's boyfriend and obtaining the code name of Rye Whiskey, Dai Moroboshi was found to be an FBI undercover.

Both Shirley and Akemi Miyano were under 24-hour surveillance.

Even if Shirley had not threatened to die several times, Akemi Miyano would have been dealt with by Gin long ago.

However, during this period, the progress of drug A was satisfactory, so Shirley, who was almost driven crazy, finally got a little free space and was allowed to meet Akemi Miyano for a limited few hours under the surveillance of the code members.

This time, it happened to be Sangria who was in charge of the supervision task.

The two sisters had not seen each other for a long time, so naturally they had a lot to say.

Ryo Ruomu sat down diagonally opposite them, ordered a cup of coffee to kill time, and because the baby-faced look was very pleasing, the loving proprietress also specially fed a small piece of chocolate cake.

To be honest, this cake is delicious, not too sweet, and the slight bitterness blends perfectly with the aroma of cocoa. I'm going to buy it.

"Hey, we're going to the mall."

Shirley greeted Ruo Mu Liang with a cold face.

Ruo Mu Liang was not surprised. Since her relationship with Gin fell to the freezing point and she was under the supervision of the organization all the time, Shirley's favorability towards all code members has basically dropped to the "disgust" level.

Moreover, Sangria, the vest, has sent a lot of live test subjects to the laboratory over the years, making the little girl who is extremely disgusted with human experiments even more annoyed when she sees him.

It is estimated that the status of this vest in Shirley's heart can even compete with Gin for the last place.

"Oh, let's go."

Ruo Mu Liang didn't say much, got up and paid the bill, and stood at the door of the coffee shop waiting for the Miyano sisters to leave.

The sisters were stunned for a while.

In the past, the people in charge of surveillance would not only go shopping in the mall, but would also be eager to use a stopwatch, so that they could carry Shirley and pack her up and take her away as soon as the time was up.

Miyano Akemi was not a code member, and she had been marginalized in the past two years. Naturally, she didn't know how notorious "Sangria" was in the organization, so she asked tentatively: "When do you plan to take Shiho back?"

Wakagi Ryo looked down at the watch and said with a smile: "Gin was in a hurry to go on a mission and didn't explain it clearly. I don't have anything to do today. I'll go back around 7 o'clock in the evening. It's just right for you to have dinner together."

The eyes of the Miyano sisters lit up.

It was only one o'clock in the afternoon, and they still had 6 hours to go shopping, watch a movie, and then find a high-end restaurant with a nice environment to have dinner. There was more than enough time!

Women's clothing area on the second floor.

The two sisters took turns going in and out of the fitting room with a lot of clothes. Wakagi Ryo chose a position that was convenient for viewing the whole scene and waiting, and by the way, they enjoyed the dressing show of the two beauties.

At this moment, there was a sudden cry from behind.

A flying fire extinguisher flew straight to his face.

Yes, that's right, a flying fire extinguisher.

Next to where he was standing happened to be a fire cabinet built into the wall. A man in work clothes seemed to be doing a routine inspection. After opening the cabinet door, he didn't know what magical position he pressed, and the slot that fixed the fire extinguisher suddenly fell off, causing the fire extinguisher to fall to the ground, and then accidentally loosened a part somewhere.

After that, the fiery red fire extinguisher can, in full view of everyone, sprayed white powder and flew up with the recoil force, aiming directly at Ruo Muliang's face.

It's really out of the ordinary!

Ordinary people will never see or even think of such scenes in their lifetime. Ruo Muliang will inevitably encounter them five, six, seven or eight times as long as he goes out.

Moreover, there are quite a few people in the store, including the clerks and customers. This fire extinguisher just happened to be installed with navigation and recognized Ruo Muliang.

It's a clear attitude, hey, I'm targeting you.


Fortunately, nothing went wrong while watching the movie. The only problem was that the movie was too boring. Ruo Mu Liang felt sleepy and had to connect the magic mark on Gin and use the "all-seeing eye" to watch the live broadcast of Gin's first-person perspective.

I, Gin, committed a crime live, so hurry up and send money!

For dinner, the two sisters chose a high-end barbecue restaurant with good reviews in food magazines and ordered a small private room.

The small cakes that filled their stomachs in the afternoon had been digested completely at this point. The stomach was empty and urgently needed food.

Ruo Mu Liang looked eagerly at the beautiful young lady in kimono who brought up an oversized tray.

There were three pieces of seaweed on the tray, three pieces of meat cut into 3-finger-sized pieces, and enough sea urchin.

The young lady knelt on the ground gracefully, turned on the oven in the middle of the table, picked up the thin and crispy seaweed on the tray and started to bake it in the middle of the boiler.

Ah, even the seaweed has to be baked freshly. Can I eat this dish in half an hour?

However, it turns out that Ruo Muliang is still too young. How can a dish in Japanese specialty restaurants take more than half an hour to cook?

After baking the seaweed sheets, the young lady held the warm seaweed sheets in her palms, and skillfully used a small spatula to place the meat slices and sea urchins on the seaweed sheets. The whole process was smooth and elegant, and it took less than half a minute.

The only problem is that the meat is raw.

Ruo Muliang: ...

He put down his chopsticks silently.

Although Ruo Muliang's body is a native of Japan, his core is from the country of flower growers, a country of gourmet food.

First of all, he respects the different eating habits and customs in different places, but some things are just not accustomed to eating.

And Ruo Muliang is sure that with his luck, after eating this meal of raw meat, he may have diarrhea the next day and have to go to the anorectal department for treatment.

The Miyano sisters on the other side were quite receptive. That's right, these two are the real natives from the body to the core.

Ruo Mu Liang saw that the sisters were quite happy eating, and silently pushed his portion over.

A tall chef came in with the second dish.

A small plate was served to each of the three people, and on the plate was a piece of extremely fresh mackerel.

The chef took out a small plate, brushed a thin layer of oil on the surface of the fish, and then raised the spray gun and started to cremate it on the spot, no, it was grilled.

After grilling for about 10 seconds, the skin of the fish was already very crispy, and the unique sweet aroma of seafood was faintly emitted. The chef cut a small piece of fresh lemon, squeezed out the lemon juice and sprinkled it on the fish, bowed to a few people, and then made a gesture of please use it and left the private room.

For those who like to eat raw seafood, this dish should be quite good, combining the warm and crispy skin with the cool and chewy fish meat. The freshness of the seafood and the sourness of the lemon juice are also quite a wonderful taste experience.

Of course, he doesn't know how it tastes, the above comments come from Ms. Miyano Akemi.

Wakagi Ryo poked the fish with chopsticks, and immediately felt a wild and natural smell of the sea (referring to the fishy smell), and wisely didn't eat a bite.

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