The chicken breast was cooked in a medium rare way.

At this time, Akemi Miyano also found that Ryo Wakagi probably didn't like to eat raw food, and her expression was a little embarrassed.

However, in such high-end restaurants, the set menus are all set by the chef of the day based on the ingredients of the day, and the dishes are not allowed to be changed at will.


The third dish, chicken breast with wasabi sauce.

This dish is better than the previous two, at least it can be medium rare. It means that the chicken breast cut into pieces is half cooked on the outside and half not cooked on the inside.

Has Tokyo's economy been so bad?

Can a star-rated barbecue restaurant not afford charcoal or electricity? Is this a moral decline or a distortion of human nature?

If the conditions are really so difficult, he can call Gin to borrow some explosives to make the place hot after Gin completes the century KPI for Conan's launch.

Let's say, since your dishes are all raw, why call it a barbecue restaurant! !

Dinner time passed in silence, and Akemi Miyano felt quite embarrassed and apologetic. When others supervised her several times before, she and her sister had a fixed meeting time of two hours, and they were not allowed to stay for a second longer.

However, today, the boy risked being punished and gave them an extra afternoon to spend together. But because of her negligence, she was hungry all night.

On the other hand, Shirley ate quite satisfactorily.

After the trip to Mermaid Island, she had a clear understanding of the danger of Sangria. In the past few years, the most common words associated with Sangria heard from the captives sent here were cruel, terrible, and devil.

There were even many people crying and wailing on the test bench, preferring to die rather than see the baby-faced demon again.

In her heart, Sangria was second only to Gin in terms of dislike.

Of course, if Ruo Muliang heard these comments, he would feel a little aggrieved.

Because it was clear that these extras who didn't deserve the name had no chance of survival, they were disposable consumables, so they must be used to the fullest before being scrapped, and as much emotion value as possible must be squeezed out.

So he just showed them a few terrifying illusions before sending them to the laboratory.

For example, Silent Hill PT, Escape, Zero Series, the first-person super-simulation experience version.

Frugal and frugal.JPG.

The kind-hearted little girl would not have such a dark idea of ​​"letting him die", but it wouldn't be a big deal if he went hungry.

Thinking of this, Shirley even felt a little joy that the prank was successful.

Ruo Muliang:? ?

Inexplicably, I received 8,000 joy points from Shirley.

Are these raw things so delicious?

The finale was top-grade Wagyu beef, with the chef's carefully prepared soup.

It was still the beautiful sister in kimono, who picked up a piece of beef slice with beautiful texture in an elegant posture, dipped it lightly in the slightly boiling soup pot, and then served it on a plate.

Are you afraid of contaminating the soup or scalding the meat?

I am more familiar with cows than you are with a few words of home!

There was not even a single edible dish for dinner. Ruo Muliang couldn't tell for a moment whether it was just bad luck or he really didn't understand the food culture of Japan.

Jingguang! Save me!

Fortunately, in addition to Shirley, Miyano Akemi also continuously provided a lot of emotion points. The 2.8 skill points contributed by the two sisters finally made the hungry Ruo Muliang feel a little comforted.

After finishing this agonizing dinner, Ruo Mu Liang called a car to take Miyano Akemi back to her residence safely, and then randomly selected a nearby peripheral member from the address book to drive over to pick him and Shirley up.

After returning to the institute, the peripheral member tactfully stepped on the accelerator and left.

As Ruo Mu Liang and Shirley entered the door, they saw Gin's gloomy face and the black muzzle of the gun.

"What's wrong, Senior Gin?"

Ruo Mu Liang asked with a smile, stretched out his finger and poked the muzzle of the gun, deflecting it.

Gin bit the cigar in his mouth, and his whole body was filled with an impatient breath.

This kid is less and less afraid of him.

Vodka on the side was very tactful and took Shirley away first, so as not to bump into the muzzle of the big brother later.

"Why are you back so late?"

Ruo Mu Liang blinked and said innocently: "Senior didn't say what time it was.

I came back, so I took them shopping, watched a movie, and had dinner. "

"I remember warning you, don't! Do! Extra things!"

Gin poked the muzzle of the gun at Wakagi Ryo's temple, gritted his teeth, and said word by word.

Shopping and watching movies, he didn't believe that this little lunatic would be so kind.

"Okay, okay, I still can't hide it from Gin senior."

Wakagi Ryo ducked and slipped away from Gin's gun, sighing helplessly.

"I thought that with such a long time, plus my face that would make people who are not familiar with me let down their guard, she would find an opportunity to secretly contact Akai Shuichi. Otherwise, how could she take Shirley away and escape from the control of the organization?"

"What did you say? "

Gin narrowed his eyes, and a terrifying light flashed in his dark green pupils.

"When she took Shirley to the mall, she deliberately chose the busiest store, thinking that she could cover up the noise with the voices. She also changed her original clothes in the dressing room to block the possible monitoring equipment. I don't know what they said. "

Gin put away the pistol, lit the cigar he had been holding with a lighter, and took a deep breath.


"Then her words seemed to reveal that as long as she could take Shirley to the United States safely, she would definitely be able to escape the control of the organization. Apart from Akai Shuichi and the FBI, I can't think of where she got the confidence from. "

Gin snorted coldly and muttered something silently.

Ruo Mu Liang reasonably suspected that it was Aria~ Akai Shuichi


"Two years after her defection, Miyano Akemi was able to successfully contact Akai Shuichi. From this point of view, Akai Shuichi might still have some feelings for her. After all, she is also a great beauty. So, if I send Shuichi Akai some odd and endowed local specialties, will he be very happy?

That shot almost blew my head off back then."

Wakagi Ryo tilted his head and smiled with curved eyebrows.

"I always think Miyano Akemi has beautiful hands and nice eyes."

Gin: ...

So, I'm not interested in your weird hobby of collecting!

"Brother, Shirley is back to the lab safely. This is the report she asked me to bring to you."

Vodka trotted back with a disk.

Gin took back the disk, took out his phone and started sending messages. Hearing the sound of the keys, he guessed that it was sent to the boss.

Wakagi Ryo smiled and approached Vodka.

"You've worked hard, Vodka. Have you had dinner?"

Vodka touched his forehead innocently. He said, "Not yet. Brother and I are going to have a midnight snack later."

"Let's have a midnight snack together. "

Ruo Muliang's eyes lit up. He had just been through the torture of those high-end barbecues and was now hungry.

"Humph, this is a place for adults, why are you, a kid, joining in the fun?"

After sending the email, Gin snorted coldly and looked up and down at Ruo Muliang with a mocking look.

"I'm 20!"

"Do you want me to find you a mirror, kid?"

Ah, Ruo Muliang, who was disguised as a baby face, couldn't refute it.

"Get in the car."


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