In the room, the two Miyano sisters, who were forced to watch the whole process of Vermouth and Sangria persecuting Akai Mari, looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Akai... is Shuichi Akai's mother, and also our aunt, right?"

I don't know how Sangria did it. When they watched the video, they used the perspective of God, so the two sisters clearly saw that the moment before Akai Mari completely sank into the lake, her clothes suddenly disappeared.

Huihara Ai, who had also taken drug A, realized almost immediately that Akai Mari was very likely to have become a child like her and Conan.

Just when Huihara Ai wanted to get closer to take a closer look, the TV screen that had played the video suddenly went black again.

The black screen just reflected Huihara Ai's speechless face.

Then, the cabinet under the TV also popped open halfway.

Revealing two brand new mobile phones, a bank card, and a considerable stack of cash.

The black mobile phone at the top lit up the screen with the time. Ai Huihara, who happened to be standing in front of the cabinet, could clearly see the message on the phone.

[The new little white mouse is about to be in place, have fun during the holiday~]

Ai Huihara:...

With this sexy wave number, you don't need to think to know that the message must be from Sangria.

Ai Huihara, who was already numb, silently took out the mobile phone, cash and bank card from the drawer. Probably because she was afraid that it would be difficult for the two of them to take them, there was also a women's handbag in the back half of the cabinet.

Ai Huihara took out the bag with a =.= expression. Wow, it was a new model from P.

She roughly counted the cash, about 20,000 pounds. If they didn't buy any luxury goods, this cash would be enough for all their food and accommodation expenses for the next few days.

Akemi Miyano stood behind Ai Huihara and saw everything in the cabinet. There was a second of confusion on her face.

"I don't know what happened, but it's pretty thoughtful."

Ai Huihara: "It should be prepared by Sangria."

Aki Miyano: ...

Aki Miyano took a deep breath and praised him against her conscience, "Excluding a creepy hobby, he is actually quite friendly. Look, he even prepared money to buy you a bag."

She shook the bank card in her hand. There was a small note on the back of the card with the password.

Just after they packed up everything, there was a click at the door, and the locked door opened in time, revealing the lively street outside.

This scene even gave Ai Huihara the illusion that "you can run away directly."

Aki Miyano gently touched the head of her miniature sister, put on her handbag, and then bent down to pick up Ai Huihara.

Ai, who was caught off guard, subconsciously hugged Akemi Miyano's neck and called her sister in a bit of a panic.

"Isn't it a holiday? Where do you want to go?"

Miyano Akemi is not stupid. After experiencing the 1 billion yen trap of Gin, she clearly realized that the reason why Sangria was not afraid of them taking the opportunity to escape was because the other party had countless ways to find them.

And she seemed to have become a burden to her sister again.

Miyano Akemi touched Huihara Ai's hair distressedly, "It must be very hard, Shiho."

I'm sorry, it's my sister who didn't protect you well.

Huihara Ai pursed her lips and slowly leaned on Miyano Akemi's shoulder.

"Actually... it's okay."

Huihara Ai gradually lost herself in her sister's arms and completed a self-PUA very quickly.

She likes scientific research and enjoys every failure and success in the laboratory.

As long as she is not facing human experiments or parting with her sister, she can accept any place and any research.

Although she has to face that baby face that doesn't know where it will come from, it does cause her great mental pressure. However, after several meetings, Sangria did not do any substantial harm to her.

It must be said that the person behind the scenes controlled Sangria very well.

So it was really... okay.


Compared to the peaceful days of the Miyano sisters, the atmosphere on the other side can be described as hot and humid.

Because of the time difference created by Wakagi Ryo, Vermouth disguised himself as Akai Mutake earlier than the original plot and led out Akai Mary who was hiding in London.

This also led to Sera Masumi, who received a notice from her mother, and Akai Shuichi, who eavesdropped on her sister's phone call, arriving in London about three days earlier than the little corgi group.

BellAfter completing the task of "poisoning" Akai Mari, Mode lazily tidied up her messy hair due to tearing off her disguise, and prepared to go back to the hotel for a beauty sleep.

She didn't care about Akai Mari's life or death. Anyway, the baby-faced man next to her, who was facing the river and pretending to be affectionate, would pay close attention to the follow-up of feeding the medicine.

Gin, with a full body of low pressure, packed up the sniper rifle. Because there was no vodka around, he had to carry the bag containing the guns by himself.

Wakagi Ryo looked down at the lake. The place where Akai Mari fell into the water was calm. He secretly raised his hand and sprinkled some powder into the lake.

Soon, the lake surface was covered with a trace of red, and it spread outward at a very fast speed.

"By the way, Senior Gin, I found a kitten. Are you interested in catching kittens with me?"

Gin threw the bag containing the sniper rifle into the trunk with one hand. He turned his head when he heard the words, and the narrow eyes under the brim of his hat revealed a familiar cold look.

"The kitten you're talking about had better have the last name Akai."

Ryo Wakagi blinked, looking a little innocent.

"It's not Akai, but Sera."

After all, the Akai family has three children with three last names, and Ryo Wakagi is helpless.


Gin snorted coldly, closed the already opened car door with his backhand, leaned against the car and lit a cigarette, and gave Ryo Wakagi a signaling look.

Ryo Wakagi understood immediately that this meant he was interested.

"The kitten hid very close, maybe he saw the big cat falling into the water."

Ryo Wakagi, who monitors the protagonists anytime and anywhere with the live broadcast room, has taken time to check the status of Sera Masumi and Akai Shuichi since they set foot on the land of London.

And after Akai Mary and Sera Masumi separated, Moran made a video call to Sera Masumi.

The innocent girl had never experienced AI face-changing fraud. Through the secret code between the mother and daughter, she quickly believed that the person on the other side of the video was indeed the real Akai Mary, so she was successfully seduced out of the hotel where Wakagi Ryo was hiding.

Of course, there must be a pink-haired squinty-eyed person following her.

Akai Shuichi's tracking technology is much better than her sister. Although Sera Masumi used a lot of anti-tracking methods learned from her mother along the way, she didn't find the living person following behind her.

As an agent who often needs to go on missions, Akai Shuichi is not like a little corgi who almost couldn't go abroad. He successfully used the fake identity of Okiya Subaru to go abroad.

As a shrewd agent, Akai Mary will definitely not go directly to the agreed place even if she decides the time and place of the meeting.

It takes time to take a few detours to get rid of possible tracking, check whether there is an ambush near the meeting place, etc. Therefore, Sera Masumi, who set out later than her, really arrived near the Vauxhall Bridge at the time of the kiss of the century, and really saw her mother falling into the river from afar.

Then she lost control of her emotions and gave Wakaki Ryo three skill points.

Much more generous than her brother at the beginning.

And Akai Shuichi, who came with her, saw that the situation was not good, so he had to rush forward and knock Sera unconscious, and evacuate with her first.

If there was only one Vermouth, Akai Shuichi would certainly not be afraid.

But there was also a weird Sangria next to her, and although Akai Shuichi was sure to evacuate in front of these two people, he could not guarantee that his sister would be unscathed.

Just when Wakaki Ryo was happily counting his income, the Vauxhall Bridge under his feet made a very appropriate sound of cracking. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have gone down to swim with Akai Mary at this time.

Wakaki Ryo: ...

Tsk, slip away.

Not far away, Gin, who saw this scene, sneered as if mocking him.

"Lead the way."

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