"Lead the way?"

Wakamura Ryo waved his hand with a smile, "I have experience in catching kittens and puppies. Senior Gin, let's split up into two groups. I'll drive the kitten to your gun in a moment~"

Gin narrowed his eyes and looked at Wakamura Ryo coldly. After a long while, he snorted without comment and relit a cigarette.

It seemed that he agreed to this proposal.

Wakamura Ryo blinked. Qin-chan agreed so readily. It felt a little strange that he was not hit on the head by Beretta.

He poked open the live broadcast room of Akai Shuichi, confirmed his evacuation route, and slowly followed behind Akai Shuichi.

What should I do if I want the kitten to jump into the trap obediently?

Just block all the escape routes in other directions, and there will be only one way left.

On the other side, Shuichi Akai held the unconscious Sera Masumi and hid in a warehouse in the backyard of a house.

He had memorized the map of all the nearby blocks early, and planned the escape route as soon as he decided to evacuate.

For this reason, he sneaked into the backyard of this house and prepared to borrow a means of transportation.

The owner of this house is probably a motorcycle enthusiast. There are several motorcycles in the warehouse that are obviously modified, but before Shuichi Akai's hand touches any of them, the motorcycles collectively made a sharp explosion.

Shuichi Akai: ...

This strange and familiar feeling of Mercury retrograde.

-80: Here I come again, brother~

At this moment, Ryo Wakaki, who has tracked the vicinity and has dozens of layers of illusions on his body, has already thrown Shuichi Akai into assimilation in a very cunning way.

The noise in the backyard quickly attracted the attention of the owner, and the unconscious Sera seemed to have faint signs of waking up because of the loud noise at close range.

Directly confronting the owner and robbing the motorcycle was inconsistent with Shuichi Akai's basic tone as a red team character, so he could only pick up his unconscious sister expressionlessly and quietly changed his hiding place before the owner of the house arrived at the scene with a gun.

If he didn't want to be reported by enthusiastic London citizens for abducting underage girls and attract Scotland Yard, he couldn't escape to the busy streets on foot.

Therefore, without transportation, his evacuation route would be greatly restricted.

Shuichi Akai, who had to change his plan, left the temporary hiding place with Masumi Sera in his arms. At the moment of landing, Shuichi Akai's heart suddenly tightened. His keen sense of danger made him roll away from the original landing point in the first place, and hid behind a thick tree next to him with his sister.

Almost at the same time, a muffled sound came. Shuichi Akai's rich experience allowed him to recognize that this was the sound of a gunshot weakened by a silencer.

Wakagi Ryo who fired: ...

After getting rid of the -80, he fired at Akai Shuichi, whose luck value had obviously dropped to the bottom and who was holding a burden, but he didn't hit him.

Well, his shooting skills are probably really hopeless.

On the other side, Akai Shuichi took out his weapon and fired back based on his memory and feeling - of course, because of his luck value, he definitely didn't hit him.

However, this counterattack bought him some time, allowing him to clearly see the identity of the pursuer behind him.

It was Sangria, a tricky enemy.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the opponent's shooting skills are really not very good.

Recalling his short teaching career during the Rye period, Akai Shuichi's mouth twitched slightly.

After Wakagi Ryo's eyes met Akai Shuichi, he did not continue to attack, but waved with a smile, and his attitude looked particularly friendly.

He fired a shot on purpose just to remind the other party of his position.

Shuichi Akai, who wanted to escape with his sister, would never choose to fight him head-on.

Just as Wakagi Ryo expected, Shuichi Akai fired a few shots back, temporarily forced him back, and left with Sera Masumi without looking back in the opposite direction.

And in that direction, they happened to meet Akemi Bunny and Huihara Hedgehog~

Wakagi Ryo opened the small map and saw that the small dot marked with Shuichi Akai was about to meet the Miyano sisters, and he smiled immediately.

Then he took out his mobile phone and sent a picture and a message.


"How about going to the London Eye next?"

Miyano Akemi flipped through the London travel guide on her mobile phone and turned to ask her sister's opinion. Huihara Ai was holding a huge cone and licking it slowly. Hearing this, she nodded helplessly.

Her sister seemed to really treat her as a 7-year-old girl.

Huihara Ai looked at the cone in her hand as big as her face in distress, looked up at Miyano Akemi's smiling face, and silently took another bite of the sweet ice cream.

In the alley ten meters away from them, Akai Shuichi's footsteps froze in place.

Akemi and Huihara Ai?

Why did they appear here, so coincidentally, nearby? Could it be...

Although it is not clear why they appeared in London, Akai Shuichi almost instinctively wanted to stay away.

The members of the organization are tracking him. If Miyano Akemi and Huihara Ai are exposed to the organization's sight again because of him...

He doesn't know if he can face the fact that he killed her again.

At the same time, the mobile phone in his arms made a text message alert sound.

Akai Shuichi, who is always habitually silent:...

When he saw Akemi and Huihara, a guess in his heart seemed to be confirmed at this moment.

He temporarily put down Sera Masumi in his arms, took out his mobile phone and took a look. It was a photo of Vermouth clamping Akai Mari and forcibly feeding her medicine not long ago.

There is another sentence behind the photo.

[Gin-senpai is waiting for you, Rye-senpai~]

Akai Shuichi: !!! !!! !!!

A huge amount of emotional values ​​swiped across the screen in an instant, causing Ryo Wakaki's eyes to blur.

Tsk, Brother Cat is indeed very promising.

On the other side, after reading the photos and messages, Akai Shuichi forced himself to calm down, and his brain began to work frantically.

He was now wearing the face of Subaru Okiya, and the mobile phone he used was naturally a card registered in the name of Subaru Okiya.

But Sangria called him Rye-senpai with great confidence in the text message.

In other words, at least this layer of disguise of Subaru Okiya did not play any role for Sangria and the people behind him.

There was a very regular sound of footsteps behind him, and Akai Shuichi turned his head and looked at Ryo Wakaki who appeared behind him at some point.

"You and the people behind you, what is your purpose?"

As early as when he found clues in the video sent by Sangria, which recorded the whole process of Miyano Akemi's death, Shuichi Akai had vaguely suspected the other party's position. Later, when Sangria appeared in the hospital to save the seriously injured Judy, and brought the living Miyano Akemi in the process of arresting Vermouth, Shuichi Akai was more certain that Sangria was definitely not a loyal dog of some organization.

Wakagi Ryo blinked innocently, but said nothing.

What bad intentions did Sangria have? He just wanted to capture the famous scene of Shuichi Akai saying "my nemesis lover" to Gin, and then take the evidence to complain to Miyano Akemi in person.

"Look, sister Akemi, your boyfriend actually confessed to other men in public~"

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