Something is wrong. Something is 120,000 times wrong.

Ryo Wakagi huddled in a corner, watching Gin holding a sniper rifle and accurately shooting Akai Shuichi in the shoulder at the place where he was waiting. Then, Akai Shuichi fell into the river from the same place in the same posture as Akai Mary not long ago.

Ryo Wakagi touched his nose and asked through the communicator.

"Is it over?"

On the high platform, Gin put away his gun, staring at the not-so-turbulent water under the bridge with his green eyes. I don't know what he thought of, and his expression became a little ugly.

[Hmm. ]

In the communicator, Gin replied coldly with an interjection.

Ryo Wakagi: ? ? ?

Qin-chan, have you been possessed?

"But he provoked you, Gin-senpai, and he confessed to you."

"Long time no see, my old enemy, lover~"

Ryo Wakagi deliberately repeated it loudly in an aria.

The shot obviously didn't hit the vital point. Seeing Akai Shuichi fall into the water, according to Gin's personality, shouldn't he drain the river and dig Akai Shuichi out and kill him again?

In the communicator, Gin hasn't replied yet, but Vermouth's teasing with a smile came.

[Tsk, I wasn't there for such an interesting scene. I should have returned to the hotel later. 】


Gin snapped the scope in his hand.

Although the confession was completely distorted by Sangria, if Vermouth knew about it, it would mean that all the code members would know it soon.

And Gin obviously couldn't explain this kind of thing over and over again, so his reputation was once again...

A certain Gin looked down at the sniper rifle in his hand.

Let's just take advantage of now to get rid of these two things.

Wakagi Ryo had no idea that a certain hardworking gentleman had already wanted to kill him. He looked down at a famous scene recorded in his phone and felt a little uncomfortable.

Although he did record what he wanted and his emotional value was a great harvest, but... it felt weird.

Time went back to half an hour ago.

Wakagi Ryo blocked Shuichi Akai who was fleeing in an alley more than ten meters away from the two sisters of the Miyano family, and successfully made him agree to the condition of "restore Shuichi Akai's appearance and go to fight Gin".

Anyway, Wakagi Ryo has three hostages including Sera Masumi in his hands, so he doesn't have to worry about Brother Cat not agreeing.

No matter how powerful Shuichi Akai is, he can't guarantee that he can take three people and escape from Sangria. Besides, leaving aside Akemi Miyano and the unconscious Masumi Sera, if Ai Haibara had to choose between Rye and Sangria, would she firmly choose a cousin whom she did not have a good impression of? It is not certain~

Of course, when doing these things, Ryo Wakagi certainly did not forget to temporarily block the communicator.

And Shuichi Akai obviously understood Ryo Wakagi's subtext.

In the process of tracking Masumi Sera, Sangria discovered Shuichi Akai's trace. Compared with a teenage girl, the former organization traitor and FBI elite agent is naturally more attractive. So he gave up Masumi Sera and turned to chase Shuichi Akai, and successfully forced Shuichi Akai to the vicinity of Gin's ambush through various means...

Such a script is reasonable.

After all, Rye and Sangria were teammates for a short period of time, and he had a certain understanding of his hobby of letting others act according to his own script.

In exchange for the script, at least this time, Sangria will let Sera Masumi and Miyano Akemi go.

Although Akemi was indeed rescued from Gin by Sangria. But Akai Shuichi is more inclined to believe that Akemi was saved simply because Sangria and the people behind him wanted to use Akemi to control Miyano Shiho.

Just like what the organization had done before.

Everything was going as Wakagi Ryo had expected, at least in the first half.

In the second half, with Gin's non-cooperation, it was like a wild horse running away, never to return.

Wakagi Ryo glanced at the calm lake, "One or two fell in, it's so difficult to get some raw materials, Gin senior, do you really want me to jump in and fish it out myself?"

Looking at Sangria staring at the lake with his eyes wide open and his face puffed up angrily, Gin's mood rose by one percentage point strangely.

Then, a beep came from the communicator. Apparently, a hard-working gentleman had unilaterally cut off the communication with them.

"Ms. Wynyard, Senior Gin seems a little strange~"

The other end of the communicator heard a slight collision between ice cubes and glasses. Vermouth, who had returned to the hotel, made himself a martini as usual.

[Remember before, Rum and Gin originally planned to use water withoutReina was the bait, trying to catch the FBI in one fell swoop, but the boss sent a message to stop it? 】

Wakagi Ryo blinked, briefly recalled the plot of the Red and Black chapter, and then responded.

Indeed, after the boss's message came back, Gin left directly, and he helped to make up for the plot of Akai Shuichi's fake death in the second half.

[Other people in the FBI don't care, but Akai Shuichi, the boss probably likes his body very much. 】

Wakagi Ryo: ? ? ?

Is there something wrong with the direction of this topic?

Wakagi Ryo's thoughts diverged uncontrollably in the direction of 18+ for a second, and then pulled back by himself.

"Is it what I guessed?"

[Well, since he has mastered the technology of uploading consciousness to the Internet, it must be possible to change his body. I don't know how to do it specifically, but before that, he probably didn't want Akai Shuichi to die like this.

He spent so much effort to pursue immortality, so it is impossible for him to just think about being a cyber ghost. This is also the reason why Karasuma Renya still takes it as an alternative even though the technology is relatively mature.

He has enjoyed the best of everything in the world, so he must want to enjoy it forever. 】

Wakagi Ryo nodded.

Indeed, from this perspective, Akai Shuichi is indeed a perfect candidate.

Young, handsome, with excellent physical fitness, and an elite agent of the FBI.

Imagine Karasuma Renya giving orders to Gin with Akai Shuichi's face, and Wakagi Ryo seemed to understand why Gin's face was so ugly just now.


"According to Karasuma Renya's habit of keeping several back-ups for everything, Akai Shuichi should not be his only choice, right?"

[Who else in the organization's senior management knows the boss's plan? 】

Ryo Wakagi: ...

"It's Gin-chan."

Ryo Wakagi imagined the scene of the soul of Karasuma Renya under the shell of the big silver wolf, and once again succeeded in disgusting himself.

Karasuma Renya, you really have a way to die!


Miyano Akemi and Huihara Ai walked down from the super-large Ferris wheel, temporarily forgetting about the organization, antidote and other troubles, and the two sisters had a lot of fun.

The last time they played together so carefree, it was unknown how many years ago.

At this time, the sisters' mobile phones rang at the same time, and a video was sent to their mobile phones at the same time.

Yes, it was naturally the famous scene of the plot that Ryo Wakagi deliberately restored.

The video was obviously edited maliciously, and the sniper rifle in Akai Shuichi's hand was directly P-ed out by Ryo Wakagi, so that Shuichi looked a bit like he was winking at Gin with one eye closed.

Add to that the line "enemy lovers", the whole scene looks...

Miyano Akemi: ???

Huihara Ai: !!!

She held Miyano Akemi's hand with a serious look, "Sister, think about it, change your brother-in-law!"

Or I'll introduce you to Wakagi-kun, he is definitely more reliable than Akai Shuichi, the iron scumbag!

Miyano Akemi shivered suddenly in the bright and warm sunshine for some reason.

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