"Professor, if you don't show up, I'm really going on strike."

In a museum's warehouse, Kuroba Kaito was holding his phone with a dusty face, his tone full of resentment.

What sin had he committed to take a leave of absence from school and run to London across the ocean to work as a laborer for a whole week!

On the other end of the phone, Wakagi Ryo felt guilty for about 0.1 seconds, and then kicked his conscience that suddenly appeared into an unknown corner.

"Don't complain, I'll be there soon."

Half an hour later, Wakagi Ryo followed the instructions of the small map, ignoring the security forces in the museum that were virtually non-existent, and came to the warehouse where Kuroba Kaito was.

Compared with the bright and beautiful museum itself, this place looks much more shabby.

Rather than a warehouse, it's better to say it's a utility room - an extremely large utility room filled with spoils looted from various ancient civilizations.

The gray pigeon poked its head out from a pile of broken stone sculptures and waved to Wakaki Ryo, who had changed into the professor's skin.

After taking the midnight snack brought by the professor, Kuroba Kaito carefully found a place far away from the cultural relics and began to replenish his energy.

"How is the progress?"

Kuroba Kaito wolfed down the midnight snack and wiped his mouth.

"I have installed all the micro-projection equipment you asked me to install. As for those patrolling spiders, I also set the patrol routes according to Moran's tutorial.

Don't mention it, these things are really useful. If I ask your child to order some small props or something, will he agree?"

Wakaki Ryo raised his eyebrows, "If you are willing to pay something, I believe he will be happy to do it."

Kuroba Kaito was silent for a while, feeling a little pain in his eyes, so he decisively changed the subject.

"The security in the museum is OK, but how should I put it? My opinion is that it is not as good as that of Mr. Suzuki.

The security at the warehouse... Tsk."

Kaito Kuroba curled his lips and started a series of complaints.

"Such a large place, a warehouse of tens of thousands of square meters, but there are less than ten guards and patrols.

Two of them were dozing off, one was talking on the phone with his girlfriend, three were playing poker in a corner, and the remaining few pretended to patrol for half an hour and then went about their business.

I also saw one hiding in a corner watching a movie.

I have been here for so long and have never been discovered. I even disguised myself as a museum's cultural relic restoration expert."

Kaito Kuroba kept muttering, "That real restoration expert is also quite outrageous. I saw him once. He came to the warehouse to pick and choose for a long time. He restored some things, then turned around and gave the security guard some tips, and blatantly left with a mask.

I don't know where he wanted to sell it, but I stole it back when he wasn't paying attention."

Ryo Wakagi:...


"My suggestion is to start moving the large stone sculptures and murals in the innermost part. No one goes there at all."

As for how to move?

Kuroba Kaito finished his complaints in one breath, blinked and looked at Wakagi Ryo, waiting for the magician opposite to start his performance.

Anyway, for the good show tonight, he had already knocked out all the guards in the warehouse in advance. As long as the professor didn't make a big noise, those people would not wake up.

Wakagi Ryo naturally didn't disappoint the little pigeon.

A light blue halo lit up, gradually gathered in front of Kuroba Kaito's eyes, and slowly formed a translucent portal.

Then, under Kuroba Kaito's gaze, all the large stone sculptures and murals within his sight were wrapped in a layer of invisible magic and slowly floated up.

This layer of magic cannot completely repair the damaged cultural relics, but can only protect these cultural relics from secondary damage during transportation.

After taking sufficient protective measures, Ruo Mu Liang slowly shrunk the floating artifacts until the artifacts that were originally several meters or even tens of meters in size were shrunk to the size of a palm, and successfully passed through the portal to leave this shabby and dilapidated warehouse that was useless except for its large area. Only then did he secretly breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

Fortunately, it was not damaged.

Emptying the warehouse was a temporary decision made in a hurry. He did not have a warehouse of nearly 100,000 square meters in Neon to temporarily store these things.

Kuroba Kaito clapped his hands in amazement. Although it was not the first time he saw the professor take action, he would still be amazed by the magic every time.

After praising, Kuroba Kaito curiously reached out and gently touched a stone sculpture wrapped in magic, "Professor, can you repair these?"

Yes, you can. As long as they are not broken into slag, they can be repaired on the spot with a dozen repair spells, but,It takes a lot of effort to cultivate a skill, and cultivating so many...

If the mana bar is not enough, you will definitely suffer from kidney deficiency on the spot.

Ruo Mu Liang was silent for a while, and then showed an unfathomable smile.

"Isn't it good to let them repair the damaged cultural relics themselves? Remembering history is not a bad thing."

In short, the professor's status must not be reduced!

Kuroba Kaito thought about it and felt that what the professor said made sense, and then subconsciously asked: "So many things belong to different countries, how do you plan to return them to their original owners?"

Ruo Mu Liang looked at Kuroba Kaito.

Kuroba Kaito: ? ? ? ? ?

"No, wait, is this my task again?"

Ruo Mu Liang smiled and patted the little pigeon on the shoulder, "If you don't mind, you can contact Ms. Qianying and Mr. Daoyi."

"Why doesn't Mr. Daoyi need to take some responsibility for what Kaito Kid did?"

Kuroba Kaito: ...

The little pigeon looked at Ruo Mu Liang with grief and anger.

No, I work for you, but how come my parents have to work for you for free? What a black-hearted capitalist you are!

After emptying about one-fifth of the warehouse, Wakamu Ryo stopped the transfer of magic power and closed the portal.

At this time, the large number of micro-projectors installed by Kuroba Kaito in advance came into play.

Under Moran's control, the projectors in various corners of the warehouse started up one after another. Wakamu Ryo and the others only felt a flash before their eyes, and then the corner of the warehouse that was originally empty became full again.

"This reality, if my hand had not passed through directly, I might not have found the problem if I only relied on my eyes to observe."

Kuroba Kaito stretched out his hand and teased the projection inside and out.

"So, professor, is today's work temporarily over?"

Wakamu Ryo nodded, "Even if it were me, it would be unlikely to empty this place in one night."

And the time is almost up, -80 is about to abandon Akai Shuichi and come back to find me.

Wakagi Ryo quickly glanced at Akai Shuichi's live broadcast room and found that a tenacious FBI agent had successfully climbed ashore and successfully found a temporary foothold, and began to clean up the many water plants wrapped around his legs.

"Besides, it may not be difficult to empty the warehouse, but if you want to find an opportunity to take away all the things in the main hall, you must not alert the enemy."

Wakagi Ryo was very satisfied with the weak security system in the museum at present, and did not want to face the super enhanced version at all.

"Have you sent the second challenge letter?"

Kuroba Kaito nodded, "I sent it, I sent it, and I sent the second statue you gave me."

"So, what do those small statues mean?"

Kuroba Kaito quickly adjusted his mentality. Anyway, he had to return the gems after stealing them. This time, he just needed to walk a little more to return the things.

When the time comes, just ask his father and mother for help. The problem... is not big.

Kuroba Kaito coughed dryly without much confidence.

In contrast, he was really curious about why the professor gave different statuettes with the challenge letter.

Kuroba Kaito recalled the appearance of the second statuette he sent today.

His first reaction to the knight riding a red horse and holding a big sword was Guan Yu. But after thinking about it carefully, the two statuettes given by the professor were obviously from the same series. Kuroba Kaito, who did not get any hints, has not found a clue yet.

Wakagi Ryo smiled and turned to leave the warehouse where the air was not fresh.

"Mr. Kaito likes to let detectives solve riddles. Why do you want to get the answer directly when facing the riddles I specially prepared?"

Kuroba Kaito hurriedly chased after him, "But you always cheat. When did you solve the riddle properly!"

"Give me some hints, professor!"

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