The old man was very happy.

"Mr. Bluebird, your manuscript for this month hasn't been faxed over yet. Are you feeling unwell?"

Ryomu Ryo received a call from the beautiful editor Kazumi Omi early in the morning, and immediately wondered if he was still confused and hadn't woken up yet.

Didn't I give you the manuscript yesterday? You couldn't have been busy dating Toshiya Tadokoro and lost the manuscript.

However, after taking a look at the scenery outside the window, Ryomu Ryo immediately knew that he had wronged this editor and agent who had always worked hard.

Yesterday was still a hot summer day with people wearing short sleeves and shorts, but today there are maple leaves outside, and it's autumn. When I looked at the date, it jumped to the end of September.

No wonder I felt a little cold until the second half of the night last night.

"I have something to do these two days. I will fax it to you later."

"Okay, Mr. Aoki. If you feel uncomfortable, please contact me in advance. The publisher can help you issue a notice of suspension. In addition, do you need to change the time or cancel the meeting originally scheduled for this afternoon?"

Meeting in the afternoon?

Wakagi Ryo held his mobile phone and found the small notebook in the bedside table and flipped through it.

Oh, it's about the live-action version of "Maple Garden Red Leaves". After the animation two years ago, the popularity and income of this work were quite considerable, so it didn't take long for the live-action film and television rights to be sold.

This afternoon is considered a script reading meeting for the crew. The director and producer enthusiastically invited him, the original author, to participate in it.

"I don't have anything to do today. I will be there on time."

Wakagi Ryo got up, went to the study, found the manuscript according to the number, and sent it to the publisher.

Since he knew that the timeline would be in chaos after the main line began, he had prepared for this situation.

"The Great Detective Endo Case Files" has a whole study room of manuscripts, hehe.

Jingguang is feeding the furries that have degenerated from stray cats and dogs to semi-domestic ones in the yard.

It is worth mentioning that the number of furries in the yard has been growing in the past two years, and it was once so crowded that it was difficult to step, so Wakagi Ryo had to spend money to buy the houses on No. 17 and No. 19, and then connected the three houses, so that he finally had room to breathe.

Then Matsuda Jinpei unceremoniously occupied the house on No. 17 as his studio. The previous motorcycle that was so cool was the one he modified next door.

In the afternoon, a photography base in the suburbs.

Wakagi Ryo followed the staff to visit the entire shooting base.

The scenery here is very good, and you can see large areas of red maple forests. The scenery is also a one-to-one restoration of most of the scenes in his comics. This attitude is absolutely praised!

I don’t know the male protagonist, but his face is full of refreshing youthfulness. As long as his acting skills are not too bad, there is no problem in playing the male protagonist.

The female protagonist... Okino Yoko?

Is the budget of this drama so high?

"Ms. Yoko is currently planning to develop from a pure idol to an actress, and the salary is charged according to the standard of new film and television actors.

Originally, there were two actresses who were favored for this role. After comprehensive consideration, Miss Yoko was chosen. However, since Miss Yoko is the first time to play the leading role, I would like to ask Mr. Aonori some questions about the leading role."

A middle-aged man with glasses came over with a smile on his face. After explaining, he respectfully handed his business card to Wakaki Ryo.

"I am Eiichi Yamagishi, Miss Yoko's agent."

Wakaki Ryo took the business card and followed Eiichi Yamagishi to Okino Yoko's dressing room.

Crack, Wakaki Ryo's body just touched the edge of the stool, and the stool cracked on the spot. Thanks to the years of training by Toru Amuro and Gin, Wakaki Ryo just swayed for a while and stabilized his body, and did not prostrate himself in front of the beauty.

Yoko Okino: ...

Agent: ...

Yamagishi Eiichi immediately brought another stool over, but Wakaki Ryo politely refused.

Yoko Okino stood up silently and stood with him.

After chatting for a while, Wakaki Ryo discovered that Yoko Okino was obviously not in good spirits. Even with her carefully made-up, it was difficult to cover up her tired state.

The agent next to her was even worse. In addition to the thick dark circles, her eyes were also full of bloodshot.

Is a movie with a medium investment scale worth these two people's attention? Even if it fails, it will not affect Yoko Okino's current status in the slightest.

"Excuse me, Miss Yoko, is there any trouble recently?"

Yoko Okino was slightly startled and looked back at her agent.

Yamagishi Eiichi thought for a while, sighed and said: "Actually, Yoko always feels that someone is following her recently."


When it comes to this, Wakagi Ryo immediately knows what's going on.

"Every time I go home, the position of the furniture has changed, and someone always sends me inexplicable photos. Occasionally, I receive calls from unknown sources. After answering, the other party doesn't say a word, but after hanging up, they will call me again immediately. I can only cut off the phone line at home, and usually communicate with mobile phones and agents."

Yoko Okino has been under a lot of pressure during this period. Now that she has the opportunity, she simply speaks out.

"An unknown stalker?"

After venting her emotions, Yoko Okino immediately realized her own loss of composure.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Aoto, for troubling you with something so inexplicable."

Wakagi Ryo shook his head to show that he didn't mind, and asked, "Have you considered hiring a detective to help investigate?"

Yoko Okino hasn't replied yet, but her agent is the first to express his concerns.

"We have actually considered the detective thing, but Yoko is a public figure after all. Once there are any bad rumors known to the newspapers or fans, it will be a serious blow to Yoko's personal image and the company's reputation.

And we don't have any familiar detectives. If the person we find is not suitable, we can forget it if we can't find anything. I'm afraid that if we run into someone with bad intentions, they will blackmail us..."

Idol stars are most afraid of black material, regardless of whether it is true or not.

"If that's the case, I have a suitable candidate to recommend to Miss Yoko."

Wakagi Ryo wrote down the specific address of the Mori Detective Agency in the notebook, tore off the page and handed it to Yoko Okino.

"This detective Maori used to be a member of the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Division. Later, he changed his career and became a private detective. His character is absolutely trustworthy. In terms of ability, although he usually looks a little unreliable, believe me, this detective will definitely make you look at him with new eyes at a critical moment."

And even if Maori fails, his son-in-law will back him up.

Okino Yoko took the business card and thanked him.

Wakagi Ryo looked at the sky and it was obviously late, so he prepared to leave.

"Ms. Yoko, I quite agree with your understanding of the role. There is no more supplement or guidance. I think what you need most now is to solve the stalker problem first and adjust your state."

Okino Yoko and Yamagishi Eiichi saw him off together.

"Oh, right."

Wakagi Ryo seemed to suddenly remember something and stopped.

"If you don't mind, can you give me a signed photo of Ms. Yoko? I have a friend who is a loyal fan of Ms. Yoko."

"Of course, no problem!"

Yamagishi Eiichi enthusiastically took out a lot of things from his briefcase, including limited edition posters, hardcover records, personal photos, etc.

"Do you need to write something?"

Wakagi Ryo: "If it's not too much trouble, please write it for 'Saburo'."

Yes, that's right, this is a souvenir that Wakagi Ryo specially asked for the full-time driver Vodka.

Although Fu-chan's status in the organization is only slightly better than that of the atmosphere sniper duo, he is at least one of the few real wines!

And he has been following Gin 007 for many years, so he really needs to be rewarded and encouraged.

And there is no risk of exposure if he only writes Saburo.

Not to mention that the person who left his name on Mermaid Island has changed from Vodka to him. Even if Conan later learned Vodka's real name Uozuka Saburo through some channel, it is difficult to associate Wakaki Ryo with the Black Organization.

In Japan, there are too many people named Ichiro, Saburo, and Goro.

Didn't Hibiki Eri raise a cat named Goro just to show off her affection?

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