After leaving the film and television base, Ruo Mu Liang found a street pub to solve the problem of dinner. He did not plan to follow Okino Yoko to watch the suicide pretending to be murder. The location of this photography base is close to Jianggutian, and "Molan" intercepted the news that Kidd will appear tonight from the police communication channel. Is there any need to consider where to go? Compared with Douzi, Conan instantly lost his appeal. After finding a dead corner with no one around and changing into the No. 3 vest, Ruo Mu Liang identified the direction, blew the evening breeze, and leisurely set off to the target location. At the same time, Kidd was lying on the roof of the exhibition hall, eavesdropping on his father-in-law's "son-in-law capture plan" through the hole he dug.

A solid alloy iron cage was covered around the gem, and the floor directly below was connected to high voltage electricity. The outer area was also covered with laser beams with induction blasting functions.

Inspector Nakamori, are you going to capture Kidd alive, or grill him and stir-fry him?

Fortunately, Inspector Nakamori's character may be "No matter how rigorous the plan is, you will never catch Kaito Kidd." Kidd successfully cracked the supposedly foolproof anti-theft system with a tried-and-tested dummy, and then took advantage of the chaos of the police to successfully steal the gem.

On the rooftop, Kidd unfolded his hang glider and calculated in his mind that he would fly directly to Aoko's house, and it was obviously in time for his girlfriend's birthday party.


With a gunshot, the main trunk of the hang glider was immediately pierced by a bullet and directly scrapped.

Kidd turned around and saw a group of extras in suits with the word "bad guys" written on their faces appearing behind him with guns.

If Ruo Muliang was at the scene, he might sigh that the zoo organization really has no future.

Not to mention the business ability, just the appearance alone was crushed by the winery and had no power to fight back.

The leading man explained professionally and revealed that it was us who attacked Kuroba Daoyi eight years ago, and successfully sent intelligence X1 to Kidd.

Fortunately, after Snake finished explaining, he finally remembered that he was a villain, and he showed a grim smile and shot Kaito Kidd.

The white figure suddenly fell on the rooftop on his back.

The glider was damaged and the parachute was ejected. Just when Kidd thought he could escape smoothly, another bullet broke the parachute.

Snake kept a grim expression on his face and took back the gun.

"Eight years and still no progress, Kuroba Touichi."


In the shadows somewhere below, Kuroba Kaito breathed a sigh of relief as if he had survived a disaster, and turned around and said, "Thanks, brother."

"You're welcome."

The person behind him smiled and responded, but did not let go of the hand holding Kuroba Kaito's collar.

The night wind blew, and Touzi was swaying in the air.

He suddenly realized that something was wrong, looked up and looked carefully at the person who was holding him halfway, and swallowed hard.

"Um... are you flying?"

"What's wrong, weren't you flying just now?"

"Where's your hang glider?"

"Do you believe me if I say it's broken?"

Kuroba Kaito looked up and down at the man flying in the air, and didn't find anything like a wire hook or jet equipment.

Do you think I believe it.JPG

The man with long golden brown hair smiled slightly, and the strength in his hand loosened a little bit, and Touzi immediately slid down 5CM.

He immediately grabbed the man's wrist with his backhand, showing an extremely sincere expression and said: "I believe it!"

"Speaking of which, the gang is about to leave, aren't you going to chase them?"

"Of course I'm going to chase them!"

Wakamura Ryo carried Kidd back to the rooftop where he fell before, and picked up the broken hang glider on the ground.

Skill "Repair Technique".

Kidd was stunned to watch the white light flash in the man's hand, and the broken hang glider trunk was instantly intact. You just said that your own hang glider was broken.

If you want to fool me, can you find a more sincere excuse?

"If you don't leave, Officer Nakamori and the others will catch up."

There were dense footsteps in the stairwell, and the door of the rooftop was kicked open by Nakamori Ginzo, who yelled: "Kaito Kidd, where are you running to?"

Kid looked back, and he was the only one on the edge of the rooftop. There was no man with long golden brown hair who could fly.

Wakamura Ryo had heard the police

When he saw the movements of the gang members, he waved his sleeves and ran away with the emotional value.

The corners of Kuroba Kaito's mouth twitched, and he kept repeating the poker face in his heart. He spread his glider and chased in the direction where the gang members left.

Chasing to the outskirts of a pure Japanese courtyard with a quiet environment, Kuroba Kaito put away his conspicuous glider, quietly lying on the wall and eavesdropping openly.

It is really a case of relying on the halo to do whatever he wants.

In the courtyard, the man in a suit named Snake handed the blue gem to a wealthy middle-aged man in kimono. Under the will of the big world, he couldn't help but ask the question that Kidd wanted to know the answer to the most.

"With the wealth and status of that adult, he should have no shortage of various rare gems. Why is he so obsessed with these gems?"

The middle-aged man smiled proudly while pinching the gem.

"If this gem is really the treasure that the adult is looking for, then there has been a legend since ancient times.

When Halley's Comet passes by the earth, after offering the Stone of Life to the full moon, the Stone of Life will shed tears. Drinking those tears will give you the ultimate dream that humans have never achieved since ancient times - immortality."

Snake and the extras behind him murmured collectively: "Immortality?"

Once again, it was proved with practical actions that the essence of human beings is a repeater.

The middle-aged man was quite satisfied with the ignorant look of his younger brothers at the moment, and continued: "However, the power is hidden in an extremely rare and precious gem, but it is not certain which one it is."

The middle-aged man raised the gem and aimed it at the soft moonlight.

"If it is really that gem, the other gem inside will emit a red light under the moonlight. That is the life stone we are looking for, Pandora... huh?!!"

The red light was not found inside the gem, but there was a Q version of Kidd's head.

The middle-aged man instantly realized that he was fooled.

"Oh, so that's how it is."

Kaito Kuroba leaned on the branches beside the yard, holding the gem in his hand facing the moon. The moonlight gently hit his angular profile, and the reflection of the monocle seemed to mock the villains in the yard who claimed to be elites.

"This reason is really ridiculous, immortality?"

Kaito Kuroba threw the gem in his hand to the middle-aged man's face, "Go back and tell your boss that I will definitely find the gem named Pandora before you, and then destroy it!"

The zoo members in the yard took out their pistols and shot in the direction of Kaito Kidd.

Kuroba Kaito threw several smoke bombs to the ground. The sight of the black-clad people was blocked, and they could only shoot randomly at the last position of Kaito Kid.

"But before that, you should get rid of the little gift I gave you."

Kid's voice was erratic, and when he said the last word, he sounded dozens of meters away.

"Boss, the police, the police have surrounded this place!"

A younger brother in charge of guarding the door rushed in with a dusty face to report. The middle-aged man held the gem and shouted angrily: "Abandon the base and leave through the secret passage, quickly!"

The members of the zoo who fled collectively naturally didn't know that Kid, who was handsome and fierce in front of them just now, was running all the way to Nakamori Aoko's birthday party, and he was out of breath.

At the same time in Beika Town

Mao Lilan: "So it was Wakagi who introduced me. I'll have to thank him someday if I get a chance."

No wonder the big star suddenly found Uncle Mao Li, a private detective whose daily business is to catch cats and dogs and investigate mistresses, but...

Conan recalled Okino Yoko's words with a cold sweat on his face.

Why did Wakagi's original words use honorifics for elders when referring to Uncle Mao Li, but when he mentioned the detective in the last sentence, he used the title between peers.

Could it be that he found something?

Kid: Um... are you flying?

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