"There are only two left."

The excited Kudo Shinichi took another look at the puzzle, "The magician with a long nose, the long nose should refer to the elephant, this puzzle mentions the castle, I remember there is an Elephant Castle in London."

Xiaolan looked at the high-spirited Kudo Shinichi, and a smile appeared unconsciously on the corner of her mouth.

Wakagi Ryo and Kuroba Kaito slowly followed the young couple and rushed to the Elephant Castle station, and took out their mobile phones to check the local news in London.

Kudo Shinichi, who performed exceptionally well today, almost set his sights on a certain uncle carrying a brown suitcase as soon as he arrived at the station.

There was a handwritten Identity on one side of the suitcase.

"The groom disappeared?"

Following the guidance of intuition, the team quickly found the letter U from the inside of the knee of the uncle's pants.

Another puzzle was solved, and Kuroba Kaito, who had been playing soy sauce for a long time, touched his nose and felt that it was time to play a role.

"I guessed a little about the last riddle."

"Roissen is a ceramic brand. There is only one store in London. Their trademark is two crossed swords on a white background."

His mother, who likes to collect all kinds of luxury goods, has a set of such tea sets. When he was a child, she used this set of tea sets to make scented tea for him.

Wakagi Ryo glanced at Kuroba Kaito, whose luck was obviously not low. He didn't expect that without Dr. Agasa's reminder, the last link was actually made up by the little pigeon.

"So, what is this?"

Xiaolan was holding the small pendant she got from the Roissen clerk. It looked like a crudely made wind chime. There were different English letters on the bell below. The bell was tied with colorful ropes. There was a dirty loop at the top of the rope with the words "A study of scarlet" written on it.

Kudo Shinichi: "It was Conan Doyle who made Sherlock Holmes' first novel, A Study in Scarlet."

"Holmes said..."

Now there was no need for Kudo Shinichi to say anything more. Xiaolan also intuitively chose the red one from all the ropes. On the bell below the rope was the letter R.

"Okay, okay, I know." Xiaolan couldn't help but complain, but with a gentle smile on her face, she held the bell in her hand, cleared her throat, and imitated Kudo Shinichi's tone and said:

"Ahem, Holmes said that in the colorless ball of thread called life, there is a bloody red thread called murder. Our job is to solve the mystery and separate the red thread...

You've been talking about it so many times, and I've almost memorized the content even though I haven't read Sherlock Holmes."

Kudo Shinichi coughed awkwardly twice and forcibly changed the subject.

"In short, now all the puzzles have been solved, and the letters we got are A, U, T, N, S, A, and R. If we combine them..."

Wakagi Ryo: "We only need one A."

Kuroba Kaito: "Well, I think so too, it should be SATURN, that is Saturn."


"Saturn? Saturday is Saturday? Oh, no, this is London, not Neon."

Kudo Shinichi shook his head, "The word SATURN comes from the god of agriculture in Roman mythology, which evolved from SATURNUS, and translated into English is Saturday, which is indeed Saturday."

Wakagi Ryo continued with a smile, "So it's tomorrow."

"Considering that the criminal wants to do a big thing, then, where can a large number of citizens gather tomorrow?"

Kuroba Kaito: "The Wimbledon women's singles final?!"

Toko raised his voice, and his mind turned a corner instantly.

"Wait, I remember the news said that Hades has an accomplice who is very good at making bombs. Those hospitals that were bombed seem to be the work of this accomplice."

"Could it be..."

Wakagi Ryo took the London map from Kuroba Kaito, circled the places mentioned in the code one by one, and made a connection.

"Big Ben is mentioned twice in the riddle, so... look, does it look like a tennis racket?"

After saying that, Wakagi Ryo patted Kuroba Kaito on the shoulder and comforted him: "Be confident, you are right."

Little Pigeon: !!!


At the entrance of the British Museum

Mouri Kogoro looked at the long cordon and was a little confused.

"Is this some kind of emergency construction? Not only is it blocked, but such a high construction shed has also been built."

Dr. Agasa next to him held a bag of French fries, with a lot ofof ketchup, relying on the fact that Ai Haibara did not come out with him, the doctor has been eating like crazy these days.

Dr. Agasa was chewing French fries, and after hearing Maori Kogoro's question, he vaguely replied that he didn't know.

Maori Kogoro's expression became even more resentful.

His daughter was kidnapped by a detective boy right under his nose, and his old father was alone in London. His English level was not very good, so he could only form a temporary empty-nest elderly duo with the doctor, thinking that at least going to a landmark place like the museum would not be a wasted trip to London.

Unexpectedly, the museum was closed directly to visitors!

Maori Kogoro, who was unwilling to give up, grabbed the security guard patrolling the outermost perimeter and asked the reason for the seclusion in stuttering English.

The security guard stretched out his hand and scratched his arm, and dismissed Maori Kogoro with the very official and perfunctory excuse of "routine maintenance".

Maori Kogoro: ...

He frowned and took out a cigarette and lit it, looking at the security guard's back thoughtfully.

In just a few minutes, the other party scratched his arm at least three times.

Out of some detective intuition, he simply stopped by the roadside and observed the pedestrians coming and going.

There are many people like the security guard who scratch their bodies from time to time. There is an old man who looks quite irritable. He scratched his arm and bled. He grimaced in pain, but he still didn't stop.

"Hello, Doctor."


Dr. Agasa temporarily stopped eating hard, with a beard full of ketchup, and looked up at Maori Kogoro.

"Is there any type of flu or other infectious disease that will make people itchy all over?"

Maori Kogoro stretched out his hand and pointed at the irritable old man. Although this situation is more like an allergy, the probability of people of different genders and ages having the same reaction to the same allergen at about the same time is too low.

Dr. Agasa wiped the ketchup on the corner of his mouth and shook his head a little blankly.

At this time, the doctor received a call from Kudo Shinichi. The moment he opened the screen, Dr. Agasa's heart suddenly tightened. He thought that there was something wrong with the temporary antidote, causing Shinichi to transform in public.

After listening to the phone call, the doctor breathed a sigh of relief, and then ate a big mouthful of fries to calm his nerves.

"What happened to that detective boy?"

Maori Kogoro observed another passerby who kept scratching in front of him, and his expression became visibly serious.

"Don't tell me that bastard is involved in another case. I don't care if he wants to dive into the case himself. If he dares to put Xiaolan in danger, I won't forgive him!"

Dr. Agasa wiped his beard with a handkerchief and answered with a smile.

"It's okay, it's Shinichi who accidentally discovered that the water of the Thames was red, so I went to take a sample to study it when I have time."

The river water turned red?

Maori Kogoro paused in his smoking action, and always felt that this sense of déjà vu was a little familiar.

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