"Click, click.

Soft footsteps sounded in the dark warehouse, and the interval between each step was exactly the same. Every time a footstep sounded, the black shadow curled up in the corner trembled subconsciously.

A faint light shone from the fingertips of the visitor, illuminating the terrified face in the deepest part of the warehouse.

Wakamu Liang, wearing the professor's skin, stood in front of Hades Sabara. The light floating in his palm flickered, making his eyes look more like cold animal pupils.

"Good night, Mr. Hades. "

The man in the corner couldn't help but shudder, and subconsciously raised his head to look at the man in front of him. After looking into the golden brown eyes, he immediately lowered his head.

The messy hair covered Hades' eyes, hiding the trace of cruelty and hatred that was well hidden.

Since he was caught by a baby-faced boy two days ago, he has been locked up in this "quiet and lively" warehouse.

When I say quiet, I naturally refer to the surrounding environment. Not to mention the sound of human voices or the sound of cars and ships passing by, even the chirping of insects and birds is almost inaudible, which makes Hades unable to confirm the environment he is in.

When I say lively...

Then After the man with long golden brown hair appeared in the warehouse once, Hades could always find those familiar or unfamiliar faces, but without exception, all of them were burnt in every dark corner.

The owners of these faces probably hated him. They pounced on him with a strong smell of burnt, and kept biting his flesh.

Was it an illusion or some new hypnosis method? Hades was too lazy to tell. He was bitten into a skeleton by those things, then restored to his original state, and then bitten again...

It went on and on, as if there was no end.

"What is your purpose... I don't believe that you took so much trouble to capture me just to torture me."

Hades' voice was hoarse and unpleasant. The constant cursing, screaming and begging for mercy made his throat hoarse in just two days.

"Do you hate it, Mr. Hades? "

Ruo Mu Liang looked down at the prisoner of this London chapter, raised his hand, and moved the light source closer to Hades.

"Hate your friend who tricked you into investing your money in gambling, and ended up losing everything; hate the hospital that refused to treat your mother because it couldn't raise enough medical expenses; hate Minerva Glass, known as the Queen of Grass, who suffered a disastrous defeat in the game you bet on...

Hate this country where gambling is legal and everything can be a bet?"

Ruo Mu Liang said, while throwing a "synesthesia" that can amplify emotions at Hades.

"Hate me for arresting you and torturing you here?"

When Hades heard the last sentence, his eyes suddenly widened, and dense bloodshot burst out in his eyeballs. If looks could kill, Ruo Mu Liang might have been tortured several times at this moment.

"Don't you want to continue revenge? "

Ruo Mu Liang snapped his fingers, untied the chains that restricted Hades' personal freedom, and smiled and proposed a condition that the other party could not refuse.

"Since it has been decided to celebrate the moment when the Queen of Grass wins with blood and fire. Why not set off this chaotic fireworks a little bigger?"

"Members of the royal family will also attend tomorrow's finals."

Hades panted wildly, staring at scarlet eyes like a beast that had completely lost its mind.

"I like the idea of ​​Apocalypse, and look forward to the whole of London being engulfed in flames."

Ruo Mu Liang looked at Hades' expression with satisfaction, not worrying that Hades would suddenly hurt people after regaining his freedom.

Just a scum who only dares to wield a butcher knife against the weaker ones.

"Who are you?"

"Dr. M, of course, you can call me professor. "

After saying this, Ruo Mu Liang extinguished the weak light in his hand, turned around and left the warehouse that had returned to darkness.


Hades' bloodshot eyes trembled nervously, and he muttered the name.

"Do you want to emulate Professor Moriarty?"

Half an hour later.

"Hey, you're finally here, professor."

Kuroba Kaito leaned against the side of a large cardboard box and yawned. He flexibly grabbed a spider robot from the side with his right hand, clicked the power off button, and then put the little spider into the cardboard box next to him.

"The last one, done and done!"

After the museum closed, there were only a few security guards left in the warehouse, which was not valued to begin with. At present, they were all knocked out by Kuroba Kaito and thrown into a dusty corner and fell asleep.

"The little spiders have been recycled. After moving the remaining ones, the warehouseEven if it is completed, what will the professor do with the main building? "

Wakagi Ryo patted Kuroba Kaito on the shoulder with a smile.

"The main building, just move openly tomorrow."

Even though the British royal family no longer has real power, they exist more as mascots.

But when a member of the royal family is assassinated in public, the London police force and the media reporters will naturally be attracted to it.

As long as the few remaining security guards sleep longer, no one will notice the closed British Museum.

"Don't forget to watch the game tomorrow, it will be exciting. "

The portal was opened again, and the last artifacts in the warehouse followed the portal and left the dark and dusty foreign warehouse. Wakagi Liang glanced at the unconscious security guard with a gloomy look.


Facts have proved that even if there is no Sherlock Holmes in London today, the degree of waste in Scotland Yard is even worse than in the novel.

Last night, when he deduced that Hades's target of attack was most likely the Wimbledon tennis court, Kudo Shinichi immediately contacted Maori Kogoro and the doctor and called to report the case.

However, the response made by Scotland Yard was just to set up a cordon outside the Wimbledon tennis court.

Of course, the VIP box that the royal family will use has been carefully inspected inside and outside, and a large number of plainclothes guards have been arranged to patrol around the box.

Hades Sabara, carrying a tennis bag, dressed as a white office boy wearing glasses and looking very ordinary, easily passed through the cordon set by Scotland Yard and entered the interior of the Wimbledon tennis court.

The Queen of Grass, Minerva Glass, has many fans. Although she is not far from the game, she is still a little bit away from the game. There was still about an hour before the game started, but the atmosphere in the entire stadium was already extremely warm.

Many fans waved their cheering objects, held up Minieba's banners, and shouted the name of the Queen of Grass.

Hades carried his bag and looked at Minieba, who was preparing for the game, with a vicious look.

Why did the Queen of Grass, the undefeated legend, lose the game in that one game? As long as you win as always, I won't lose everything because of the wrong bet. If I win that bet, I can get enough medical expenses, and my mother won't die!

I won't kill so many people for revenge, and be killed by that The devil-like man caught and tortured.

It's all you, it's all you, it's all you!

You killed my mother and those innocent people. Today, I will let you feel the pain of losing everything!

Hades raised his camera and skillfully found his target in the crowd. Seeing that the other party was indeed holding the big toy bear with a bomb that he pretended to be a fan and sent over, he showed a cruel smile.

Behind the crowd, Kuroba Kaito observed Hades's actions with a little nervousness, and quietly pressed the communicator covered by his hair.

"Professor, are you sure nothing will happen?"

[Didn't you replace the doll with the problem yourself? ]

Kuroba Kaito raised the corner of his mouth a little weakly, although, you admitted in person that you wanted your child who is good at making trouble to mess up the whole of London!

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