"Damn it, what on earth is going on?"

Mouri Kogoro pounded the steering wheel angrily, looked at the crowded crowd in front of him, and honked the horn impatiently.

The car was rented, of course.

After learning that Hades was very likely to create an explosion at Wimbledon Stadium today, Maori Kogoro rented a car early this morning, and took Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan, and the group rushed to the stadium in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, they encountered a big traffic jam in London.

In several blocks near the hospital, pedestrians and vehicles blocked several sections of the road around the hospital.

Kudo Shinichi and others sat in the car, observing the surrounding situation through the glass.

Almost everyone heading towards the hospital was scratching a part of their body, and even several people had scratched their arms, but they did not stop their rough movements.

When people are not feeling well, their tempers are obviously not very good.

Many people have worn out their last bit of patience due to the congested roads and the unbearable itching on their bodies. They have gradually had verbal conflicts with the people around them, and as time goes on, there is a tendency to develop into physical conflicts.

The atmosphere in the crowd became more and more tense.

Xiaolan looked at the crowd outside the car window with concern. For a moment, she felt as if she was in a huge gunpowder barrel.

As long as there is a little spark, the gunpowder barrel will explode, and the flames will spread to every corner of London.

Seeing that the car could not move forward at all, Kudo Shinichi directly pulled Xiaolan out of the car and ran towards the direction of the tennis court.

Maori Kogoro looked at the backs of the two young people, and his eyebrows were frowned as if he could pinch a fly to death.

The car was rented, and in addition to him, there was also Dr. Agasa in the car. The doctor's physical fitness obviously could not support him to run all the way to Wimbledon Stadium. Maori Kogoro could only patiently drive the car away from the congested section at a snail's pace.


"Do you think that this situation is more like... a plague than an infectious disease?"

Dr. Agasa also showed a worried expression, looking at the crowd outside the window, shaking his mustache, and said nothing.

Seeing that Dr. Agasa did not answer, Maori Kogoro's expression became more solemn.

"What do you think would happen if the prisoner named Hades directly fired at the crowd indiscriminately or simply detonated a bomb in the crowd at this time?"

Dr. Agasa: !!!

Although the crime scene finally solved from the puzzle given by the other party was the Wimbledon tennis court, but... is it possible that this is just a cover used by the prisoner to attract Scotland Yard?

Maori Kogoro intuitively thought that this inexplicable epidemic came too coincidentally. After hesitating for a moment, he suddenly turned to Dr. Agasa and said, "Doctor, you drive to chase the detective boy and Xiaolan, I will stay here to see the situation.

Also, remember to help me warn the detective boy that he can solve the case, but if he dares to let Xiaolan get hurt, I will beat him to death!"

After saying that, before Dr. Agasa could react, Maori Kogoro hurriedly got out of the car and went against the crowd to check the location where he thought there might be hidden dangers.

At the same time, in the closed and empty British Museum, Wakagi Ryo looked at the live broadcast room of Kudo Shinichi and touched his chin thoughtfully.

It must be said that Maori Kogoro still has something.

He did bury something nearby, but it was not a bomb.

On the other side, Kudo Shinichi held Xiaolan's hand tightly, squeezed through the crowd, and ran towards the direction of Wimbledon Tennis Stadium. But because the crowd around was too dense, Kudo Shinichi's vision was blocked, and when he rushed past a corner, he bumped into another person head-on.


With a bang, Kudo Shinichi covered his chest, took two steps back in pain, and almost bumped into Xiaolan's arms.

Opposite him, a middle-aged man with a camera hanging around his neck sat on the ground due to the interaction of forces, and the documents in his backpack were scattered all over the ground.

Xiaolan stepped forward worriedly to support Kudo. The middle-aged man on the ground didn't care about himself at all, and immediately held the precious camera and checked it carefully.

"Are you okay, boy?"

After confirming that the camera was intact, the middle-aged man rubbed the painful part of his body with a grin, and struggled to get up to pick up the scattered documents, and did not forget to care about Kudo Shinichi.

"It's okay, it's okay. Sorry, we were in a hurry to go to Wimbledon tennis court and didn't notice you."

Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan looked at each other, and then he squatted down and collected the documents scattered by the middle-aged man. When he returned them to the middle-aged man, he glanced at him casually and sawI got the photo attached to the file.

"This is..."

Looking at the exquisite knight doll in the photo, Kudo Shinichi seemed to have an idea flashing through his mind, but he didn't catch it at the first time.

He shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​investigating.

Things have priorities. The most important thing now is to bring this crazy criminal to justice before Hades commits a crime.

"Oh, this, have you paid attention to the previous news that the British Museum received a provocation from a crappy thief. The thief sent a notice to the museum, saying that he wanted to steal a certain cultural relic in the museum, and also challenged Kaito Kidd from a distance."

Xiaolan thought about it. When she was waiting for Kudo Shinichi and the doctor at the airport, she seemed to have seen such news.

"But the guy who sent the challenge letter is a clown. He sent a different challenge letter every day for four consecutive days, but not only were there no stolen cultural relics in the museum, but even the potted plants were not missing.

I stayed there for several days, thinking there would be big news."

The middle-aged man complained, carefully put the camera on his back, turned around and looked at Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan, and introduced himself briefly.

"My name is John, and I'm a reporter.

By the way, you just said you were going to Wimbledon Stadium, right? Let's go together. It's just in time for the women's singles final. If we can get an interview with the grass queen, the sales of this issue will definitely be good."

Faced with the middle-aged uncle who was familiar with him, Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan did not refuse the other party's proposal to go with him. Considering the other party's identity as a reporter, Kudo Shinichi was very skilled while rushing on the road, while trying to get some useful information from the other party.

"By the way, Uncle John, there is such a traffic jam near the hospital, will anything happen?"

The kind-hearted Xiaolan followed closely behind Kudo Shinichi, and would look back at the crowded crowd from time to time, with an expression of unstoppable worry on her face.


John sighed, revealing an angry and helpless expression.

"It's all that damn Hades!"

"It seems that in the past two days, a large-scale outbreak of this infectious disease with symptoms similar to urticaria suddenly occurred in the city of London."

"Originally, with London's medical capabilities, it is absolutely able to deal with such a situation. After all, from the current situation, this infectious disease seems to be a new type of urticaria, which is not fatal.

But not long ago, a madman, Hades Sabara, blew up several hospitals in succession for some reason, causing a large number of casualties among medical staff, resulting in a shortage of medical resources in London.

The only large hospitals that can barely maintain operation and receive patients are currently these two nearby, so the situation has become what you see."

John looked at the crowded crowd with some concern, fearing that a small-scale verbal conflict would eventually turn into an irreversible violent incident.

Although Scotland Yard has assigned some personnel to maintain order, if a conflict really occurs, these few scattered police officers will only be overwhelmed by the surging crowd in the first place.

"I hope... nothing will happen."

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