"I'm so tired."

John stopped at the entrance of Wimbledon Stadium, sweating all over, propping up his knees and panting awkwardly. After a long while, he took out half a bottle of mineral water from his bag and gulped it down.

When he finally recovered his strength and stood up, Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan, who came with him, had disappeared.

The middle-aged man touched his dangerous hairline awkwardly and said embarrassedly: "Young people's physical strength is much better than mine."

On the other side, Kudo Shinichi took Xiaolan along the periphery of the stadium and carefully checked the nearby parks and stations, but could not find any clues.

Kudo Shinichi turned his head and looked in the direction of the competition venue, his face looked a little solemn.

"The worst case scenario."


Xiaolan looked at Kudo Shinichi worriedly, and was about to say something, but suddenly felt that someone bumped her shoulder lightly.

Mauri Ran:?

She turned her head subconsciously and saw a young man wearing a baseball cap passing by her. The brim of the other person's hat was pulled down very low, covering most of his face.

"Xiaolan, call Apollo. I remember you exchanged contact information with him."

Kudo Shinichi paused, as if he suddenly remembered something, and then subconsciously explained to Mao Lilan.

"There are not many points around the stadium that are suitable for installing explosives, but these places have not yielded any results.

Except for the VIP room box, the other structures inside the stadium are in full view, so the possibility of burying explosives at fixed points is not high.

In addition, members of the royal family will come to watch the game, and the VIP room will definitely be searched by security personnel. Therefore, Hades has only one choice, which is to disguise himself as a fan during the game and bring the explosives directly into the stadium.

Apollo is Minerva Glass's younger brother, and he may have extra tickets on him."


Ran Maori touched her small bag, but did not take out her mobile phone, but took out several tickets with a blank look.

Kudo Shinichi took the tickets from Xiaolan's hand and flipped through them. There were tickets for all directions. No matter which direction Hades chose to sit in the audience, with these tickets, they could enter and exit the entire stadium freely.

It can be said that it is quite considerate.


Kudo Shinichi looked at his girlfriend with emotion.

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Ran Maori's forehead. "That, the ticket... is not..."

I didn't buy it.

Ran Maori thought of the young man who seemed to have deliberately bumped into her not long ago. These tickets should have been stuffed by him, but...

"Hurry up, let's go."

Kudo Shinichi silently put away the tickets, pulled Xiaolan's hand and ran towards the entrance of the stadium.

Behind the big tree not far away, Kuroba Kaito looked at the backs of the young couple going away, lifted the baseball cap on his head, and tidied up his hair that was a little messy under the pressure of the hat.

"Professor, I want to reimburse you, the tickets for the inner field are very expensive!"

[Okay. 】


Inside the museum

Wakagi Ryo sent the last collection on display through the portal, spent a few minutes admiring the empty scene in the museum, and satisfiedly opened the live broadcast room over there.

Kuroba Kaito, who had changed his clothes, returned to the stadium and enjoyed the game without any psychological pressure. This was in stark contrast to the anxiously sweating Kudo duo on the other side.

As a member of the script team, and having already swapped the stuffed bears with bombs in advance, Kuroba Kaito was as calm as an old dog at this moment.

Even if Hades went crazy on the spot and wanted to detonate before the result of the game came out, it would be useless even if he pressed the detonator to pieces.

"It's a pity that you didn't come, Professor. Minerva is worthy of being the queen of grass, with such superb ball control skills."

Kuroba Kaito looked at Minerva, who kept hitting the net and was currently 0-3 behind her opponent, and gave a heartfelt admiration.

"She should have realized that Hades' target was his mother. Although she hadn't thought of a solution for the time being, she was also asking for help in her own way."

Control the landing point of each ball by hitting the net with the serve, and convey the distress signal with Braille.

Coincidentally, at this time, the statistical chart of Minerva's serve landing point appeared on the big screen of the stadium, and even the net was marked intimately.

From the first serve point, we can get the letters H, E, L, and P.

"The little detective should be able to notice it."

Kuroba Kaito smiled and raised the telescope in his hand, accurately finding the figures of Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan in the audience seats opposite.

Even though Conan has been on Kudo Shinichi for the past few days,The big one on the stage, but Kuroba Kaito still habitually calls him the little detective.

"It's just that it's very hot inside the stadium. Strange, the temperature in London shouldn't be so high in this season."

Kuroba Kaito wiped the sweat from his face, took off his hat and fanned himself with it, observing the surroundings.

The other spectators near him were not much better, all of them were sweating profusely, and some male spectators had taken off their shirts and poured the mineral water they brought directly from their heads to cool down.

Some true fans who were infected with "urticaria" but the symptoms were not too serious, sweat slid over the scratches on their bodies, and they grimaced in pain.

Kuroba Kaito lowered his head a little guilty, silently feeling sorry for the stranger he didn't know for two seconds.

[Then enjoy this last game. 】

Kuroba Kaito:?

The professor's voice in the communicator was as calm as ever, but Kuroba Kaito instinctively began to feel something was wrong.

"What do you mean by the last game?"

"I should have eliminated the hidden dangers... right?"

Touzi's tone gradually became uncertain.

[After all, given the efficiency of the British work, it should take a long time to rebuild the stadium. ]

"No, wait!"

Kuroba Kaito's voice changed. Just at this time, Mineva on the field lost points again. The loud sighs in the audience suppressed his voice and did not attract any unnecessary attention.

Kuroba Kaito gritted his teeth and squeezed out a breath from his teeth.

"Is it really going to explode?"

"How many people will die???"

Wakagi Ryo on the other end of the communicator smiled at the emotional value that was recorded. The little pigeon really deserved to be a member of the protagonist group. He was really generous in brushing up his emotional value.

[Don't worry, believe in yourself. ]

After all, it was Kudo Shinichi who appeared on the court, not Edogawa Conan.

Although they are actually the same person, when it comes to the Death Aura, the trumpet is the real one.

With Douzi's Peace Dove passive attribute, it is easy to suppress an incomplete Death Aura.

"You gave me a fake script, professor!"

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