"Hey, what a coincidence, I run into you again."

John was carefully protecting his camera in the crowded crowd. He was bumped on the shoulder by someone without noticing. He looked back and laughed.

Aren't these the two young people he met before?

Xiaolan reached out and wiped the sweat from her forehead, and gave John an apologetic smile.

Kudo Shinichi raised the bottle of mineral water in his hand and took a big sip. He looked at the landing point statistics on the big screen of the stadium with a slightly anxious look. He always felt that some ideas were about to come out, but they were always a little short.

"Minebea's condition today is not good. I wonder if she will lose the game like last year's French Open. Fans don't like to lose... Hey, what about sales?"

John held up the camera, took a few photos of the Queen of Grass from a distance, and muttered to himself.

"French Open?"

John's mumbling instantly attracted Kudo Shinichi's attention. He subconsciously grabbed John's arm and asked a question.

Without thinking, the reporter showed the good attribute of a qualified NPC in the world of science and answered all questions, and gave Conan a detailed introduction to the only defeat of the Queen of Grass in her career.

And he added a lot of details attentively.

"It is said that the match was lost because Minerva's mother did not attend."

John held the collar of his short-sleeved shirt to cool off, "It's pitiful to say, Minerva's coach Ares, do you know him? He was also an excellent tennis player, and Minerva's father was his coach.

If the car accident hadn't happened, Minerva and Ares might have been married now."

"Unfortunately, a car accident took the life of Minerva's father and caused her mother to go blind. Ares felt guilty..."


Kudo Shinichi suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Mr. John, did you say before that you were following the news about Hades?"

John was stunned and nodded, not knowing how the topic jumped from tennis to the murderer.

"Then do you remember when he started committing crimes?"

"It should be July."

Xiao Lan said affirmatively, and then her eyes widened as if she realized something.

"Shinichi... Could it be?"

"Ah, it should be like this."

John: ? ? ?


Kudo Shinichi didn't have time to explain at all, he grabbed Xiao Lan's hand and ran towards the nearest exit.

"Call Apollo, quickly!"

"The French Open is held in May and June every year. If I'm not mistaken, Hades bet on Minerva's match to collect medical expenses. As a result, Mrs. Glass didn't come to cheer for the match, and the undefeated grass court queen lost the match.

This time he chose this place to commit the crime, probably because he was angry with Minerva and her daughter, thinking that it was them who caused him to fail to collect medical expenses in time!"

And Minerva's weird serve in the first game can be understood. She used Braille to ask for help from the outside world!

"What, Hades is going to commit a crime here?!"

The middle-aged man's terrified voice sounded from behind Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan.

The two people who were running frantically paused and subconsciously looked back at John who was panting and following behind them. Before the reporter uncle continued to exclaim, Kudo Shinichi covered the uncle's mouth and looked around vigilantly.

Fortunately, they were far away from the audience at this time, so there was no excessive attention for the time being.

"Why did you follow?"

John also calmed down at this time, realizing that if he caused a commotion at this moment, alerting Hades and detonating the bomb in advance, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous.

He blinked and patted Kudo Shinichi's hand that was tightly covering his mouth.

"I don't know why, but I subconsciously followed you guys running without saying anything."

Kudo Shinichi: ...

"Are you a detective? Or the police? You cracked Hades Sabara's crime warning, right? If possible, I want to interview you about this incident..."

Under Kudo Shinichi's stare, John's voice became smaller and smaller, and he exuded a sense of lack of confidence.

Kudo Shinichi: "Now that you know about this, you must not reveal the news to anyone before we find Hades."

"No problem, no problem."

John promised hurriedly, and then looked at Kudo Shinichi eagerly, "Just if it's convenient, an exclusive interview..."

Kudo Shinichi felt a headache for a while.

Interview or something,Let's let Uncle Maori go. He's used to being interviewed by reporters in Japan anyway.

After betraying Maori Kogoro's personal interview, Kudo Shinichi asked Xiaolan to contact Apollo urgently and began to think about how to pass the information to Minieba on the court without alerting Hades.

For a moment, he even began to miss Conan's elementary school body.

If he was still Conan now, even if he rushed to the front of the camera and shouted at Minieba, others would only think that the child was ignorant.

But if he used Kudo Shinichi's identity.

Even if Hades didn't alert him and successfully solved the case. But the women's singles final of Wimbledon tennis is definitely recorded throughout the whole process. What if the people of the Black Organization saw Kudo Shinichi who was still alive afterwards...


In the interval between the players of both sides changing venues, Apollo came to Xiaolan's position, wiped the sweat on the tip of his nose, and looked at Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi with expectant eyes.

"Hey, is there only one detective brother today?"

"Sister Xiaolan, have you solved the puzzle?"

Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan looked at each other, Xiaolan squatted down, touched Apollo's head, and whispered all the information known so far.


"The criminal's target is my sister and mother?!"

The blond little boy widened his glasses in disbelief, and even the freckles on his cheeks trembled.

"Well, your sister should have known about this matter, so she asked for help in Braille."

Apollo turned around and was about to go to his mother, but was grabbed by Kudo Shinichi's arm.

"Listen, Apollo. I don't know how much you know about Hades, the criminal, but he is a person with a strong desire for self-expression.

When he first blew up the hospital, he sent the police a notice full of codes like this time. And after the hospital was blown up, he also sent the police a videotape of the explosion process.

When the hospital was blown up for the second time, the code was successfully cracked by the police. But after the bomb disposal team entered the scene, the criminal detonated the bomb in advance, causing heavy casualties.

I don't know how Hades plans to act this time, but I am sure that he must have been lurking in the stadium at this time, secretly monitoring your movements.

If you act rashly, your mother and a large number of innocent spectators around you may not be able to escape death."

Seeing Apollo in a state of panic, Kudo Shinichi's eyes flashed with a trace of pity, but he still grabbed Apollo's shoulders tightly.

"The only way to prevent the tragedy is to find Hades in the audience and bring him to justice."

"Your mother and Ares didn't seem to be sitting in the family and friends seats?"


Apollo gritted his teeth and nodded, "Mom doesn't like to be photographed by the TV camera, so she always sits in the ordinary audience seats in the shade."

Kudo Shinichi's eyes lit up.

"According to Hades' habit of liking to record, in order to capture the scene he likes, he is very likely to sit in the sunny place opposite!

Apollo, I need you to do me a favor."

"What should I do?"

The blond little boy lifted the hem of his clothes and wiped his face. Maybe because he was too hard, his eyes looked a little red, but his expression was very firm.

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