Compared to Kudo Shinichi, who has been running around all day and has not rested until now, but has plunged into a new investigation, Kuroba Kaito is much more relaxed.

After leaving a hot Wimbledon tennis court, he returned to the hotel where he was staying quite leisurely, took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and slowly came to the British Museum, which was temporarily closed to visitors, to meet Wakaki Ryo.

He also bought some snacks and drinks on the way.

"I'm here, professor, I brought you a hamburger."

Wakaki Ryo took the informal dinner, took a bite slowly, and his expression froze slightly.

Kuroba Kaito lowered his eyes, with a little guilt and disappointment in his eyes.

I accidentally bought a super unpalatable hamburger, of course I have to share it with my friends. Moreover, I thought that such an unpalatable thing would make the professor's expression collapse.

"Professor, what's the plan for tonight?"

The little pigeon that had just played a prank turned its head and pretended to look at the empty exhibition hall seriously, trying to divert Wakagi Ryo's attention.

After all, the script that Wakagi Ryo gave him ended with delivering the inner court ticket of Wimbledon Stadium to Mao Lilan. As the protagonist of tonight, he didn't even know what his lines were.

A bright flame appeared in Wakagi Ryo's palm, and he directly destroyed the hamburger in his hand, which was not even food. His eyes stayed on the side of Kuroba Kaito's face, trying to analyze whether the little pigeon was bold or whether English food really tasted like this.

"What's wrong?"

Kuroba Kaito, who was already a little guilty, was almost mad by Wakagi Ryo's stare. Although he kept a poker face, his eyes were a little erratic.

Wakagi Ryo's mouth curled up, the case was solved, intentionally.

"Don't worry, wait until our famous detective figures out the answer. After all, he will be the one to open the curtain tonight."

Kuroba Kaito reached out and tugged at Wakaki Ryo's tuxedo, and made a little gesture with his other hand.

"Just reveal a little bit in advance."

Who would want to follow the script step by step when they can enjoy the joy of spoilers?

Wakaki Ryo reached out and pulled his coat out of the little pigeon's hand, smoothing out the tiny wrinkles on his tuxedo.

"You know that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse originated from the Bible..."


Outside Scotland Yard

Kudo Shinichi stood under the street light, anxiously looking for the information "borrowed" from the tool man John's bag, brainstorming frantically.

Xiaolan ran to Kudo Shinichi out of breath and stopped, "Shinichi, I went to the hospital to ask. Although many people have been infected in the past two days, there are no deaths from this sudden infectious disease. The hospital's examination report also shows that the virus suspected of urticaria is not fatal."

Kudo Shinichi kept his eyes on the four photos of the Apocalypse Horsemen taken by John, muttering "No."

Xiaolan: "Shinichi, what's wrong?"

Kudo Shinichi raised the photo in his hand to Xiaolan's eyes, "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse represent plague, war, famine and death respectively. If the infectious disease currently breaking out in London can be classified as a plague, then how can the guy who imitated Professor Moriarty in Hades's mouth create scenes of famine and war in an international metropolis like London?

I must have overlooked something."

Xiaolan reached out and touched Kudo Shinichi's cheek worriedly, trying to smooth his frown.

"Could it be... Could it be the water source?"

Xiaolan suddenly thought of something and excitedly grabbed Kudo Shinichi's hand, "Do you remember yesterday when we found that the water of the Thames River turned red, and you called the doctor and asked him to take some water samples for testing when he had time."

"If, if that person is so crazy that he poisoned the water... After all, the water supply of the Thames River accounts for about 70% of the total water supply. If people have conflicts due to water shortages, it may correspond to war and famine?


At this point, Xiaolan silently closed her mouth and rejected this possibility.

But the Thames River is not some dead water that does not flow. The river is 338 kilometers long and has a drainage area of ​​11,400 square kilometers. Poisoning? Can it really be done?

Kudo Shinichi shook his head and subconsciously took out his mobile phone to call Dr. Agasa.

"Doctor, have you tested the river water?"

Dr. Agasa's voice was slightly distorted on the other end of the phone.

"I didn't have time to do any tests, but I called a friend in London to ask about it. They had already taken samples and studied them as soon as the river water turned red. The final conclusion wasThe conclusion is that no unusual toxic substances were found in the river water.

It's as if someone deliberately played a prank and simply dyed the river water. "

Kudo Shinichi hung up the phone, and the whole person seemed to be in a trance, repeating the words river water, red, and plague.

"I know!"

His distressed look was gradually replaced by the excitement of solving the puzzle, and then he grabbed Xiaolan's shoulders and began to explain the situation to Xiaolan, who was still confused.

"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse originated from the prophecy of the end of the world in the Book of Revelation in the Bible, and the center of the prophecy of the end of the world is the seven seals, the seven trumpets, and the seven bowls. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse commonly seen in film and television works are the first four of the seven seals.

At the end of the prophecy of the end of the world, when the seventh bowl is poured out, it represents the arrival of the ultimate judgment. "

Seeing that Xiaolan's expression was still confused, Kudo Shinichi directly deleted all the religious content and continued to explain.

"In short, the order of the seven bowls of disaster in the Bible is probably the spread of boils, the reddening of rivers and seas, high temperature and drought, the darkness of the world, the advent of war, and finally the completion of the entire judgment process in earthquakes and hail."

"Of course, the above are all scenes described in the Bible. I don't think humans can do these. However, it is not impossible to create a similar scene."

After Kudo Shinichi's simple and rough summary, Xiaolan immediately understood, and then frowned and said: "Bomignon... The infectious disease that suddenly broke out in London these two days is indeed somewhat similar to boils.

We can't see the sea water, but the water of the Thames has indeed turned red. "

Kudo Shinichi nodded, and continued with a serious face: "The unusually high temperature in the stadium can also correspond. "

Xiaolan: "Then the darkness will come..."

The two looked at each other, and almost at the same time, the power supply system of the entire London suddenly collapsed, and the darkness completely enveloped the city.

At the same time, in the museum, Wakagi Ryo explained the second half of the script to Kuroba Kaito, and then cut off London's power supply system at the right time.

The little pigeon looked out the dark window and couldn't help but sigh.

Wakagi Ryo said with a smile: "London, the capital of the United Kingdom, known as the Empire on which the sun never sets, has fallen into a dark darkness.

Don't you think it's interesting, Kaito-kun?"

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