The sudden darkness gradually breeds uneasiness in the hearts of most London citizens.

Except for a few places with backup power supply such as hospitals, people indoors or outdoors can only use the light of mobile phones or vehicles to illuminate the surroundings.

Sudden outbreak of infectious diseases, royal family members assassinated in public, innocent collapse of Wimbledon Stadium...

One incident after another came one after another, leaving no time for the people of London to breathe, and their emotions were like rubber bands stretched to the limit, on the verge of breaking at any time.

Just as the people gradually became agitated, a thick beam of light shot straight into the sky, as if hundreds or thousands of spotlights were turned on at the same time, illuminating a small piece of darkness like daylight.

People are phototropic.

If light suddenly appears in the pitch-black darkness, most people will subconsciously move towards the light source.

Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan are no exception.

Xiaolan followed behind Kudo Shinichi and ran towards the direction of the light column, carefully identifying the direction.

"There... it seems to be, it seems to be the location of the British Museum."


Kudo Shinichi slowed down and took Xiaolan around the congested road section - because the power outage came too suddenly, many places had small-scale traffic accidents.

"But why... the target is the museum?"

Xiaolan pulled Kudo Shinichi's hand puzzledly and turned her head to look at Shinichi's profile.

"According to the order of the Bible, shouldn't the image corresponding to the sixth bowl be war? Is he planning to do it near the museum..."

Kudo Shinichi was silent for a while, and then he slowly said: "Most of the cultural relics in the British Museum were forcibly looted by Britain through invading other countries. Therefore, there is no other place in London that is more suitable to be a reference to war than the British Museum."

"And the earthquake after the war..."

Kudo Shinichi looked at the people around him who were attracted by the light column and headed towards the museum, showing a worried look.


"The audience has arrived, you can start your performance."

Wakamu Liang floated right above the museum, covered himself with dozens of layers of illusions, and then lowered his head to look at the crowd attracted by the light column.

"Don't worry, because the sudden collapse of Wimbledon Stadium almost killed the royal family in public. Now the security of the whole London is basically concentrated there, and there won't be many official forces here."

"Even if they show up, I can protect you."

Kuroba Kaito didn't know when he changed into a complete set of Kaito Kid's equipment, and the pure white cloak fluttered in the night wind.

"The scene is so big, after this incident, we are afraid that we will be on the top of the British wanted list."

Wakagi Ryo raised his mouth, "Correction, it's you, not us."

Kuroba Kaito: ? ? ?

"Wait, that's not what you said before you asked me to come to London. I remember your original words were... you will be in charge of this operation, and I just need to be your assistant and show up at the last moment, right?"

Wakagi Ryo nodded, "That was indeed the original plan, but I've changed my mind now."

"Just as you asked me to reimburse the tickets for the inner field, then... how about the title of the world's first thief who steps on the face of the whole UK and outputs face to face, unprecedented?"

Kuroba Kaito: !!!

"I just want to reimburse some money, not my life, Professor!"


The little pigeon reached out to press his hat with tears in his eyes, and looked down at the crowded crowd under his feet, feeling that these people on the ground were here to have a feast at his funeral.

Wakagi Ryo smiled and pressed Kuroba Kaito's shoulder, and the whole person seemed to be emitting black air.

"Maybe because the dinner tasted great."

Kuroba Kaito: ...

"Professor, I was wrong!!"

However, Wakagi Ryo obviously did not intend to give a courageous little pigeon a chance to continue talking. After confirming that the most important audience, Kudo Shinichi, had arrived, he stretched out his hand, snapped his fingers, and then lightly pushed Kuroba Kaito towards the top of the main building of the British Museum.

In front of the museum, the crowd attracted by the light column gathered at the main entrance of Great Russell Street, looking at the main entrance of the museum blocked by a high fence in confusion.

Kudo Shinichi, who had squeezed to the front of the crowd, held Xiaolan's hand and looked around vigilantly. Although it is unclear how the mastermind who has not yet appeared intends to create an "earthquake" in this place, given the density of the crowd now, that person can easilyIt can cause large-scale bloodshed.

However, before Kudo Shinichi could find a way to evacuate the crowd, everyone heard the rustling sound of playing cards being shuffled.

Everyone instinctively looked in the direction of the sound.

The original thick light column that shot straight into the sky disappeared at some point, and was replaced by 13 huge translucent playing cards from A to K, which surrounded the top of the main building of the British Museum in a staircase shape.

A figure in a pure white dress put his hands in his pockets, stepped on the suspended huge playing cards step by step, and stood at the top.

"Kaito Kidd!"

Kudo Shinichi's pupils shrank, and he almost immediately realized what role Kaito Kidd and his assistant played in this matter.

"Good night, ladies and gentlemen."

The figure at the top of the museum raised his hands flat, and his voice was as clear as if he was speaking in everyone's ears.

"I came here at the invitation, and tonight, I will take away all the treasures temporarily stored in the British Museum."

Kudo Shinichi:? !


Wait, there are millions of collections in the museum, how can he empty them all in one night?

However, Kaito Kidd obviously did not intend to explain the specific process and details to them. Everyone present could only see the figure standing on the top of the museum, taking off the white hat on his head and placing it on his chest.

Then, the giant playing cards hovering under his feet, starting from the spade A at the bottom, dimmed one by one, and disappeared in the dark night sky like smoke blown away by the wind.

As the playing cards disappeared one by one, dull rumbling sounds and clear vibrations came from the soles of everyone's feet.

"Earthquake, it's an earthquake!"

Someone screamed in the crowd, and the crowd gathered at the entrance of the museum immediately became agitated.

Some people wanted to escape immediately, some felt that the tremor was not strong and wanted to continue to wait and see, and some wanted to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the opportunity.

Kudo Shinichi half-hugged Xiaolan in his arms, his eyes fixed on Kaito Kidd in mid-air, wanting to see how he was going to implement his previous declaration.

The "boom" sound became louder and louder, and the vibration under his feet became stronger and stronger.

When the Spade 5 dissipated, everyone heard a loud "bang", and then the top of the main building of the British Museum suddenly exploded, and the rubble flew everywhere.

Kudo Shinichi: ? ? ?

Are you planning to demolish violently?

When the giant poker in the air dissipated until only the last two were left, the strong vibration made it difficult for everyone near the museum to stand firm. Huge cracks continued to spread on the main body of the museum, and a clear explosion sounded, and the entire museum continued to collapse at an incomprehensible speed.

In mid-air, Kuroba Kaito bowed and bowed, and gave a curtain call to the panicked crowd in front of the museum.

Wakagi Ryo cooperated tacitly and threw a dozen illusions in the direction of Kuroba Kaito, making the figure of Kaito Kidd disappear in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.

With the disappearance of the giant poker and Kaito Kidd, the entire British Museum was completely reduced to ruins in the last loud noise.

The fence used to cover the graffiti at the main entrance of the museum was also scattered all over the ground in the continuous shaking, and the graffiti dozens of meters in front of the main entrance was exposed to the public.

I don’t know who took the lead, people swarmed into the ruins of the museum and rushed to the nearest display cabinet, but they couldn’t find any remains of the exhibits in the ruins of the building.

It was as if they had never existed.

Kudo Shinichi silently looked at the originally solemn and magnificent building, only the broken walls and ruins were left. In the open space in front of the museum, the bright red, huge F**K graffiti arrogantly showed its presence and mocked everyone who saw it equally.


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