The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next meal.

"So, last time, Dad said he would treat us to a meal, but in the end, he used Brother Wakagi's invitation ticket!"

Mouri Ran put her hands on her waist and snatched the beer can from Maori Kogoro.

"You made 500,000 in commissions this time, and it just happened to be a festival and a fireworks show, so you can invite Brother Wakagi to go with you!"

Mouri Kogoro burped drunkenly.

"Ahahahahaha, this commission is really easy to make. I get 500,000 just for following a man for three days. Hiccup, okay, okay, but you and Conan, that kid, will be responsible for the reception when we get there. I still have to attend the class reunion."


Mouri Ran smiled and returned the beer to Maori Kogoro, turned around to make a phone call.

So, on the day of the festival.

Wakagi Ryo carried Conan, and Conan carried the pink rabbit balloon. The two of them quietly followed Xiaolan into the crowd.

This "world's number one" festival, before setting off the three rising text fireworks, will light a bonfire in the center of the square in advance, and then a special person will use the torches lit at the bonfire to go to the three nearby hills and set off the three fireworks of "sky", "down", and "one" respectively.

People will spontaneously dance, drink, barbecue, etc. by the bonfire, and pray that the next year will also be a good year of harvest.

Maori Ran enthusiastically pulled the two men to the bonfire.

"I heard that Chef Kanai was invited to take charge of the first round of barbecue this time. I saw him in a food magazine I read in Tokyo. The reputation of his shop has always been very good, but the price is relatively high. This time, you can enjoy Chef Kanai's craftsmanship without spending money."

Ran Maoli took out a rolled-up magazine from her small bag, turned to a certain page and pointed it to Wakaki Ryo and Conan.

Wakaki Ryo: ...

Isn't this the barbecue restaurant that only serves raw meat that the Miyano sisters took me to last time?

So is this chef going to show us his knife skills and slice the meat for everyone to show off?

"Ah, it's started."

In the distance, the word "天" rose into the air in the easternmost direction. In front of him, the bald chef had already prepared the first batch of barbecue in front of the super-large oven that was set up at some point, and the staff were distributing it to the people around him.

The strong aroma of meat was mixed with an indescribable strange smell.

Wakagi Ryo instinctively wrinkled his nose and lowered his head to ask Conan for confirmation.

As we all know, the male protagonist can sometimes be used as a police dog.

Conan closed his eyes, raised his head, tried to sniff the air, and then frowned and thought.

There was indeed a strange smell mixed in the aroma of barbecue, but it was hard to tell what it was for a while.

And it happened that at this time, the free barbecue was just delivered to them.

The staff apologized to them with a smile and promised to deliver the second batch to them as soon as it was finished.

"Um, sorry, can you take a photo for me?"

A dark-skinned man in a beige suit and a turtleneck sweater wiped his sweat breathlessly and showed Mao Lilan the Polaroid in his hand.

"Can you use that word as the background?"

The enthusiastic little angel Mao Lilan would certainly not refuse this request. She immediately took the camera from the man and took several photos responsibly.

The man wiped his sweat while thanking them. Even next to the huge fire, he didn't mean to take off his coat.

"Really? Why haven't Dad and the others come yet? Didn't we say that we would bring Aunt Yumi and the others to watch the fireworks show on time? It's not because I'm not here, so I drank too much with my old classmates."


While complaining, Maori Kogoro and his two classmates had hurriedly squeezed through the crowd and came to the three of them.

"Great, we made it in time. The fireworks show after the festival hasn't officially started yet!"

Ayashiro Noriko took her husband's arm and looked up at the night sky.

"Hey, Aunt Yumi didn't come?" Maori Ran counted the heads and found that one person was missing.

Although they came to Gunma Prefecture together this time, Maori Kogoro went to the class reunion alone, while Xiaolan, Conan and Wakaki Ryo went directly to the festival site and played around before the fireworks show.

Maori Kogoro: "Yumi fell asleep. We called her several times but she didn't wake up. Besides, she is very irritable when she wakes up. None of us wants to be scolded for nothing. So,

Come straight over. "

Ruo Mu Liang glanced at Mao Lilan, don't ask, most people are dead now.

There is a law in the world of science: So-called, if you walk alone, I must die.

Hey, wait, did I miss a plot again, such as Conan and Xiaolan's hot spring mixed bath?

Will I be retaliated by the halo of death?

Just thinking about it, the staff has arranged the fireworks around the giant bonfire in the center of the square and lit the first row.

The fiery red fireworks rose into the night sky and exploded into scattered fireworks, which was beautiful.

Ruo Mu Liang frowned slightly. In addition to the "swoosh" sound when the fireworks were set off, he seemed to hear a faint noise.

Just then, the giant bonfire in the center of the square suddenly exploded. The cracked, flaming wood flew in all directions toward the crowd, and a few sections whizzed toward Wakaki Ryo as expected.

Fortunately, even Conan, who looked like an elementary school student, had a certain ability to protect himself in the area where he was. The Maori father and daughter kicked the flying firewood back to the left and right.

With a snap, a small piece of black charcoal-like object smeared on Wakaki Ryo's face, scalding his eyebrows.

He was careless. When he saw Xiaolan and Uncle Maori fighting, he relaxed his vigilance. After all, these two people were ranked high in the list of martial arts in the science world, and it was impossible for them to not be able to handle two pieces of wood.

"Brother Wakaki, handkerchief. "

After seeing this, Angel Lan hurriedly took out a clean handkerchief from her bosom and handed it to Ruo Mu Liang.

Ruo Mu Liang wiped off the unknown black object on his face. The high temperature burned a large area of ​​skin on his right cheek and it swelled up quickly, but fortunately it was not too serious and he did not have to go to the hospital.

Just when everyone was relieved, several more screams rang out, and a charred corpse rolled out from the bottom of the collapsed bonfire.

The corpse raised both hands high in the direction of the sky, with claw-like palms, as if it was ready to pounce in any direction at any time.

Ruo Mu Liang looked at the black object on the handkerchief and frowned.

This is a small piece of skin.

Burned, inside A small amount of flesh and blood can be seen on the side, human skin.


Although it is not that he has killed people before when he switched to the winery vest, seeing a corpse and having a piece of burnt human limbs stuck on his face are completely different things.

The few tourists who stayed on the side couldn't help vomiting. As long as they thought about the free barbecue they had eaten at the beginning, which was grilled on the bonfire with the corpse hidden, their stomachs couldn't help but churn, and they vomited all the food they ate.

The staff hurriedly called the police, and after waiting for about 20 minutes, a small team of police officers arrived at the scene panting.

"Strange, the police station is not close to here, how did they come so quickly?"

Conan touched his chin and thought.

"Mr. Saii Xuanyi," a square-faced coral head police officer showed his ID to everyone and said seriously: "I have a few questions about Mr. Imatake Tomo's case."

"What happened to him? "

Conan turned around when he heard the voice, and then he found that the man who asked them to help take pictures did not leave, but was standing not far from them.

"He is dead, in the 'Kiriyama Hotel' where you stayed together."

"Isn't that the hotel we stayed in?"

Xiaolan grabbed Maori Kogoro's sleeve, with a worried look on her face: "Aunt Yumi is still in the room, let's go back and take a look."

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