Well, three in one night. It's hard to say what the KPI of the police station is this year, but the KPI of Death tonight is definitely exceeded.

The group followed the police back to the hotel, and Mao Lilan brought Conan to the door of Horikoshi Yumi.

"Auntie Yumi, it's time to get up. Let's go out and eat something together."

Xiaolan raised her hand and knocked on the door, but she didn't expect the door to creak open directly. The room was dark, and there was no light at all.

Xiaolan subconsciously touched the switch at the door, and at the moment when she turned on the light.


This time the police came faster than last time. After all, they were investigating clues in the room of Saiki Nobukazu and Imatake Satoshi downstairs. When they heard the scream, they rushed up the stairs and found another crime scene.

Yokomizo Sango felt a little bald.

Three murders in one night, the police station is completely short of manpower!

"If possible, let us do the autopsy here, which can help you share some of the pressure."

Nakamichi Kazushi took out his ID. He is also a working criminal police, but he is temporarily on vacation. Maori Kogoro rolled up his sleeves and planned to help.

Yokomizo Sango hesitated for a moment, and his eyes fell on Maori Kogoro.

"Are you... the famous detective, the sleeping Kogoro!"

Maori looked at the coral head who suddenly got excited and came up, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed and took a step back.

"If it's Detective Mori, then there's no problem. I'll leave two colleagues from the forensic department to help here."

Yokomizo Sango said a few words and hurried downstairs, wishing he was a legendary ninja who could use shadow clones to handle cases at the same time.

"Wakagi-san, where are you going?"

Conan felt the movement and looked up and asked.

Wakagi Ryo turned his head, lowered his eyes and looked at him, and said calmly: "I'll go downstairs to see the situation."

Conan: ...

Wakagi-san's expression and tone were the same as usual, but why did he suddenly feel so scary.

It must be because of the light.

Just now, Wakagi-san was standing with his back to the light, which made the burned part of his face look darker, and it looked like blood at first glance.

Yes, it must be like this.

Anyone who is watching fireworks well will definitely feel bad if something like this happens.

Conan completed his self-exploration very quickly, and then followed into the crime scene to take a close look at Horikoshi Yumi's body. Unsurprisingly, he was rewarded with a punch from his ancestors by Maori Kogoro.

Conan puffed up his face and touched the freshly baked bun on his forehead angrily. He wanted to go downstairs to find Wakagi Ryo, but he was worried that if he was not watching, Uncle Maori would use reasoning to lead everyone into a ditch.

2nd floor, room 204.

The police have completed the preliminary autopsy and learned the details from other people on the same floor.

The person with the greatest suspicion at present is naturally Sai Shinichi, who lives in the same room with the deceased Imazaki Tomo.

"This, the room is so messy, it should be a burglary, my God, Imazaki, you... he asked for money, you just gave it to him directly, why..."

Wakagi Ryo came up at the right time, just in time to catch Sai Shinichi crying.

"The deceased was wearing pajamas, with tooth powder on the corners of his mouth, and his toothbrush was not far from the body. It was obvious that he was killed while brushing his teeth. This must be an acquaintance. If it wasn't someone he knew, no one would open the door for him while brushing their teeth in pajamas."

Ryo Wakagi interrupted Sai Shinichi's performance. He was in a very bad mood and just wanted to solve these two cases quickly, and then go to the murderer of the charred corpse case to talk about life and ideals.

"You are... the guy next to Detective Mori?"

Yokomizo Sango was stunned for a moment, and suddenly seemed to have figured something out, and slammed his palm.

"You must be the assistant of Detective Mori, right?"

Wakagi Ryo: "Almost."

Sai Nobuichi's face froze, but he still insisted: "But it could also be that he was brushing his teeth when the robber rang the doorbell, and then Imatake thought it was me, so he opened the door without any precautions and was unfortunately shot dead."

Wakagi Ryo: "Then the criminal turned the room upside down in 2-3 seconds? How can he be a robber with this skill? The country needs such talents."

Yokomizo Sango stared at Sai Nobuichi, and he was also the one he suspected the most.

"But...but I have an alibi."

Sai Nobuichi wiped the sweat off his face and took out

The Polaroid camera that had been tightly held in his hand.

The police took the camera and hurried to develop the photos. At the same time, a middle-aged man in a suit ran into the room with a briefcase in his hand.

"Teacher Imatake!"

Yokomizo Sango stopped the middle-aged man and asked with a frown: "Who are you?"

"I am Yamada from the literary era. We rushed here as soon as we received the call from the police. It's over, where is Teacher Imatake's manuscript? Have you found the manuscript?"

Shijing Xuanyi sighed in a fake way: "Oh, Imatake once told me that he hasn't touched a word of the new manuscript."

Yamada was stunned on the spot, with a doomsday look on his face.

"There's no way, this is my old manuscript..."

Wakagi Ryo: "I can solve this."

"Teacher Aotoshi?" Yamada turned around and saw another acquaintance in the room. They were in the same publishing house. Although Yamada was in charge of novels, he was not unfamiliar with the cash cow of the comics department next door.

Wakagi Ryo looked at Saiki Nobukazu expressionlessly, and threw a "perception spell" at him, magnifying the red color representing "anger" among the chaotic emotions on Saiki Nobukazu's forehead.

"I'll just call Tadokoro."

Yamada was overjoyed, "Teacher Tadokoro Toshiya? His first book Legend of Light was well received. But we asked him to write an article before, and he said he was busy with marriage and had no plans to publish a new novel for the time being."

Saiki Nobukazu held the manuscript that he had prepared long ago in his hand, his face turned pale, and his eyes looking at Wakagi Ryo gradually began to show murderous intent.

Wakagi Ryo: "I still have this face. He said a while ago that he was almost done with the new novel."

"That's great, thank you, Mr. Aotoshi!" Yamada couldn't help but bow to Wakagi Ryo and thank him, completely ignoring Saiki Nobukazu who had been holding a thick manuscript behind him for most of the day.

Saiki Nobukazu squeezed the manuscript with his hand and tore the cover of the manuscript.

Strong anger suddenly surged into his heart, and Saiki Nobukazu's eyes slowly became bloodshot, and his reason gradually left him.

He killed Imatake Satoshi just to snatch this opportunity from him!

They clearly debuted under the same pen name, so why was it only Imatake Satoshi who achieved success and won the Naoki Prize? This time, the joint manuscript of the Wenhui Times and Wenhui Daily was also looking for him? !


If I had killed him earlier, the person who won the Naoki Prize today might be me, no, it must be me.

Kill him.

Just kill him!

Wakagi Ryo hung up the phone and said to Yamada: "Tadokoro has agreed, you can contact him directly later."

With Yamada's many thanks, the last string in Saiki Nobukazu's mind was broken.

He raised the transparent glass ashtray on the table, his eyes bloodshot, and rushed towards Wakamura Ryo with a roar.

Wakamura Ryo easily clamped Saiki Nobukazu's attack with one hand, and then kicked him on the shin.

Saiki Nobukazu screamed and fell to the ground. Wakamura Ryo tied his hands behind his back and dragged him to Yokomizo Masafumi.

"The photo was taken at the festival a year ago, and the evidence is this sunburn mark on the wrist."

Yokomizo Chanwu: ...

Although, you beat him up in front of the police. If I hadn't been rational, I would have almost pulled out a gun on you.

"He attacked a minor first, and I was too panicked and fought back. It was self-defense, officer."

Wakamura Ryo looked at the calendar with confidence. There were still three days before his 20th birthday (the Japanese law at the time stipulated that 20 years old was considered an adult).

But in the world of science, it might be Schrödinger's three days.

Yokomizo Sango glanced at the still screaming Saii Shinichi, then at the "overly panicked" victim, ignoring his own slightly painful conscience and said, "Well, attacking a minor is a very bad behavior, and you were definitely acting in self-defense!"

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