The wound was so severe that the wound was not cleared.

Shirley had seen the healing potion, and the winery had never sold it to the public. In order to prevent future accidents due to inexplicable details, Ryo Wakagi could only ask the waiter in the store for a piece of gauze to stick on the injured area to prevent the wound from healing too quickly and attracting Conan's attention.

After getting rid of Nobuichi Sakai, he returned to the third floor with the gauze on his face.

The progress of the class reunion murder case was gratifying. After all, Maori Kogoro had the passive attribute of "instantly reliable when the case involved people around him", and with Conan's help, the father-in-law and son-in-law had basically locked in who the criminal was, but there was no definite evidence for the time being.

The murderer was Nakamichi Kazushi, who was once a couple with the deceased Horikoshi Yumi and had been dating for 18 years.

During this period, Nakamichi Kazushi proposed to her several times, but was rejected by Horikoshi Yumi.

Seeing that he was getting older year by year, Nakamichi Kazushi was forced to break up and accepted a blind date with his boss's daughter and made an engagement.

Who knew that at this time, Horikoshi Yumi threatened Nakamichi's fiancee several times, saying "You betrayed me, I will never let you be happy", and threatened to send their old photos to her.

What could make Nakamichi Kazushi so afraid and even murderous was probably not an ordinary photo, but a bed photo.

In this case,

Wakagi Ryo paused and turned around to Nakamichi Kazushi's room 303. As expected, he found the photo that was hastily stuffed at the bottom of his luggage.

Wakagi Ryo picked up the photo with a handkerchief and stuffed it into his pocket. When he passed by Maori Kogoro, he stuffed the photo to him as if nothing had happened.

Maori Kogoro:? !

He flipped the photo and took a look, then immediately put it back and began to teach Wakaki Ryo with a serious face: "Children should not look at such things casually."

Wakaki Ryo:?

Is this the point, Uncle Maori?

Maori Kogoro coughed twice to clear his throat, put on a serious expression for business, and asked everyone to gather in Horikoshi Yumi's room.

Then, he began to reason about the method of committing the crime in front of a group of old classmates.

The method this time is also simple to say. The murderer took advantage of the sudden death during intense exercise. The protein in the human muscle will coagulate quickly, causing the time of post-mortem rigidity to be advanced, so that people will misjudge the real time of death, and use this as his alibi.

As long as he understood this point, Maori Kogoro naturally knew that among all the people present, only he and Nakamichi Kazushi, two professionals, could use this to commit the crime.

Nakamichi Kazushi: "Where's the evidence, Maori? You are also a professional, so you can certainly use it to commit a crime. Moreover, if an outsider is willing to look up this kind of knowledge in a book, it is not impossible to learn it."

Mouri Kogoro took a deep breath and took out the stack of photos from his pocket.

Out of respect for the deceased, he did not show the front of the photos to everyone.

Nakamichi Kazushi's face changed, and finally he sighed dejectedly as if he had figured something out.

"This may be God's will.

After I killed Yumi and found these photos, I wanted to get rid of them first. Unexpectedly, you suddenly came and said that you had an appointment with your daughter to meet before the fireworks show. I could only hide the photos on my body temporarily. There were so many fires during the barbecue after the fireworks show, and it was not difficult to find an opportunity to get rid of the photos.

But who could have thought that something like that would happen on the bonfire.

After returning to the hotel, a large number of police officers were called downstairs because of the murder. Yumi's body was found as I wished, but I never found a chance to destroy these photos.

Maybe this is... punishment for me."

"Why! Why did you kill Yumi!!"

The other two classmates from the Judo Club, as secret admirers of Yumi Horikoshi during their school days, rushed up and wanted to beat up Nakamichi Kazushi, but they were no match for Nakamichi and were easily thrown to the ground.

Nakamichi Kazushi was also enraged at this time, roaring and jumping up, picking up the gun on the ground and aiming at Maori Kogoro: "She is a demon, she has ruined my entire life, why can't I kill him, what do you know!"

It's outrageous that the police didn't take the murder weapon away immediately.

Maori Kogoro narrowed his eyes and stared at Nakamichi Kazushi, ducked to avoid the first shot when his finger pressed, then rushed up, twisted Nakamichi Kazushi's wrist and threw him over his shoulder, knocking Nakamichi Kazushi unconscious, and the gun in his hand was also

was thrown out.

Under the gaze of a group of people, the pistol bounced twice on the floor, and then it hit something magical, and it went off in a magical posture, firing two shots at a corner of the room.

Wakagi Ryo: ...

What else can I say, I'm used to it.

Maori Kogoro: !!!

"Wakagi, are you okay?"

"Wakagi-san!" X2

Wakagi Ryo patted the dust on his body from rolling, ignored the two bullet holes on the ground, picked up the gun and unloaded the magazine. Then he turned his head with a serious face and looked at Coral Head who had just sent Shijing Xuanyi back to the police station and hurried back.

"This is a serious mistake on your part, right?"

Yokomizo Sango: I want to cry

What can he say?

Because the police here have never received three murders in one night, one of which caused serious panic, and the colleagues in the entire police station were numb, so there was a work error?

Hugging my strong self with heartache.JPG

Ryo Wakagi glanced at the three skill points provided by the three members of the Maori family on the panel, and his mood rose slightly. He threw the gun and magazine to Yokomizo Sango without saying anything more.

He had encountered this kind of magical accidental discharge more than 80 times in these years.

After handing the murder weapon to his colleagues in the forensic department, Yokomizo Sango skillfully handcuffed Nakamichi Kazushi, who was unable to get up again, and watched his colleagues escort him to the police car.

"Detective Maori, please come back with us, we need to make a record of this case."

At this time, Conan ran to Maori Kogoro with his short legs and pulled Yokomizo Sango's trouser leg.

"Uncle police, have you found out who the person in the bonfire is?"

Yokomizo Sango immediately triggered the passive ability to answer any questions from the Grim Reaper, lowered his head and said: "It has been found out. The deceased is called Negishi Masaki, 42 years old. According to the current clues, it is murder. The body was stuffed into the bonfire after death."

"What did you say?!"

Mouri Kogoro immediately grabbed Yokomizo Sango's collar. Yokomizo Sango was startled, but for some reason, a mysterious blush appeared on his face.

Why are you blushing?

"Dad? What's wrong with you? Do you know this person?"

Mouri Kogoro let go of his hand, snatched the information from Yokomizo Sango's hand, and frowned at the photo of Negishi Masaki on it.

"It's not a question of knowing him or not. I've been following this man for the past three days. Xiaolan, do you remember that I told you that I had taken on a particularly easy case recently? I was paid 500,000 yen for following a man for three days.

I was still following him until last night."

Yokomizo Sango's face immediately became serious, and he said, "Then Mr. Maori, I want to know if the person who hired you to follow Negishi Masaki is called Abe Yutaka."

"Yes, could it be that the murderer this time..."

"I can't be sure, because according to Mr. Maori, if Negishi Masaki was still alive until last night, then Abe Yutaka has an alibi. But at present, he is the most suspicious person. Three months ago, he and Negishi Masaki both bought a 500 million yen insurance policy, and the beneficiaries are each other.

If Negishi Masaki dies, Abe Yutaka can get the 500 million insurance money.

Also, his company has recently encountered a serious financial crisis, and he needs the money very much."

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