After getting off the Sally Beth, Ruo Muliang was tired of dealing with the equipment of the No. 3 vest and sighed.

Why didn't he get seasick tonight?

Because he cast a little illusion on himself. Although it didn't look strange to others, his feet didn't touch the hull at all. He was floating at low altitude using flying magic the whole time.

Others took the boat, he took himself.


[Come to the safe house——GIN]

As soon as he got off the Sally Beth, Ruo Muliang received an email from Mr. Lao Mo.

Ruo Muliang glanced at the time. It was past nine o'clock in the evening. Okay, how to calculate the overtime pay?

After arriving at the safe house, besides Gin, whose hair had basically turned platinum and would be completely white after a few more days of overtime, there was also a man he had never seen before.

The man looked to be in his fifties, with an artificial eye in the position of his left eye, and was sitting above Gin, flipping through the newspaper of the day.

"Nice to meet you, Sangria, I'm Rum."

Wakagi Ryo greeted him with a smile: "Good evening, Rum senior~"

This was indeed the first time he had seen the second-in-command of the organization in all these years. It is said that before this, Rum's main focus was on Eastern Europe, and he did not return to Neon until the beginning of the year.

Wakagi Ryo found a sofa to sit down, holding his chin and began to look at Rum openly.

Gin's mouth twitched slightly. Was the little madman interested in some part of the old monster?

Saying that Rum was an old monster was really not a derogatory term.

In the memories of Wakasa Rumi, who has not yet appeared, 17 years ago, she and Akai Shuichi's father Akai Mumu faced an enemy of the organization at the same time.

At that time, Akai Mumu stopped Wakasa behind him and said, "A monster like this is not something a girl of your age should face alone." The monster here should refer to Rum.

As the father of the cheating Akai Shuichi, Akai Mumu is an elite agent of MI6, so his skills are naturally not bad. And Wakasa Rumi can knock out Amuro Toru in a sneak attack, which shows his combat effectiveness.

In other words, Rum's combat power can achieve this level of one-on-two. Although he finally retreated safely at the cost of an eye.

However, similarly, Wakasa Rumi and Kuroda Heibei, who is suspected to be disguised by Akai Mumu, also lost one right eye each.

He seems to be equally intelligent. When the organization and the FBI clashed for the second time later, he also cracked the clues and codes left by the FBI. Even if it weren't for Akai Shuichi's cheating, it's hard to say how he would win that time.

In general, he is a tricky person.

Of course, no one is perfect. If there is any shortcoming of Rum, it is probably that he has lowered the average appearance of the distillery by himself.

Aoyama Laozei learned the lesson of Bourbon and realized that the wise and brave characters who appeared on the black side should not be too attractive in appearance, otherwise he might end up like Amuro Toru, who was "forced to whitewash because of his high popularity."

Rum put down the newspaper in his hand. The front page of the newspaper was a close-up of Maori Kogoro, who solved the murder case of Maruden Jiro not long ago.

"You seem to like this detective very much. I saw the tasks you took over from Gin. The cases related to the mission targets were finally solved by this detective who was still unknown until last year.

'Sleeping Kogoro', I have heard of this big name abroad. He has an extremely keen perception of cases and clues. Even in some media, his evaluation has surpassed that of Kudo Shinichi."

"Of course, Maori Kogoro is an important actor I specially chose."

Wakagi Ryo blinked, with an innocent expression on his baby face.

When he completed the tasks of the organization by relying on the halo of the god of death for free, he had anticipated that one day, someone in the organization would focus on Maori Kogoro, who appeared too frequently, and naturally prepared a rhetoric early.

"Isn't it fun to train a Kudo Shinichi who is not inferior to the so-called 'savior of the Japanese police' and 'Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei era' from scratch?

Moreover, judging from Maori Kogoro's current reputation, no matter what reasoning he makes, the Metropolitan Police Department will believe it... even if it is a wrong reasoning.

The deceased, the murderer, the detective, and the police all performed according to the predetermined script. I sat in the audience and watched the show happily."

Tsk tsk, Ke

Nanjun, I have worked hard to patch up your father-in-law. It would be unreasonable for you not to give me three or five hundred skill points.

So, this famous Maori Kogoro is a new toy that Sangria found for himself?

Gin's analysis was indeed correct. Even if he did not carry out the lynching himself, he still found a detective who represented justice to complete the "karma" he believed in.

Rum smiled with satisfaction, and his artificial eye was spinning in his eye socket due to the trembling of his facial muscles.

How to say it, Rum may be really strong, but he is also really ugly.

Wakagi Ryo silently turned a direction and watched Gin wash his eyes.

"It just so happens that there is a new task for you. Try to solve it with your favorite script."

Rum handed a thick document to Wakagi Ryo. Wakagi Ryo flipped through the document and fell into a three-second silence in front of a family member relationship chart specially written by Rum.

As expected of the intelligence chief of the organization, he is much more considerate than Gin's task list which only has a dry name.

"The Rakumoto family owns the third-ranked communications company in Japan." Rum lit a cigarette and took a deep puff.

"The boss is very optimistic about the smart phones and related industrial chains you proposed, so he decided to shift the focus of Karasuma Group's investment from Western countries back to Japan this year. If you want smart phones to truly reach the level of "psychological drugs" in your plan, software, hardware and channels are indispensable.

There is no need to worry about hardware. With the technical standards of M country and the cheap labor of third world countries, the supply demand can be met in terms of quality and quantity. In terms of software, the organization itself has also collected a lot of geniuses in this field. Shi Ren Gongming, who you recommended before, is very good.

The only problem at present is the channel

The Karasuma Group came forward to negotiate cooperation with the top three communication companies in Japan, but all ended in failure.

Now the number of landlines in Japan has reached saturation, and several companies believe that it is not necessary to add at least 100,000 signal base stations in the country for a theoretical product at this point in time. So, the boss decided to do it himself.

Of the three largest communication companies in Japan, the other two have the shadow of American capital behind them, but the communication companies under the Hashimoto family are the easiest to start with. "

Following Rum's explanation, Wakagi Ryo has also finished reading the information in his hand.

That's true.

The current head of the Hashimoto family, Hashimoto Gozo, is old, but there is no heir in the next generation.

The eldest son, Hashimoto Masakazu, is outstanding, but he and his wife died early in a car accident, leaving only two daughters, Hashimoto Aki and Hashimoto Natsue.

The second son, Shoji, is obsessed with food and only wants to become a Michelin chef.

The eldest daughter Mariko and her husband Beilang, although they are not good at anything, are more likely to cause trouble than to accomplish things, but they are definitely not smart and capable.

The same is true for the grandchildren. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Rakumoto family has no successors.

However, the Rakumoto family's company is a pure traditional Japanese family business, and it is the one-man show of Rakumoto Gozo.

Once the person in power encounters an accident in this kind of family business, and there is no one who can turn the tide, it is only a matter of time before it falls apart.

Being annexed is also a destined outcome.

"The Rakumoto family will hold a wedding in their ancestral home, Rakumoto Island, soon. I have already got the invitation letter for you. Next, let me see if your script can bring a wonderful performance."

After saying this, Rum handed over a red wedding invitation. A wedding on March 6?

Wakagi Ryo glanced at the huge April 19 on the calendar. Well, no problem, Ganges River.

After flipping through the invitation, Wakagi Ryo put it in his pocket, then suddenly froze when he thought of something.

"Rakumoto Island... Uh, the Rakumoto family is so rich, there must be a private airport on the island."

Gin sneered and looked at Wakagi Ryo with a mocking look.

"Rakumoto Gozo is famous for being old-fashioned and stubborn. He hates to build anything "unconventional" on Rakumoto Island. So, if you want to go to Rakumoto Island, you can only take a boat."


"I need a partner."

Rum didn't object when he heard this. He had also heard about Sangria's seasickness problem. But considering the other party's task completion rate, this little problem is completely harmless.

"Who do you want?"


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