The case of the Rakumoto family was very clear to Ryo Wakagi, after all, it was a rare and luxurious seven-choice case.

Except for the heroine of the wedding, Rakumoto Natsue, almost everyone had a motive to kill Mr. Rakumoto.

Natsue's husband, Xiao Wu, who married into the Rakumoto family, was originally named Zaishi Takehiko. Ten years ago, his father Zaishi Takeo was robbed of his company by Rakumoto Gozo and chose to commit suicide. Zaishi Takehiko fell into an orphanage and approached Rakumoto Natsue with a revengeful mentality.

Although he chose to give up revenge in the end because he really liked Natsue, it is undeniable that he did have bad motives at the beginning.

As for the other people in the Rakumoto family.

Ryuo Hashimoto, who owes a huge gambling debt, Akiie Hashimoto, who lives a luxurious life and has several lovers,

Shoji Hashimoto, who wants to open a restaurant but is always blocked by the old man, Mariko Hashimoto, who has limited ability but is determined to inherit the position of chairman, and Kitaro Hashimoto, who has long wanted to leave the Hashimoto family,

Including Ichiro Hashimoto, who looks inconspicuous at ordinary times, but was rejected by the old man because he wanted to marry Xia Jiang, so he holds a grudge.

When I watched this episode that year, everyone looked like a murderer.

The old man is really miserable.

"The internal struggle of the rich family resulted in a tragedy. It is not difficult to arrange such a script. Well, how about setting the murderer as Ichiro Hashimoto, the only male of the third generation?"

Wakagi Ryo tilted his head to ask Rum's opinion.

Rum nodded thoughtfully in agreement.

"Indeed, for such a family-owned enterprise, if the murderer is set as an outsider, it might arouse their psychology of common hatred against the enemy. However, the murderer is the grandson of Gozo Hashimoto, haha, people's hearts will soon be scattered."

It is also more convenient for the subsequent acquisition and annexation plan of the Karasuma Group.

Rum immediately looked at Sangria with admiration. It would be great if there were more such talents in the organization.

"Before that, I have to find a way to send Maori Kogoro to the vicinity of Hashimoto Island. This kind of wealthy case is the most popular news among the masses. Such a good opportunity to improve reputation cannot be missed.

In addition, the invitation letter should be given to Bourbon. In case there is a flaw in the plan, Bourbon will be on the scene to respond to the situation."

Rum immediately understood that Sangria obviously did not want to take the boat.

However, considering his 100% task completion rate in recent years, this occasional willfulness is not unacceptable.

So Toru Amuro, who was taking his salary and secretly tracking down the whereabouts of the software genius recruited by the organization, suddenly received an email from his immediate boss, Rum.

After rushing to the safe house, Sangria smiled and handed him a wedding invitation.

Toru Amuro:?

Ryo Wakagi: "Then arrange it like this, I'll go make sure the actors are in place on time."


On the luxury cruise ship of the Rakumoto family

Toru Amuro adjusted the black technology micro communicator in his ear and made sure that his hair covered the position of the communicator so that it would not be discovered by others.

He leaned on the railing of the deck and said in a barely audible voice: "Mouri Kogoro and his family are on board."

Ryo Wakagi lay comfortably on the sofa at home, opened a bottle of iced Coke, hugged a schnauzer, and watched Toru Amuro's first-person perspective live broadcast room.

The long plan told to Rum was naturally nonsense. Anyway, no one would have thought that he completed the task not by the script, but by spoilers.

"By the way, Amuro-san, can you scare children?"

Amuro Toru:?

On the boat, Conan had already seen the conspicuous blond mixed-race boy at the other end of the deck, and he ran to Amuro Toru's side with his short legs.

" Do you remember me? We met last time in the cafe."

Amuro Toru lowered his head, and his good memory instantly made him remember Conan.

Although he left early that day and did not see the scene where Conan and Kisaki Eri forced the murderer into a dead end, he was impressed by this elementary school student who dared to rush into the murder scene at the first time.

Scare children, is this what you are talking about?

"I remember that you are Mr. Mori's child. I haven't asked yet, what is your name?"

"My name is Edogawa Conan, a detective... um, haha, an elementary school student~ By the way, didn't Brother Wakamu come with you?"

Conan narrowly stopped his catchphrase.

Edogawa Conan.

Amuro Toru frowned slightly. As an intelligence officer, he intuitively thought that this was a pseudonym.

An elementary school student using a pseudonym, quite interesting.

"I was invited to attend the wedding of the Ramoto family. Ryo-kun should be at home now."

He was even drinking Coke and eating potato chips comfortably. He could hear the sound of the other end chewing potato chips through the communicator.

"Conan, I told you not to run around. Hey, this is..."

Xiaolan had just finished chatting with Xia Jiang, and when she turned around, she felt as if something was missing. When she lowered her head, Conan was gone again.

Daily Search for Missing Conan (1/1)

After introducing themselves, several people followed the butler who suddenly appeared to the hall and prepared to enjoy dinner.

Director Ochiai! Is that you, Director Ochiai!

Through Amuro Toru's first-person perspective, Wakaki Ryo saw the butler who looked at least 70% similar to Director Ochiai.

This wave, this wave is the director's re-employment after being released from prison.

With his harmless appearance, excellent communication skills, and the common point that they all knew Wakaki Ryo, Amuro Toru sat at the same table with the Mori family.

After a while, other members of the Hashimoto family also arrived one after another. Before Amuro Toru and Mori Kogoro could continue to get close, the butler's scream kicked off the prelude to tonight's case.

Hashimoto Gozo died in his own room, and the door was still locked.

After taking a look at the scene, he basically knew what happened.

It was not others who locked the room, but Hashimoto Gozo himself who was attacked, and the bloodstains outside the room also had traces of being wiped. It didn't seem like an impulsive crime, but a long-planned crime.

In other words, apart from the Mori family, only Hashimoto Natsue and the butler who had been in his sight were innocent, and the other seven people were likely to have committed a crime.

It didn't take long for Maori Kogoro to come to the same conclusion as him.

Amuro Toru glanced at Conan with a smile.

How come Maori Kogoro's reasoning seemed to be completed under the guidance of this elementary school student? No wonder Wakaki Ryo specifically asked him if he would scare children. If he still couldn't see that there was something wrong with this elementary school student at this time, his years of undercover work would have been in vain.

Seeing that everyone might be suspected of murder, Kuromoto Gozo's eldest daughter Mariko immediately revealed Xiaowu's life experience, and the latter was not surprisingly identified as the murderer by everyone and was temporarily detained in the cargo hold on the ship.

"So, what was your purpose in letting me get on this ship through Rum?"

Amuro Toru quietly lagged behind everyone and asked Wakaki Ryo on the other side of the communicator.

"Of course, it's to let Mr. Amuro accumulate more merit points. Isn't it good to get merit for nothing without doing anything?"

Amuro Toru exhaled helplessly.

He didn't tell the truth.

He knew that Wakagi Ryo had his own little secret, and Jingguang and Matsuda knew it too. But they didn't choose to dig deep, but reached a tacit understanding.

Although it was unclear what Wakagi Ryo's real purpose was, Amuro Toru was willing to give him enough trust just because he saved Jingguang, Matsuda and Miyano Akemi, and saved the squad leader from the car accident.


"But is this the reason why you are on vacation at home and I am doing the mission here?"

"I am seasick, and Mr. Amuro doesn't want to be distracted by taking care of a burden while doing the mission."

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