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"Cross-tipped knife, screws and woodworking glue?"

Xiao Ai repeated Xiao Chen's hint and shifted her attention to the window. Since she was going to use woodworking glue, it would naturally be related to wood.

Although the door frame is also made of wood, it is different from the window. It is much more convenient to tamper with the window than to tamper with the door.

Xiao Ai looked at the toolbox again. There were almost all the tools in it, even things like pliers.

Looking at the screws on the window that seemed to be tightened very tightly, she seemed to think of something.

Recalling the way Nanatsuki Koshimizu squatted down in fear after seeing the horrible death of Detective Liangliangqiang because of thunder, her hand seemed to be picking up something at that time.

For a moment, Xiao Ai made a decision in her mind. It seemed that an answer had appeared in her mind.

"I know the method!"

Ai shouted loudly, and Nanatsuki Koshimizu was frightened for a moment, but after seeing that it was Ai, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. She was just a little girl, how could she know the method of killing?

The housekeeper didn't care, and only Conan, Hattori Heiji and Hakuba Tan believed it a little.

After all, Conan and Hattori Heiji knew that Ai was not a real little girl. Hakuba Tan saw them coming ashore from the sea and thought that Ai was not simple.

So they chose to believe what Ai said.

"Oh! This little sister seems to know the answer, so please tell me, what is your answer?"

Baima Tan squatted down and wanted to reach out to touch Xiao Ai's head.

However, Xiao Ai gave her a cold look and slapped Baima Tan's dirty hand away. She hated others touching her.

"Don't touch me, or I'll kill you!"

After a cold look, Xiao Ai turned around to get the toolbox. She wanted to recreate the crime scene.

The white horse detective was embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"What a difficult lady to talk to!"

He sighed in his heart, but since Xiao Ai didn't want to pay attention to him, he couldn't go to her.

With his arms folded, he wanted to see how Xiao Ai operated.

Xiao Ai walked to the window with the toolbox and unscrewed the screw with a cross-tip screwdriver.

However, this screw was broken, with only half of it.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Xiao Ai's face. She guessed right.

"Brother Xiaochen, please help me take down the window. Use some force. It seems that the screws of this window are just decorations."

With a smile, Xiao Ai made way for Xiao Chen, who nodded. This was basically the position he gave to Xiao Ai to solve the case.

After all, all the necessary clues had been given, but the case still could not be solved. Xiao Chen would suspect that this was a fake Xiao Ai.

After seeing the half-thread nail, everyone understood. It turned out that the method of this secret room was so simple.

With the things in the toolbox, a secret room can be easily created. It is very simple.

And the frame of the window was taken down with a slight twist by Xiao Chen.

Just as they guessed, the frame of a window has no screws, but is just glued with woodworking glue.

Even Nanatsuki Koshimizu was surprised by Xiao Ai.

She did not expect that it would be Xiao Ai who cracked this method. She did not have any resentment in her heart, and did not want to do anything to Xiao Ai. She just thought that Xiao Ai was very powerful and admired Xiao Ai.

After all, she solved the mystery before a group of guys who claimed to be detectives.

"It seems that this is the method. So, little Ai, do you know who the bad guy is?"

Natsuki Koshimizu looked at Ai curiously. It was already amazing that she could solve the method. If she could find out that she was the criminal, she would not refuse to admit it.

After all, there was nothing to pretend. They would all die together tomorrow. It was okay to affirm this little girl.

"The murderer?"

"Sister Nanaki, aren’t you the murderer?"

"Just now, I saw you squatting down to pick up the remaining screws, using the excuse that you were scared to death of thunder."

"You probably haven't disposed of the screws yet, have you?"

She reached out her hand and fumbled in Nanatsuki's pocket a few times, and found a half-broken screw.

This was the evidence. Whoever had this thing in his hand was the murderer.

Nanatsuki was very happy that she was discovered. Someone actually recognized her, which was not easy.

She didn't expect that someone could tell that she was picking up screws just by the fact that she was squatting.

This was also a failure. If she didn't pick up the screws, she probably wouldn't be suspected.

""Well! Little sister is very powerful, you are right, I am the criminal."

With a light laugh, Nanatsuki Koshimizu found a seat and sat down, and began to tell the reason for her murder and her past.

She is not a high school student anymore. Now, she is already in her twenties and has entered the society.

In order to pretend to be a high school student, she even took off her earrings.

She was just to avenge her friend.

"At the beginning, I received a call from my friend……"

Nanatsuki Koshimizu accused the abominable fake director, saying that it was the thief who cut off his hand to make it easier to steal things. She also accused the detective with a good voice who was hit to death by her.

It was him, who knew that the marks were old marks from a long time ago and the murderer could not be her best friend, but still said that the murderer was her best friend.

And the housekeeper, who knew that their eldest daughter lost control of herself due to drugs and ended her life in pain.

However, for the dignity of that ridiculous lady, he did not tell the matter.

As a result, her friend jumped into the sea and committed suicide.

It was all their fault, so she wanted these three people to die.

"In other words, you are the mastermind behind this Detective Koshien, and your purpose is to kill these three people?"

"Then, why didn't you do anything to the butler?"

After Bai Ma figured it out, he was still a little confused. After all, the butler seemed to be alive and well. Was it too late to kill him or something?

"I've already started. I've already started."

"The tide will come soon after daybreak, but there will be no boat to pick us up."

"This is the big tide that happens here every year, which will submerge the entire island"

"If no one comes to pick us up after the tide, then everyone will die, including me."

"To you innocent people, I can only say sorry this time. I will give it back to you in the next life when I have the chance."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu said very sincerely. In her opinion, everyone would die soon after dawn.

These innocent guys did die because of her, but this was the only way she could think of for revenge.

I can only say sorry to these innocent people. ps:"Three updates! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe!"

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