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"What did you say? There won't be a boat to pick us up?"

Hattori Heiji shouted loudly, looking confused. Obviously, he didn't leave any clues to Toyama and Ye.

In other words, this time, maybe no one will come to pick us up. Reality is not anime, and it is impossible to be so lucky every time.

This time, perhaps it can be said that it is really a big crisis. After all, it will be over at the tide tomorrow.

Xiaochen and Xiaoai didn't care about it. After tossing around all night, he and Xiaoai were tired, so they went back to the room to rest first.

As for the tide, it was not difficult for them to do it, and they were not afraid at all.

"Oops! We've been busy for so long, let's go back to sleep!"

He hugged Ai in his arms, without the panic-stricken look of the people around him. Even Conan and Hakuba were not in a good mood.

It can be said that they were all too arrogant, or they did not notice this possibility.

That's why it led to such an embarrassing situation today.

No one cared about Nanatsuki Koshimizu. For them, it was still a question whether they could go back alive, so how could they care about this guy?

Tonight, everyone was in a bad mood, hoping that they were just having a nightmare and it would be fine after waking up.

But until they woke up and looked at the unfamiliar ceiling, they smiled bitterly.

So, Why isn't this a dream?

Xiao Ai and Xiao Chen had a good night's sleep, and no one came to disturb them. This was much better than the beginning.

When they woke up in the morning, they didn't even have breakfast, and went to the shore to see if there were any boats.

If there were no boats, they would be doomed.

Unlike those people, Xiao Chen and Xiao Ai were enjoying breakfast in the room.

Xiao Chen had stored a lot of snacks in the system space, including various dried meats, dried fruits, etc., and the taste was glowing.

Now only Xiao Chen and Xiao Chen can have a good meal, and the others don't even have dry food to eat.

Just last night, the housekeeper couldn't suppress his anger. After expressing his inner pain and leaving a letter of repentance, he jumped into the sea.

Without the housekeeper, there was no food in the villa, so now everyone is still hungry.

God have mercy on them, they just came to participate in the event, who knew they would meet a crazy woman like Nanatsuki Yueshui, don’t drag them into revenge, this is really unfair. It was not until Xiaochen and Xiaoai leisurely walked to the shore and looked at the sad faces of a group of people that the group of people reacted. It seemed that Xiaochen and Xiaoai were not panicked at all.

At least, Nanatsuki Yueshui didn’t know about this, and the others were all dead.

Xiaochen and Xiaoai seemed to have come up on the sea yesterday.

So, he Can they take them away from this island and back to the land?

For a moment, it seemed that everyone had hope again.

If Xiaochen and the others were willing to save them, then it didn't matter whether there was a boat or not.

However, Xiaochen had no intention of saving him at all. Why should he save him? You committed suicide and it's none of my business. You deserved to die.

This is not to say that Xiaochen has no sympathy or anything, but that he doesn't want to expose these abilities.

Moreover, there are many trees here, and you can cut down the trees and make rafts.

This way, at least you can float on the sea, at least you won't drown directly.

If you think about others saving you every day, then what are you doing with yourself? Are you eating for free?

"I said, I remember there should be an axe in the toolbox, right?"

"Since you have an axe, you can chop some trees and make a raft or something. At least you won't drown. Waiting here is not a solution."

Xiaochen was almost powerless to complain. Why are you looking at me? Look at me, I have to save you. Do you really want to eat for free?

"Xiaochen! Huiyuan! I know your secret, can't you save us?"

"At least you can help us, this should be a simple thing for you."

After Xiaochen proposed the raft, several people did not plan to leave, and Conan even said directly that he wanted Xiaochen to save them.

I save your sister, why should I save you?

"If I don't save you, why should I save you? You really want to eat for free without paying anything."

He rolled his eyes. If you know it, then you know it. If you forget about it, it won't be spread out.

He was not in a hurry at all.

At this time, Hakuba Tan also moved. Conan, the little devil, stood up. He felt that he had to stand up too. He asked Xiaochen and others for help from the moral high ground.

In this way, under pressure, Xiaochen and others should help. After all, this matter should be a small matter for them.

"Mr. Xiaochen, we are all human beings. These are four lives. Do you really want to watch us drown?"

The White Horse Detective questioned Xiaochen. Since you have the ability, why don't you save us?

In this world, isn't it true that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility? Why are you unwilling to help?

Xiaochen really hates this concept. Why should I help just because I have the ability? Are you crazy?

I have the ability, but it's my own ability. It's none of your business. Who the hell do you think you are?

"Yes, you are human beings, and I can indeed save you without any difficulty."

"But why?"

"You won't drown if you just cut down some wood and make a raft, so why do you need our help?"

"So many people die in this world every day. Do I have to save them one by one?"

"Are you sick? I'm a chef, not your fucking superhero."

Xiaochen was not prepared to help these people who wanted to eat for free. He could either drown or build a raft by himself.

With tools and materials, he could easily survive. He would just be a little tired.

But these guys just wanted to do nothing and enjoy safety. This was a completely crazy idea.

Only a retard would agree to such a request. No normal person would agree.

He was not a saint. There were so many pieces of wood that he didn't need, but he had to save them.


Conan wanted to say something, but was pulled back by Hattori Heiji. He also felt that what Xiaochen said made sense.

If they had cut down trees to make rafts from the beginning, it is very likely that the trees would have been cut down by now.

Instead of arguing with Xiaochen, it would be better to cut down trees to make rafts.

Among the people present, only Nanatsuki Koshimizu looked confused, and obviously didn't know what happened. ps:"Fourth update! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe!"

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