"Boss, spicy rabbit, Kung Pao chicken, winter melon soup, spicy prawns, and three servings of bamboo rice!"

"Got it!"

Xiaochen responded to Miyano Akemi and started cooking.

After Maori Kogoro fainted, Conan stared at her again.

Conan always felt that the woman in front of him seemed to have seen it somewhere, but it seemed that he had never seen this face before, which was very strange.

Miyano Akemi naturally knew Conan and the others, after all, she had handled business for Maori Kogoro when she was undercover in the bank.

She was actually a little guilty in her heart, afraid of being recognized.

Fortunately, Conan, who couldn't think of an answer in the end, gave up.

"Maybe I was too nervous these days and I made a mistake."

Conan muttered softly, touching his rumbling stomach.

However, Miyano Akemi was a little embarrassed and could only lower her head to play with her phone to relieve the atmosphere.

Xiaochen cooks very quickly. With the cooking skills of Fairy Abei, he almost controls four or five pots at the same time to cook by himself.

But even so, he can still cook easily.

The ping-pong sounds attracted Miyano Akemi, who was playing with her phone.

When she saw the exaggerated scene of controlling five iron pots at the same time, she was so surprised that she couldn't speak.

She covered her mouth, trying not to disturb Xiaochen, and her move also attracted Xiaolan's attention.

Confused Xiaolan also came to Miyano Akemi's position, and then her movements became exactly the same as hers.

Oh my, this is how you cook ?

Isn't this a bit exaggerated, can five pots really handle it?

Finally, after about ten minutes, Akemi Miyano pushed a cart and brought various dishes to Xiaolan and the others' table. Maori

Kogoro woke up in time when he smelled the fragrance.

Then, the three of them seemed to see several exaggerated beams of light rising into the sky.

Damn, the food glows, are you sure you didn't add fluorescent agent when cooking?

Although the three of them were a little confused, their sense of smell, under the control of deliciousness, directly dispelled all their doubts.

You don't need to care about whether it glows or not, what you eat is real.

Even Maori Kogoro, who was full of disgust at first, couldn't help but drool after smelling the smell.

"Whoosh...whoosh...it's so hot……"

"Delicious, spicy and numbing……"

Even though Maori Kogoro was eating so much that his eyes were shed, he was still picking up the food quickly. Even a plate of spicy rabbit made Maori Kogoro and Conan's eyes sparkle.

Even though they were sweating profusely, it still couldn't stop them from picking up the chopsticks quickly.

"The last piece of meat, the spicy rabbit, is mine. I am a growing child!"

"Bullshit, I am the famous detective Mouri Kogoro, you little brat should respect me!"

"Damn it, this is mine!"

The two people who were full of disdain before, now almost fought for a piece of meat, this is also the strength of a top chef.

Just when Conan and Maori Kogoro were arguing fiercely, Xiaolan silently picked up the last piece of meat and ate it under the gaze of the two.

By the way, she also served some winter melon soup to drink. After eating a few dishes, Xiaolan happily lay on the chair and stroked her round belly.


Maori Kogoro:"……"

I spent so much time trying to grab the last piece of spicy rabbit, but you snatched it away without telling me. How insidious!

The two of them looked like they were constipated. Even Akemi Miyano, who was watching the show at the front desk, almost burst out laughing. Just by smelling the tempting aroma of Xiaochen's food, she felt hungry so quickly.

She just wanted to eat now...

Finally, when it was time to pay the bill, Maori Kogoro pointed at the number on the bill with a trembling hand, and couldn't believe his eyes.

"Um...Miss, are you sure you are not kidding?"

"I admit that the food in your restaurant is delicious, but aren’t the prices a bit too expensive?"

"Bamboo rice costs 3,000 yen, spicy chicken costs 10,000 yen, and you dare to charge 3,000 yen for winter melon soup. Do you have to be so exaggerated?"

Touching his empty wallet, Maori Kogoro felt like he was about to vomit blood.

If the food is delicious, there is no need to charge so much. This is more exaggerated than robbery, okay?

"The prices of these dishes are clearly marked on the menu. Did our restaurant cheat you?"

After putting the menu in Maori Kogoro's face, he vomited blood after taking a look at it.

He swore that he had not seen the menu, and he did not order the dishes. Xiaolan was really cheating him.

The most expensive bento in the supermarket only dared to sell for 5,000 yen, and it was a super deluxe bento. You only have a few dishes, but you can buy more than ten super deluxe bentos. This is too exaggerated.

Seeing Maori Kogoro's look, Miyano Akemi understood. Isn't this just trying to default on the debt?

Today was her first day at work, and she dared to default on the debt. What if she encountered this situation again?

""Boss! Someone wants to eat and dine for free!"

Miyano Akemi was not polite and shouted directly!

Suddenly, two kitchen knives flew out from the kitchen and nailed to the counter that Maori Kogoro was holding on.

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