With a gloomy face, Xiaochen pushed open the curtain of the kitchen and walked out.

He doesn't care whether you are the protagonist or not, you have to pay for the meal.

He is a top chef after all, and you are reluctant to pay for his luminous dishes. Isn't this a slap in his face?

Even if it is Gin and Vodka who come to eat today, if you dare not pay, don't even think about leaving this store.

In this small store, he has an invincible buff of the system, just like a real god, he can make his wishes come true and do whatever he wants.

No one can be his opponent.

So he is also the toughest in the store. If you eat, you must pay for it!

"Old man, you want to eat for free?"

He picked up the kitchen knife and spun it around his finger, looking as if he was about to cut his finger off.

Miyano Akemi was full of complaints in her heart. If she did that, wouldn't her finger be accidentally cut off by the kitchen knife?

Maori Kogoro was also scared and broke into a cold sweat. He was afraid that Xiaochen would not hold the kitchen knife firmly, and the kitchen knife would fly out and cut him.

���Finally, after Xiaochen put two kitchen knives on Maori Kogoro's neck, the other party readily swiped his card to pay.

"That's right. Eating and dodging is not a good habit."

"After all, I am the only top chef in **, and my cooking skills are considered top-notch in the world."

"I sell my dishes at this price, of course, there is a reason for it."

After licking the kitchen knife, Xiaochen said a few words and went back to the kitchen.

Damn, this looks like a gangster collecting protection money.

In the end, although Maori Kogoro felt distressed, he still had to accept that a meal cost him 70,000 or 80,000 yen. The last commission he completed was only 500,000 yen, and that was a big commission.

It's good to get 20,000 or 30,000 yen for a small commission, but now he has spent so much money on a meal.

He really felt distressed.

Xiaolan is also a little embarrassed now. She only heard Sonoko say that the dishes here are a little expensive, but delicious.

Thinking about her father who had just completed a big commission and boasted that he would treat them.

Naturally, Xiaolan thought of the restaurant that Suzuki Sonoko mentioned.

It's just that Suzuki Sonoko's little bit has become a little bit. Should I say, she is worthy of being a rich lady?

This little difference is a bit big.

"Sorry, Dad, because Yuanzi said it was only a little expensive, I thought you could afford it.……"

Well, actually, Xiaolan didn't even look at the price. She wanted to cheat Maori Kogoro, so she must have ordered something expensive.

I didn't expect it to be so expensive.

Maori Kogoro is almost vomiting blood.

What kind of family is this Suzuki Sonoko? What kind of family are they? Is a little bit of a consortium lady understandable to them?

Even if the price of the dishes in this restaurant increases tenfold, Suzuki Sonoko won't even blink an eye when she eats here.

This money is just a drop in the bucket for her.

"Forget it, I've already paid you so I won't say anything. I also admit that the food in this restaurant is the best I've ever eaten."

"The money was well spent."

Waving his hand, he put the bank card back into his wallet with a distressed look, and was about to leave with Xiaolan and the others.

But at this moment, ding-ling-ling... three girls just walked into Xiaochen's store.

"Hey, Xiaolan, you come to this restaurant to eat so soon?"

"How is it? Is it delicious?"

Seeing her best friend, Suzuki Sonoko was immediately excited. She rushed over and hugged Xiaolan, rubbing her face against her body.


"Hey, Xiaolan, why don’t you say anything? Is it because the food is so delicious that you haven’t come to your senses yet?"

"This was also the case when I first ate there. I am being nice to you, right? I have recommended this great restaurant to you."


Suddenly, the atmosphere became awkward.

Xiaolan had been talking to her for so long without saying a word, even an idiot would know that something was wrong.

Suddenly, she remembered something.

When she was recruiting people for this restaurant, she completely forgot about the prices of the dishes and only introduced them according to her own standards.

That's why she said it was a little expensive, she was in a hurry and didn't notice this.

Suzuki Sonoko immediately felt very embarrassed. Did she cheat Xiaolan? When

Maori Kogoro saw Suzuki Sonoko, the gossipy woman, he was so angry that he almost picked up her clothes and scolded her, but after seeing the people behind her.

Well... forget it.

If I can't afford to provoke them, can't I just hide from them?

Suzuki Sonoko brought her mother and sister to have dinner, and they were followed by several bodyguards...

It's just a meal, you're exaggerating.

"Why is Mr. Maori leaving in such a hurry?"

"This is the first time for our family to eat here, and we are not very familiar with the dishes here."

"Why don't you sit down and have a meal with us?"

At the right time, Suzuki Tomoko also invited Xiaolan and the others to have a meal together to ease the awkwardness. She guessed the reason at once. Suzuki Sonoko was quite happy to play with Xiaolan.

They couldn't ruin their relationship because of a meal. She also despised Maori Kogoro in her heart. This old man was poor and stingy. He couldn't even let his daughter have a full meal.

Maori Kogoro:"???!!!"

At this moment, Maori Kogoro looked at Suzuki Tomoko with a standard smile on her face, and felt that this lady of the super consortium, the controller behind the scenes

, must be scolding me in her heart.

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