"That's right, how can I refuse a beauty who comes to my doorstep!" Gong Benhan raised his lips and revealed a faint smile.

""Doctor Yamamoto, do you mean that this lady is fine?" Maori Kogoro said with a sigh of relief. Sitting opposite him was a slightly fat doctor wearing a white coat.

"In theory, there is no problem."Dr. Yamamoto clenched his hands,"It's just……"

"Just what……"

"This lady's memory seemed to be impaired. According to the results of medical instruments, she only seemed to remember her name was Maya Tachibana."

"It's just as Miyamoto-kun said."Xiaolan looked at Miyamoto Han and said in surprise,"Miyamoto-kun, you are really amazing."

"No way." Miyamoto Han said modestly,"I think her current condition should be retrograde mild amnesia. This disease is only temporary. If you want to recover, you can only rely on time to get used to it."

Although he said it very modestly, Miyamoto Han was actually very proud at this moment. He felt very lucky to have been able to draw the inheritance of Zhonghua Tuo and get this set of medical skills.

Conan rolled his dead fish eyes, but he was extremely unhappy at the moment. How come Miyamoto Han seemed to know everything, but why did he feel that what he said was so unreliable?

"Brother Han, let the doctor talk to you." Conan said sarcastically,"After all, Brother Han is not a professional doctor."

""Little boy, stop talking!" When Mouri Kogoro saw Conan started to speak in an adult tone again, he hit him on the head with a big chestnut. Conan stroked the sudden bump on his head pitifully. He had already cursed Mouri Kogoro countless times in his heart, biased! Biased!

Mouri saw that Doctor Yamamoto frowned, and thought that he might be unhappy because the conversation was interrupted by these two people, so he quickly explained:"Doctor Yamamoto, they didn't mean to interrupt you, please forgive me."

"That's not necessary." Doctor Yamamoto waved his hands quickly,"Mr. Miyamoto is absolutely right. It is indeed retrograde mild amnesia. It's really amazing. Is Mr. Miyamoto a medical professional?"

"He is a novelist, a mystery novelist."Before Miyamoto could finish his words, Maori Kogoro spoke first,"But it's really shocking. Although I heard you say that you have medical skills before, it turns out that you are not exaggerating! You really have some accomplishments!" Kogoro's last words were directed to Miyamoto Han.

"It's not like that, and I can't say I have any accomplishments. I just learned a little bit of medical skills a few years ago, but it's still not something that can be put on the table." Gong Benhan continued to be modest, but he was already very happy in his heart.

"Xiaolan, did you see that? If you can find a boyfriend like Han, your dad will wake up laughing in his dreams.

""Dad, what are you talking about? You're so annoying." Xiaolan puffed up her lower lip, her face flushed, not sure if it was because of shyness or anger.

"I say... you are not still waiting for that detective boy, he hasn't contacted you for such a long time, and he made you cry so many times, what is there about him that is worthy of your love?" Maori seemed to be beginning to be unhappy with Kudo Shinichi, his eyebrows raised, and his voice rose eight octaves. But he glanced at the doctor who was a little embarrassed next to him, and immediately coughed,"Let's put this matter aside for now, business is more important."

"It was obviously my dad who started the conflict."Ran snorted and turned her body to one side with a distressed expression.

As for Conan, the brat knew that he had hurt Ran's heart, and gradually fell silent. He knew that he had no right to scold Ran or her father. After all, the fault was not theirs or his, but those evil Black Organizations.

He clenched his fists and secretly vowed to find the Black Organization as soon as possible and restore its original form.

The next morning, Miyamoto received a call from Maori Kogoro early. The person on the other end of the phone said that Miss Miyamoto's physical function had recovered very well and she would be discharged from the hospital in a day or two, and asked Miyamoto Han to come and visit her when she was free, but the phone also mentioned that for some reason, Miss Tachibana Maya did forget everything.

Miyamoto came to the hospital soon. He spent some money to buy a bouquet of flowers and some fruits.

"Miss Maya, please relax, we are all good people. In the hospital, Miyamoto Han handed the flowers to Maya Tachibana and placed fruits on the small table."I'm so sorry, I don't know what Miss Maya likes to eat, so I just bought some fruits."

"Thank you." Maya Tachibana seemed very unfamiliar with him.

"Han, you are really generous to buy so many kinds of fruits." Maori Kogoro's eyes were full of doubts. He was going to entrust his daughter to the man in front of him, so how could he bear to see him being nice to other women?

"Uncle Maori, don't get me wrong. I just don't know what Miss Maya likes to eat, so I bought it randomly. Besides, these are just some insignificant money."

"These don't seem cheap." Xiaolan looked through the fruits in the bag, there were many fruits that she couldn't even name."Miyamoto-kun, how much does this cost?"

"Not much, maybe 200,000 yen."Miyamoto Han pushed his glasses and thought for a while.

"Oh my god, so much money, doesn't Mr. Miyamoto usually keep an account book?"Xiaolan was obviously shocked.

"I generally don't record anything below a million yen in my account book."

At this moment, Conan had already cursed Miyamoto Han countless times in his heart, this evil rich man, isn't anything below a million yen not money?

"Oh, Miss Maya, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Miyamoto Han, and I’m a mystery novelist."Miyamoto turned to Maya Tachibana,"I bought some excellent kiwis, they are delicious." Miyamoto handed the kiwis to Maya Tachibana, the skins of which had already been peeled.

"Thank you... Thank you." Maya Tachibana seemed to have no idea what to say. She just said thank you without adding any words of address. But Miyamoto

Han, who knew her true identity, didn't take it seriously. After all, this beauty was a professional killer, and he didn't know how much blood was on her hands.

Although it was unknown why a beautiful woman who could make a living by her face became a professional killer, the reason behind it must be very sad.

After all, no one wants to lick blood on the edge of a knife every day.

In the evening, Miyamoto Han came to the hospital again.

This time he did not bring Maori Kogoro and others.

He wanted to restore Maya Tachibana's memory alone and stop her from killing Maori Kogoro.

Although Maori Kogoro was not killed in the original work, Maya Tachibana was arrested by the police because her mission was exposed.

He is now preparing to save her.

"Miss Maya, how is your health?"Although the doctor said that Maya Tachibana could not be discharged from the hospital until tomorrow, it was obviously not suitable for her physical fitness as a professional killer. At this time, Maya Tachibana was staring at the bright moon outside the window in a daze.


This book has been discontinued for so many days, and it is basically useless.

It is not my intention to discontinue the update.

It is because of my health problems.

Friends of Laoshu who have added Laoshu should know that I have been hospitalized for surgery these days.

Although it is not a big problem, it is quite troublesome to operate.

I had to operate three times.

The first time, the operation was not very big, and I was still energetic, so I continued to write and update, but later, I couldn't bear it anymore, so the book was discontinued.

I am not saying so much here to sell misery or something. I believe many people will find it unbelievable. After all, many novel authors are used to selling misery, especially Feilu, who often discontinue their works. So I didn't plan to explain it at the beginning.

I guess even if I resume updating now, the results will definitely not be very good. The reason I wrote this is just to tell everyone that this book will continue to be updated. As for the results, I don't care anymore. I guess it's dead. But I still want to thank those who are still willing to continue to support.

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