In the evening, Miyamoto Han sent Mao Li and others back to the detective agency. Not long after returning home, he received a call from Xiaolan.

"You mean, President Takei wants to suspend him for investigation? Okay, I understand. Miss Naoko is still being controlled by the criminals, and we must not stop the investigation at this critical moment." Miyamoto Han hung up the phone. The caller was Maori Ran, who was calling because her father was very disgusted by President Takei's sudden desire to terminate the investigation. At this time, Maori Kogoro had already thought about giving up.

But Conan, the little brat, was quite resourceful. Under his provocation, Maori Kogoro actually agreed to go to President Takei's house the next day to persuade him. After all, they were now basically sure that Takei Naoko was still alive.

The next day, Miyamoto Han got up early and drove to the detective agency, carrying Maori Kogoro, Xiaolan and Conan, as well as Sonoko who came to Xiaolan's house early in the morning. Fortunately, Miyamoto Han's car was very spacious. Although there were more people this time, it was still crowded. There was still room for everyone.

Miyamoto Kan drove the car and took everyone to Takei Naoko's home. It is worth mentioning that on the way, Miyamoto Kan met his younger sister Miyamoto Yumi who was on patrol.

Yumi was radiant today, and Miyamoto Kan stopped the car to ask. Only then did he know that it was because the Metropolitan Police Department had recently received a report of a gang-on-gang case, saying that the party selling intelligence suddenly changed its mind and wanted to kill the buyer of the intelligence. The buyer was afraid of death, so he called the police overnight and applied for police protection. Yumi, who was a traffic policeman, was sent out.

This was of course very exciting for Yumi, who usually just issued tickets and posted small notes.

Miyamoto Kan said,"Be careful."Then he drove away.

The Takei family's villa in Beika City is also a relatively luxurious villa. For ordinary people like Maori Kogoro, Xiaolan and Conan, this place can be said to be quite luxurious.

However, for the young master of the Miyamoto family, Miyamoto Han, and the second lady of the Suzuki family, Sonoko, the Takei family's villa can only be regarded as a nouveau riche. This house is not presentable at all.

"Please go back! My daughter has passed away!" President Takei put out his cigarette in the ashtray, his tone was a little impatient, but his expression was not sad at all.

Except for Miyamoto Han, who had known President Takei's true nature for a long time, everyone else looked at President Takei in surprise. They had never thought that President Takei would be so cold-blooded.

"Now that the truth is out, there is no need to bother the great Detective Maori with his help."President Takei sat down beside them, but did not invite them to sit down. His intention to send them away was very obvious.

"President Takei, although it is a bit inappropriate to say this now, but... we believe that your daughter Takei Naoko should still be alive."Mouri Kogoro said

"Naoko is already dead, so please stop pestering me. I know you private detectives, you just want money!" President Takei snorted and threw a stack of money wrapped in brown paper on the table."This is your payment for the past few days. I can't let you work in vain. Let's go. I don't want to see you again." President Takei said in a harsh tone, ordering them to leave.

"Are you kidding me! We are not here to ask for money! Are you sending away beggars?" Maori Kogoro did not take the money, turned around and was about to leave,"Xiaolan, Han, let's go!"

"dad……"Although Xiaolan was also very angry, she was really worried about the safety of her classmate Takei Naoko, so she wanted to keep Maori Kogoro.

"What an unreasonable uncle." Suzuki Sonoko was also very angry and contemptuous of President Takei's words.

Xiaolan and Sonoko were only so active in helping because they were worried about Naoko's safety, but now they are regarded as people asking for money. They feel very uncomfortable.

Seeing that Xiaolan and Sonoko were hurt by President Takei's words, Miyamoto Han's eyes flashed with a cold light

"Uncle Maori, please wait a moment, we can't leave now, Miss Naoko is still in the hands of the criminals." Miyamoto Han said, and turned to President Takei,"If you think this little money can get rid of us, then you are really naive. President Takei, I have been running around for your daughter's case these two days, delaying my work, and I have lost a lot of money. It's not so easy to let us leave now.""

"Humph, after all, the amount is not what you want, right? Tell me, how much more do you want me to pay?" President Takei raised his feet. Miyamoto Han raised a finger,"At least it's this amount."

"One million?" Several fine lines appeared on President Takei's nose."I didn't expect you to blackmail me."

"President Takei, I think you may have misunderstood. What I mean is that I may not give up until you hand over at least 100 million yen. Otherwise, forget it." Miyamoto Han curled his lips and said disdainfully. When

President Takei heard this, his already huge face seemed to swell even more because of being humiliated."How dare you! I think you are crazy about money!"

Conan was also present today, his big eyes turned into small eyes.

This Miyamoto Han really likes to play cards out of the routine, but his family property also gave him the confidence to say such words today.

Maori Kogoro saw that President Takei was mad, and he was secretly happy in his heart.

He immediately interrupted and said,"President Takei, don't think that he is asking for a sky-high price.

To be honest, it may be a lot in your eyes and mine, but it is really nothing to these two people here.

" President Takei didn't believe what Maori Kogoro said, and immediately said disdainfully,"I really don't believe it!

Secretary Hanai was also curious about the identities of Miyamoto Han and Sonoko.

"I forgot to introduce myself, President Takei. I am Miyamoto Kan, the future heir of the Miyamoto family."

"Suzuki Sonoko, the second daughter of the Suzuki Group. To be honest, 100 million is just a drop in the bucket in the eyes of our Suzuki family."

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