"Six minutes, you……"Maori Kogoro heard the key point,"How do you know it so clearly?"

This time Maori Kogoro was smart for once.

"I thought... it should take this much time." Matsuo Takashi showed a guilty look.

"Brother Maori, if that's the case, then you can run and see how long it takes."Inspector Megure said with a wicked smile

"Ah, wha…what?"

"Inspector Megure, Uncle Mori, don't bother with that. The murderer couldn't have used such a clumsy method."Miyamoto Han said on the side,"Uncle Mori, if you were the murderer, then what's the biggest advantage of choosing to use a gun?"

""Ah? What do you mean?" Maori Kogoro scratched his head, his eyes rolled twice,"Oh, long-range, yes, Inspector Megure, the biggest advantage is long-range shooting! We were misled by the murderer from the beginning. The murderer deliberately placed four shells at the scene, just to mislead us that he came in from the emergency passage and shot the victim. In fact, the murderer did not shoot in the room at all!"

"But brother Maori, why was the victim forced to the window and shot? The window is facing the door."Inspector Megure asked in confusion.

"Uh, that's right, why is that?"Mouri Kogoro smiled awkwardly, causing Inspector Megure to roll his eyes.

"Uncle Maori, we can go to the scene and take a look, and then make plans."Miyamoto Han suggested.

The place where the deceased Suwa Michihiko fell was facing the emergency door. This was an old-fashioned window that could be rotated up and down. The window was about 90 centimeters above the ground. When the victim fell, his head was close to the center of the glass.

"Uncle Maori, don't you think the blood on the glass is a little strange?"Miyamoto Han pushed his glasses.


"Hmm, the distribution of the bloodstains is weird."

"It's a bit strange when you put it that way." Maori Kogoro paused, and looked up and down at the glass. The blood on it had dried up by now,"Why does the blood extend to the edge of the glass, but there is no blood on the frame or the wall?"

"Could it be……"A gleam of light flashed in Maori Kogoro's eyes. He immediately stuck his head out of the window and looked up. There was an open window right above him."I know, this is how the victim was shot, but why did he raise his head? And why did he go to the window?"

"Uncle Maori, why did the victim answer the phone before he died?"Miyamoto Han smiled and said,"It's very strange."

"That's right!" At this moment, Maori Kogoro felt as if his Ren and Du meridians were opened, and his mind was struck by lightning, and he suddenly became enlightened.

"It was the phone call. In this case, the person who spoke to him last must be the murderer!"

Maori Kogoro showed a smile that showed he had seen through everything."Han, I'm going to confirm something. Please call Inspector Megure over. I already know the whole story."

Miyamoto Han breathed a sigh of relief. He really took great pains to give Maori Kogoro a chance to perform.

Five minutes later, Inspector Megure and others gathered in the mixing room.

"Han, you said on the phone that Mao Li has already known the truth? Where is he now?"Inspector Megure asked excitedly

"Inspector Megure, please don't worry, Uncle Mori is confirming something and will reveal the truth soon."As soon as Miyamoto Han finished speaking, the small TV next to him suddenly lit up,"Here it comes." Miyamoto Han said with a smile

"Inspector Megure, I have solved this murder case." The voice came from the TV, and everyone turned their attention to it.

"Maori brother, what are you doing? Where are you now? We will go to find you."

"Inspector Megure, just stay there. We'll need your cooperation later."


"Brother Han, has Uncle Maori really known the whole story?"Miyamoto Han suddenly felt someone pulling his clothes. He looked down and saw that it was Conan.

He was looking at himself with a depressed look on his face.

"It's Conan! Uncle Maori is really amazing today. He figured out the truth faster than I did. He really deserves to be the famous detective Maori Kogoro!"

"Haha, you must have helped him."Conan seemed a little unconvinced. Although he knew that the murderer was Matsuo Takashi, he still didn't understand Matsuo Takashi's method. There was still a last piece missing in his mind.

"No, this time it was Uncle Maori who solved the case independently, I just reminded him of something." Miyamoto Han raised a finger,"Shh, keep a low profile!"

"Forehead……"Conan curled his lips,"It seems that you already knew the truth, right?"

Conan was really going crazy. Oh my god, this gap is really not a little bit! He couldn't see anything at the moment, but he was sure that Takashi Matsuo was the murderer.

"To be precise, I already knew the murderer's method as soon as I saw the scene."This is really not Miyamoto Han bragging. With his god-level detective ability, coupled with his incomparable knowledge of every detail of the original plot, who the murderer is, what is the method of committing the crime, and what is the evidence, all are clear at a glance.

However, it doesn't matter that he solves the case every time and steals the limelight from Kudo Shinichi, but it's different for Maori Kogoro. After all, he is Xiaolan's father and destined to be his future father-in-law. He still has to help. After all, he is not a detective, and there is no need to solve the case by himself every time.

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