At the entrance, Miyamoto Han squatted down and opened the shoe cabinet.

There were all kinds of shoes in the shoe cabinet, most of which were women's shoes.

"Strange, where are Chikako's slippers?"Miyamoto Han asked the three people behind him.

"Slippers? I remember everyone’s slippers should be in this shoe cabinet!" Ayako replied

"That's really strange. Since the slippers are not here, how did Chikako get out?"Miyamoto Han pretended to think.

"By the way, Sister Ayako, is there any other exit in this villa?" Miyamoto Han continued to ask

"There is another back door, what's going on?"

Everyone came to the back door, and there was a pair of brown slippers at the entrance of the back door. Ayako pointed at the slippers and said,"Miyamoto-kun, this pair of slippers must be Chikako's slippers, because Sonoko only took out the slippers that just fit the number of people, so this pair of slippers must be Chikako's."

"By the way, why is there so much mud here?" Miyamoto Han pointed at the mud on the ground at the entrance, and Ayako quickly replied:"This is because the gas switch is at the back, so I often run over there, so I get a lot of mud on my hands."

"Oh, by the way, Xiaohan, I just found something at the entrance." Ayako took out a necklace from her pocket."This seems to be the one Chikako usually wears around her neck."

"Sister Ayako, you really helped me a lot. This necklace is a very crucial piece of evidence."Miyamoto Han took the necklace from Ayako.

"Now we need to prove one thing."When Gong Benhan finished speaking, he had already walked ahead.

""Miyamoto-kun, do you already know the truth?" Xiaolan chased after him.

Miyamoto Han nodded,"I already know the general outline."

"Miyamoto-kun, you must catch the murderer who hurt Sonoko!" Xiaolan clenched her fists tightly,"I must teach him a lesson!"

This was the first time that Miyamoto saw Xiaolan so angry. It seemed that the attack on Sonoko by the bandage monster had violated her bottom line. Her bottom line was very simple, that is, no one could hurt the one she loved.

Soon, Conan and others returned to the villa panting. Xiaolan put her hands on her hips with an unhappy look on her face,"Conan, it's so dangerous outside, why did you just run out without saying a word? You made me worry for a long time!"

Conan quickly shrank his neck,"Sister Xiaolan, I'm sorry, I won't do it next time"

"Next time, next time, you always say this, Conan, you are not fooling me, are you!"Xiaolan seems to be really angry

"Xiaolan, just scolding him is useless, children are most likely to rebel. I think you should not bring Conan out next time, just treat it as a punishment. By the way, when you guys go out, did you find anything?" Miyamoto Han asked behind him.

Before Conan could speak, Ota Katsu spoke first:"Chikako sheShe was murdered. When we arrived, I had already been murdered and dismembered by the murderer, that damn bandage weirdo!"

"I have covered Chikako's body with my clothes." Hiroki Kakutani added, his face full of apology,"I shouldn't have quarreled with Chikako in the evening."

"Kakutani, don't blame yourself. We didn't expect that something like this would happen to Chikako." Ayako put her fist on her chest."But who is so cruel to kill Chikako and...……"Ayako turned her head away, not wanting to say the two cruel words"dismemberment".

"Forget it, everyone should close the windows and doors tonight, be careful of the bandage monster taking advantage of it, and it's also Chikako's fault for being so careless."

The one who made the suggestion was Ota Masaru, and from the look of him, it seemed that he didn't feel sad at all about Chikako's death. It was probably because he had some conflicts of interest with Chikako before.

"I didn't expect that things would develop into the ending I least wanted to see. Although I had anticipated this situation when I saw the weirdo taking Miss Ikeda away, I still felt a little sad, even if she really deserved it."

"What do you mean by that?" Hiroki Kadaya frowned and asked Miyamoto Han unhappily.

"That's right, Chikako is dead, what on earth do you mean by saying such a thing!"Takahashi and Ota also looked unhappy, but Miyamoto Han keenly noticed that a hint of excitement flashed in Takahashi's eyes.

"Xiaohan!"Ayako looked at him with some worry in her eyes.

"Don't worry! Leave the rest to me!" Miyamoto Han showed a confident smile.

He pushed his glasses and said confidently:"Lies are the shadow of the truth. In this incident, one of you told a big lie, and he is the murderer of this incident."

"Osamu, wasn't it the bandage man who killed Chikako and wanted to hurt Sonoko?" Ayako was the one who spoke, with her fist raised in front of her chest,"Could the murderer be among us?"

"Yes, Miyamoto-kun, when Miss Chikako was taken away, we were all in the villa. No one went out?" Xiaolan also expressed doubts.

"I know you may not be able to accept the fact that the murderer is among us, but then again, how do you know that the one who passed by the window was the bandaged monster?"

"Could it be that the bandage man has an accomplice?"At this time, Hiroki Kadaya stopped fiddling with his camera. His mood for filming was completely ruined by this bandage man.

"Of course not, there is only one bandage man."Miyamoto Han said with a joking smile,"It's just that he played a little trick to fool people at that time."

"A trick to fool people?" Ota Masaru frowned,"Miyamoto-kun, what do you mean by this?"

"Literally." Miyamoto Han curled his lips,"I think the murderer must have used an inflatable doll, and then put a cape on it, disguising it as a bandage monster."

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