Miyamoto Han is not that stupid. He does not believe that if he asks the society girl not to tell anyone, she will really keep her promise and not tell anyone. So before leaving, he used two flying needles on them. The flying needles are called memory confusion needles. After being hit by these needles, Kitagawa Qiangshi will mistake the person who beat him as the society girl, and the society girl will also have memory confusion and lose her previous memory.

Kitagawa Qiangshi, who woke up at this time, was arguing with the society girl.

Miyamoto Han called the police, and Kitagawa Qiangshi and the society girl were both imprisoned. It is said that later, because of the intensified internal conflicts between the two, the society girl not only told about the previous murder of Tatsuo, but also accidentally let it slip that she was selling drugs in the past. As a result, she was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Later... Miyamoto Han would laugh and cry every time he thought of this incident. These two idiots……

""Miyamoto-kun, thank you. If it weren't for you, I would have committed a heinous crime." Okatani Noriko said with a smile

"Don't say that, Noriko." The companionship over the past few days has made Miyamoto Han and Noriko closer."As long as you are happy, okay?" Miyamoto Han helped her tidy up her hair that was messed up by the wind. At this time, they were enjoying the night view on the overpass.

"Miyamoto-kun, I'm ready to start my life again. I've thought about it carefully and I can't continue to be so decadent."Noriko put her hands on the railing and suddenly turned her head,"Miyamoto-kun, I think we should say goodbye."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Gong Benhan didn't want to hesitate any longer, so he reached out and held her in his arms,"You idiot, can't you see? I have always liked you!"

"Miyamoto-kun...but I am an ominous woman."

After saying this, Miyamoto Han's face almost turned as black as coal.

"It's okay, I'll die under the peony flowers, and I'll be a romantic ghost……"

So a harmonious sonata came from under the overpass...

Miyamoto Han originally planned to let Okatani Noriko live in his home, but Okatani Noriko suddenly said that she wanted to go out alone, travel around the world, and come back to face Miyamoto Han again.

Miyamoto Han was not a strong person, so he forced her to give him a check of 10 million yen, and secretly equipped her with more than ten expert-level bodyguards, who secretly protected Okatani Noriko's safety.

Time passed quickly.

One month after Okatani Noriko left Miyamoto Han, Miyamoto Han received an invitation.

It was an invitation to the birthday party of Shijing Reika, the daughter of the Shijing family. Miyamoto Han originally wanted to find a reason to get away with it, but in a call with Xiaolan, he learned that it turned out that because Maori Kogoro happened to help Miss Shijing complete a commission, their family also received an invitation.

Since Xiaolan participated, Miyamoto Han certainly had no reason to refuse.

It is said that the Shijing Group and the Miyamoto family also have close exchanges, but most of them are exchanges in the business field. Of course, a small consortium like the Shijing Group is definitely not as good as the Miyamoto family.

The birthday party was held in a mountain villa, which was sparsely populated and full of trees. Miyamoto Han was speechless. Finding such a place would really give the murderer a chance. He shook his recently replaced mobile phone, but reminded him that it was outside the service area.

The birthday party was held as scheduled in the evening.

After blowing out the birthday candles, the whole banquet officially began.

Miyamoto Han looked around and finally found Xiaolan and Maori Kogoro in the crowd.

"Xiaolan."Miyamoto Han patted Xiaolan's shoulder.

"Miyamoto-kun, didn't you say you didn't have time to come tonight?"Xiao Lan was obviously shocked when she saw Miyamoto Han in front of her.

"I originally didn't plan to come, but when I heard you were coming, I dropped my heavy work and came here."Miyamoto Han said teasingly

"Miyamoto-kun, you are so...……"Xiaolan buried her head, her face flushed.

"Ahem." Conan stared with dead eyes, standing between Miyamoto Han and Xiaolan, while Maori Kogoro was still frantically sweeping away the delicacies on the table.

"Hey, Edogawa, don't suddenly appear at my feet. I'm afraid I won't see you and step on you."Miyamoto Han said condescendingly, and the implication was very obvious, that is, he was mocking Conan's current height of a primary school student.

Conan's mouth twitched when he heard this.

While Miyamoto Han and others were playing, the chairman of the Shijing Group stood in the middle of the venue and began his speech. The daughter of the Shijing Group is full of Shijing Reika. If you exclude her inner beauty, her outer beauty is still good, at least she is the type that many boys like.

"Today, for my daughter's birthday, I am very grateful to have invited you all to come to this villa to celebrate her birthday."The president of the Four Wells Group said politely,"I hope you can support our Four Wells Group in the future. Thank you!"

There was warm applause in the hall.

Maori Kogoro was still chewing the food in his hand, which made Xiaolan embarrassed to admit that this was her father.

"Hey, Dad, you should pay attention to your appearance too!" Xiaolan complained

"This kind of food is not always available.……"Before he finished speaking, he picked up the red wine and started drinking it."High-end famous wine is really different! It's comparable to what Han always brings!""

"Haha." Miyamoto Han was crying and laughing at the side. Not to mention Xiaolan, he was too embarrassed to admit that he knew this greedy uncle.

"Well, before everyone starts talking freely, I would like to introduce today's special guest, Mr. Maori Kogoro!"The president introduced loudly. There were immediately various exclamations from the audience.

"Oh! So this is Mr. Kogoro Mori!"

"Mr. Maori Kogoro? Isn't he the detective who solved the murder case at Beihua TV last time?"

"Mr. Maori, I am your loyal fan!"

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