"According to reliable information, a large amount of explosives containing ammonium nitrate was stolen from the Japanese gunpowder depot the day before yesterday by unknown persons. Currently, the police have dispatched hundreds of personnel to conduct relevant searches. However, no clues about the suspects have been found."

The doctor has finished his research and started drinking a cup of coffee," it seems that this matter is very serious!"

"Yes, if the plastic used for gunpowder is fixed, a plastic bomb can be made!"Conan responded.

The TV began to play the next news:"Recently, Mr. Kurokawa's house was set on fire, causing disasters to several nearby families. In addition, there have been several arson cases recently, and the police believe that it should be the same person."

"Alas, it's been really uneasy these days!" Dr. Agasa shook his head.

At this time, the landline started ringing, and Conan turned off the TV.

Dr. Agasa answered the phone,"Hello, who is this?"

"Is Kudo Shinichi here?"

"Wait a moment!" The doctor quickly covered the phone and said to Conan:"Shinichi, it's for you! Pay a little attention, the other party seems to have disguised his real voice with a voice changer, it should be not simple."

Conan adjusted the voice changer on the bow tie, moved to the edge of the bed, and took the phone.


"Is that Kudo Shinichi?"


"I was the one who stole the explosives from the Oriental gunpowder depot!" Conan's face changed drastically, and the other party continued:"I think you should just tell me your mobile phone number!"

"I have no obligation to give you my phone number!"

"Oh~ So you want to cut off the only way to contact me?"

Hearing this, beads of sweat appeared on Conan's forehead,"Okay then, the number is xxxx"

"Very good, bring your mobile phone and come to Tixiangjinchuan Green Park right now. I will show you something interesting."

"Green park?"

"If we don't go soon, those children will die!"

"What?"Conan was shocked.

Conan wanted to say something, but the other party seemed to have lost patience and hung up the phone.

""Damn it!" Conan jumped off the bed,"Doctor, I have to set off for Green Park right now!"

"Shinichi, could this be a prank?"

"No, since the other party can use a voice changer, it proves that this matter is not simple! And Doctor, quickly notify Inspector Megure."

Conan picked up the skateboard beside the bed and rushed out the door.

Conan's skateboard is the proud invention of Dr. Agasa. As long as the front foot steps on the mechanism, it will automatically accelerate. Its speed can even be comparable to that of a motorcycle!

Conan rushed to the main road handsomely and pretentiously, and then sped all the way, even faster than the car driving next to him, which attracted the attention of passers-by.

"Hey, look, that kid is so cool!"

"What a cool skateboard, mom, I want to buy one too!!"


In the end, Conan arrived at Jinchuan Greenland in time, but after arriving at the scene, Conan was a little overwhelmed. At this time, he saw Miyamoto Han, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta

"Brother Miyamoto, have you found anything?"Since Miyamoto Han has discovered his identity, Conan feels that it is always strange to call him Brother Miyamoto, but in front of the Junior Detective Team, he can't help but call him that.

"Kudo... no, Conan." Miyamoto Han deliberately said mischievously,"Don't worry, I have already solved the problems here."

"You mean you gave the bomb to……"

"I just saw a bearded man with strange movements. I followed him all the way and he gave Ayumi and the others a remote-controlled plane. I thought the plane looked a bit strange, so I took it apart and found that there was a bomb installed inside."

"So you successfully defuse the bomb?" Conan was speechless.

"The structure of this bomb is very simple. I happened to have learned how to defuse bombs at the Oriental Lanxiang Advanced Technical College, so I was able to fix it."Miyamoto Han said


"It's a particularly awesome excavator school!"Miyamoto Han explained.

At this time, Conan's phone in his pocket rang, and Conan quickly picked it up.

"Where is Kudo Shinichi?"

"Hey, what do you want?"Conan raised his voice

"Why didn't Kudo Shinichi come, but sent a brat like you? And who asked you to notify others?" The person on the other end of the phone seemed very angry. He was angry that Kudo Shinichi didn't dare to show up and that Miyamoto Kan had dismantled the bomb.

Conan wanted to adjust the tie voice changer, but Miyamoto Kan snatched it away. Miyamoto Kan shook his head gently and whispered;"Kudo Shinichi, the bearded man is looking at you at your six o'clock direction now.……"

Conan was about to turn around, but Miyamoto Han immediately shouted,"Are you stupid? Don't turn around. He is looking at you with a telescope now, and he is very angry. We don't know where he will place the bomb next. You should act accordingly."

Conan nodded.

The bearded man's voice appeared again on the phone,"Kid, I was going to give you a reminder of the next explosion site, but because you called for help, and that Kudo Shinichi didn't show up, you should prepare to collect the bodies of those innocent people. At one o'clock, another bomb I installed will explode. At that time, you can go to the entrance of Beika Station to enjoy the fireworks show I arranged! Hahaha!!"

""Beep, beep~" The call was hung up.

Conan looked at his watch and found that there were only fourteen minutes left.

"Damn it! That guy!!"Conan gritted his teeth.

"Miyamoto, you stay and take care of Ayumi and the others, I'll go find the bomb!" Conan said to Miyamoto Han. He didn't want Miyamoto Han to find the next bomb, so he quickly stepped on the scooter and disappeared at the end of the sidewalk.

How could Miyamoto Han not know Conan's thoughts? He just didn't want to pay attention to him. Besides, if Conan went this time, he would get hurt. Since he didn't want to get involved, it's not Miyamoto Han's fault for not reminding him if he got hurt.

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