Conan came to the door of Beihua Station again in a pretentious manner. He looked left and right, but he couldn't find the bomb. So he ran to the second floor of a restaurant, hoping to see it clearly from a higher visual angle.

But there were all kinds of people on the road, and each of them was holding something in their hands, which made Conan even more confused.

The bearded man only said the location, but there was no hint, so he could only rely on his detective intuition to find the bomb.

An old lady walked over at the bottom of the building, holding a pink cage in her hand.

He remembered that the old lady didn't have anything in her hand just now. Where did this thing come from?

Conan understood instantly that the bomb must be in the pink cage now!

So Conan quickly ran from the second floor to the downstairs, but just after leaving the restaurant, the old lady had stopped a taxi, and the taxi quickly drove along the road into the residential area.

Conan was not willing to miss this opportunity, and quickly stepped on the skateboard and rushed all the way, which immediately attracted the attention of the people around him. Everyone thought that this kid was really cool!

But the skateboard was not ready to give Conan a chance to show off. Just as Conan was about to start, the electric skateboard stopped motionlessly as if the battery had been removed.

What a pitfall!!

Coincidentally, a little kid who looked like a primary school student parked his bike in front of Conan, which was simply a great help to Conan!

Without saying a word, Conan threw the skateboard to the kid and got on the bike. As a result, Conan was like a cheater, and the speed of the bike was close to that of the taxi.

Everyone looked sideways, who is this kid so fierce?

Conan directly flanked from the small road and parked the bike in front of the taxi. Fortunately, the taxi driver reacted quickly and braked in time.

Conan quickly got on the car and took the pet cage from the old lady.

He opened the cage and took a look.

There was really a bomb counting down inside!

Looking again, there were only 25 seconds left for the bomb.

Conan was in a bad mood!

Conan jumped off the car at once, looked around, and found that he was in a residential area, surrounded by pedestrians and houses!

Conan is a very socially responsible person, thinking that the bomb must not be allowed to explode in such a place.

Looking again, there were only 16 seconds left!

Conan did not hesitate, threw the cage into the basket, and started the bicycle sprint mode.

The taxi driver was left alone in the wind for a long time. Which mental hospital did this kid run out of?

In a crazy rabbit-like rush, Conan finally came to a stream.

He jumped out of the car quickly.

The bomb exploded!

The huge momentum threw Conan ten meters away, but thanks to Conan being the protagonist of the original work, he was born with a bug, so such an injury would certainly not kill him.

But it also made Conan lose consciousness.

The surrounding crowd heard the explosion and all gathered around.

At first glance, isn't this the particularly cool boy just now?

Is there really such a thing in the world where people are struck by lightning for pretending to be cool?

Someone in the crowd called the police and sent Conan to the hospital.

At this time, Xiaolan had no idea that Conan was injured, and she was still buying gifts for Kudo Shinichi's birthday. In the Midorita Police Hospital.

Officer Megure looked at Conan seriously.

This child is so restless!

Instead of doing what a child should do, he had to run to defuse a bomb!

Of course, the Junior Detective League, Dr. Agasa, the Kudo couple, Miyamoto Kan, and Kogoro also came to the hospital to visit Conan.

"Conan, what is going on?" Kudo Yusaku asked.

Conan told Kudo Yusaku everything.

"Hey! Conan, where did Kudo Shinichi go? Why did he ask a child to help him defuse a bomb? Maori Kogoro snorted.

"But Conan is great too!" Yukiko stepped forward and touched Conan's forehead,"The fever has gone down now, we have been worried about you for a long time"

"You're lucky this time, you know that?" Miyamoto Han folded his arms,"Conan, next time if there's a bomb defusing thing like that, don't do it, kid. Leave it to me! Bomb defusing is my specialty."

Conan twitched his lips.

Who on earth is this Miyamoto Han? Is he omnipotent?

"According to our investigation, the explosion was caused by a plastic bomb, which is exactly the same as the explosives stolen from the Japanese gunpowder warehouse. It seems that the criminal is the same person."Inspector Megure said beside him, while Officer Shiratori was taking notes.

"Conan, did the bearded suspect tell you what he was going to do next?"Inspector Megure asked.

Conan shook his head.

At this time, the mobile phone on Conan's bedside rang.

Although mobile phones were not allowed in the hospital, Conan's ward had special treatment.

"Let us adults handle the rest!" Conan was about to get his cell phone, but Kudo Yusaku got there first.

"Conan, have a good rest!"

Kudo Yusaku answered the phone and switched to speaker mode.

"What exactly do you want?"

"You are not Kudo Shinichi, nor are you that kid, who are you?"

"I am Kudo Shinichi's father, Kudo Yusaku. Children are children after all, so let's use adult solutions to solve problems between adults!"

"Haha, that’s really funny, but it doesn’t matter. Since you are Kudo Shinichi’s father, you can take his place!"

"Tell me, where is the next bomb?"

"Okay, I'll do it only once. I've installed five bombs on the Dongdu Loop Line!"

Hearing this, everyone pricked up their ears.

"The bomb will explode after 4pm if the train is traveling at a speed of less than 60km/h! In addition, it will also explode if you do not dismantle the bomb before the sun sets! I will just give you a reminder. The bomb is at xx-x on the Toudou Loop Line. One of the x represents a word. It's all up to you, Mr. Kudo Yusaku"

""Beep, beep, beep~" The prisoner hung up the phone.

"Really, how can one guess this?" Kogoro Mouri complained.

Inspector Megure stroked his chin and muttered to himself:"According to the x of xx, it could be under the seat, on the chair, in the shelf, or...but what did he mean by saying that it will explode if it is not found by dark?"

"Between the rails!"

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