Xiaolan shook her head and said,"But Han, my dad is already drunk. Let's wait until he sobers up a little before we go over!"

When they returned to the restaurant, they saw Maori Kogoro who was already drunk and unconscious.

Sonoko put her hand on her forehead, her face dark,"Isn't Uncle Maori too unreliable?"

"Forget it, it's still a long way to go from here, and my car is not here. I'll just wait until Miss Kaori Nakahara comes back and then borrow her car." Miyamoto

Han had to give up.

Xiaolan insisted on going to the kitchen to help them wash the dishes, so Miyamoto Han had to go to the kitchen to help her. It was Sonoko who kept nagging and complaining.

Soon after more than half an hour, Miss Kaori Nakahara, who went out to buy vegetables, also came back.

It's just that the wind and snow outside suddenly became stronger, and Kaori Nakahara's body was covered with a lot of snow as big as beans.

The person who came back after Kaori Nakahara was the dark-skinned Ginji Tobita.

While taking off his leather jacket, he complained:"It suddenly snowed so hard today, I can't ski at all! It's so annoying!"

But the snacks were soon placed on the low table, and Xiaolan greeted him:"You can come in and eat!"

So, except for Professor Oyama who was still watching TV upstairs, everyone sat around the table and enjoyed the food.

Kogoro Mouri was still lying on the side.

He mumbled in his mouth:"Another glass! Keep drinking!"

Xiaolan smiled awkwardly.

Tomoyasu Kanazawa glanced at the food on the table and asked disappointedly:"Where is my lettuce salad?"

"I'm so sorry! It's sold out!" Nakahara Kaori smiled bitterly, took out the list and looked at it carefully,"Oh, and the ice cream is gone! Who asked me to buy ice cream in such cold weather?" The slightly drunk Tobita Ginji across from him took a sip of wine and said,"It should be Professor Oyama! He loves ice cream the most!"

"By the way, why hasn't Uncle Dashan come down yet?" Sonoko glanced at the clock on the wall,"I remember saying that the TV series should end around ten o'clock, right?"

Nakahara Kaori replied with a wry smile,"Because the professor always records the show, so that we can watch the wonderful scenes several times!"

"What a naive old man.……"Yuanzi was about to say something about the old man, but he quickly covered his mouth.

"That's right!" Miyamoto Han stood up and toasted Nakahara Kaori with a glass of wine,"Ms. Nakahara Kaori! Can you lend me your car later? I want to send these two ladies and the uncle back first."

"Well, since the famous writer Mr. Miyamoto has asked for it, of course I have to give it to him!"

Nakahara Kaori smiled and took out the car keys and handed them to Miyamoto Han.

When the appetizers on the table were almost finished,

Sonoko stared at the clock on the wall and asked in confusion:"By the way, didn't that Uncle Oyama come down from the beginning? Isn't it too strange?"

"Really? Could something have happened?"

Xiaolan stood up,"How about I go and take a look?"

Nakahara Kaori quickly held Xiaolan's shoulder,"No, Xiaolan, I'll go upstairs, you may not know where the professor's room is?"

After saying that, she hurriedly left the restaurant and went upstairs.

Miyamoto Han showed a smile that saw through everything.


Within a few seconds, Kaori Nakahara's scream came from outside the door.

A group of people immediately rushed out of the door and ran to the professor's room.

As a result, when they arrived at the room, they saw Professor Oyama kneeling on the ground, covered in blood, with his hands and feet tied, and a knife stabbed in the back.

At this time, Professor Oyama's eyes were as big as eggs.

And Kaori Nakahara was so scared that she knelt on the ground. Ginji Tobita was about to go over to check whether the professor was dead or alive, and Miyamoto Han hurriedly shouted:"You guys, don't get close to the body before the police arrive!"

Miyamoto Han squeezed past a few people, confirmed the professor's breathing, and shook his head.

"He is dead!"


Everyone was shocked!

"Everyone, be quiet for a moment. Miss Nakahara Kaori, did you touch Professor Oyama's body when you saw it?"

Nakahara Kaori shook her head."I was so scared when I saw the professor's body that my legs went weak. How could I touch his body?"

Miyamoto Han pushed his glasses."Ms. Nakahara Kaori, since you didn't touch the body, then you must have touched something at the scene, right?"

"What do you mean by this sentence?"

Nakahara Kaori stepped forward and spread her hands and asked

"You came in and moved the tablecloth on the table, right?"

Miyamoto Han pointed at the tablecloth that had fallen to the ground.


Nakahara Kaori folded her arms, looking like she was ignoring him.

"Haha, if there really wasn't any blood, then why were the bloodstains on the corners of the table only and not on the front of the table?"

"This... might have been accidentally torn off by the murderer when he was fighting with the professor!"

"Impossible! It is obvious that the murderer returned to the scene after the bloodstain dried. He found that the professor had left a message of death on the tablecloth, so he hurriedly pulled the tablecloth off! At that time, the only person who had been in the professor's room was you."

Miyamoto Han calmly spread the tablecloth back to its original appearance, and then placed Professor Oyama's cigarette on the sofa on the table at the position corresponding to the bloodstain.

"Now you see, this is the message Professor Dashan left before his death!"

"This... is this chess?" Jiang Jiao Guobu said in surprise.

"Please look at where the cigarette is now."

Xiaolan observed carefully and said,"Isn't this the position of the rook in chess?���"

"That's right, this is the position of the rook. Professor Oyama likes to name his students after chess, so he would say that as long as there is a knight, everything will be ready. If you use the hiragana to correspond, you can know that the rook represents you, Miss Nakahara Kaori!"

Miyamoto Han walked in front of Nakahara Kaori.

"You are talking nonsense! What evidence do you have to prove it?"

""Hehe, Ms. Nakahara Kaori, you said that the salad and ice cream were sold out? But as far as I know, the salad might be sold out, but the ice cream will not be sold out. If you don't believe it, we can go and confirm it. As for why you lied twice? Can you explain it to us?"

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