"Ms. Nakahara Kaori! Actually, your plan is quite perfect, but the lie about the ice cream is just too ridiculous! I guess you are worried that the professor's paper on colorectal cancer was actually written by you, but it was secretly used by the unscrupulous professor, right?"

Miyamoto Han pushed his glasses.

"How do you know?"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. But if you hadn't been in the car for a few seconds and the heater hadn't melted the ice cream, you might have been able to get away with it."

"Mr. Miyamoto, I have to admit that you are really amazing!"

Nakahara Kaori finally raised her hands in surrender,"With you and Detective Maori here today, I dared to plan to kill the professor. It was so stupid!"

Nakahara Kaori sighed and continued,"Professor Oyama did take my paper to win the award. That guy trampled on my dream. It is really unforgivable!"

Nakahara Kaori finally bowed her head and pleaded guilty, and was taken away by the police.

At night, Miyamoto Han drove Xiaolan and Sonoko back to the villa he had just bought.

As a result, Kogoro was still drunk, and Miyamoto Han had to carry Maori Kogoro back to the villa himself.

After all, the person on his back is his father-in-law.

Of course, there are also benefits to Kogoro falling asleep, that is, it does not delay Miyamoto Han and others from doing things.

After a hearty exercise, Miyamoto Han and others fell asleep. Another week passed, and this week, Conan was finally discharged from the hospital.

But his mother spent 10 million yen to let Conan continue to live in Xiaolan's house.

It is estimated that Yukiko intends to bring them together, but what she doesn't know is that Xiaolan has already been Miyamoto Kan's person.

Miyamoto Kan is preparing a new novel, so he goes to the library to look up relevant information on weekends.

Although the study room in his home is equivalent to a large library, there are still some books that are not comprehensive.

However, after arriving at the library, Miyamoto Kan regretted it a little.

In the children's book area next door, the Junior Detective League is actually there!

Of course, Conan the Imp is also there.

Miyamoto Kan moved a pile of books and prepared to read them carefully. When he was about to sit down, the sound of a police car came from outside.

"Really! Today is really a bad day for me!" Miyamoto Han pushed his glasses and looked out the window.

The person who got off the car was Inspector Megure, but the relationship between Miyamoto Han and Inspector Megure was quite tense recently. After the last incident at the Beika City Hall, the two always felt a little awkward when they met.

So Miyamoto Han didn't plan to go down and say hello to Inspector Megure.

He quietly went back to reading.

At the same time, Conan also noticed the arrival of Inspector Megure.

The curious Conan, who was possessed by the god of death, ran out quickly.

"I'll go out first!" Conan said and left his friends there.

The stupid teammates of the Junior Detective Team were not so easy to fool, and they followed Conan and ran out.

"Hello, you are the librarian, right?"

Inspector Megure stretched out his hand.

"Yes, my name is Jinchuan, hello!"

"Today, the main reason we are here is for the staff of your library, Tamada Kazuo!"

Inspector Megure took out a photo from his pocket.

"He didn't come to work yesterday without asking for leave!" Director Jinchuan explained

"Officer Megure, what happened?"Conan ran up to Officer Megure, panting.

"But did something happen to him?" Director Tsukawa spread his hands and asked in confusion.

Inspector Megure closed his eyes and said seriously:"Actually, it's like this. Mr. Tamada has been missing since the night before yesterday!"

"What?" Director Jinchuan's face was covered with cold sweat.

"We heard that he and you worked the night shift in the library the night before yesterday, right?"

Director Jinchuan said a little guilty:"Yes! But I went home earlier than Mr. Tamada that day, and I don't know anything about it after that."

Conan pointed to the police in the warehouse and asked:"But why did they go to the library warehouse to look for things? He might have been attacked on his way home!"

Officer Megure glanced at Conan and rolled his eyes,"This is for the sake of caution!" Then Officer Megure said very seriously:"Mr. Tamada is a very cautious person. He will call home and tell his wife before going home, but he didn't do so the night before yesterday. In other words, he was very likely taken away from here by someone while working the night shift. Or he is still in the library now. If he is here, it means that he is very likely to have been killed by someone!"

Officer Megure stared seriously at the now dumbfounded butler Jinchuan.

Everyone in the Junior Detective Team shook their shoulders subconsciously when they heard this conclusion.

A police officer came over from the side,"Officer, we have checked everything here, but we didn't find anything."

Inspector Megure touched his chin," So he was indeed taken out!"

"All right! Let's pack up first!" Inspector Megure raised his voice and said to the police officer behind him.

Of course Conan had insight into something, and looking at the expression of Director Tsukawa, it was obvious that he was trying to cover up something!

It was obvious that Director Tsukawa was the murderer!

Time soon came to the time when the sun was setting in the evening.

Conan and the members of the Junior Detective League began to commit suicide again.

I don't know who suggested hiding in a box until closing time.

Conan was speechless about these burdens!

Originally, he asked these little brats to go home first, but he didn't expect that these pig teammates would want to take a big adventure?

Conan couldn't beat four feet with his two fists, so he could only compromise silently!

Genta poked his big head out of the box first and said excitedly:"Everyone is gone now!"

"Yes! Conan, what should we do now?"

Conan rolled his eyes and said in a very calm tone:"Of course we have to find the body!"

"But didn’t the police just say……"

"But I can clearly smell something in this library."

The three little brats immediately got goosebumps all over their bodies.

"But I think I smell something stinky, too." Ayumi said timidly.

While they were still talking about the smell, the elevator warning light suddenly lit up.

Conan acted quickly and immediately realized that something was wrong!

"The elevator is moving! Someone is coming up, we have to leave here quickly!"

Conan pushed open a door and hid in the room, while he stuck his head out to observe the situation outside.

The elevator opened, and the pale-faced Director Jinchuan walked out. His bloodless face was stretched so long that he looked like a zombie!

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