Yuanzi did not notice that her voice was a little loud. At this time, Miyamoto Han seemed to be able to see a lot of"#"Character number

""Sonoko, don't talk nonsense. That's Inspector Megure from the Metropolitan Police Department's First Investigation Division, the Third Division of the Criminal Investigation Division. He was my father's former boss." Xiaolan secretly introduced him to Sonoko.

Sonoko just nodded. To her, Inspector Megure was just a small policeman. What's wrong with him? They usually looked down on him.

"That's not right! Xiaolan, you haven't told me why Inspector Megure seems to be so close to Miyamoto Han."Sonoko asked

"I'll tell you about this question! That's because Brother Miyamoto has helped our police solve many cases."Inspector Megure came over and explained to Sonoko.

""Wow~ I didn't expect you to be so good!" Yuanzi said to Gongben Han with a smile.

Gongben Han just smiled faintly and did not answer Yuanzi.

"What do you think of this case, brother Miyamoto? This should be just an accident, right?"Inspector Megure asked Miyamoto Han in a low voice.

"No, Inspector Megure, this is not an accident. This is a trap that was carefully designed by someone and is completely targeted at Takei Izumi. The real criminal is among the three of you."Miyamoto Han said righteously to the remaining three people from the Mika Swimming Training School.

The coach of the swimming training school, Aoi Kawasaki, the student Arisa Tachibana, and the student Asako Kitagawa are all major suspects.

"No way! But we were also there when Izumi jumped into the water, and there was no one else around her at that time!" Xiaolan said in confusion.

After hearing Xiaolan's testimony, Kitagawa Asako immediately said,"This was just an accident."

"No, this must be the Curse of the Diving Pool Demon】!"At this time, Arisa shouted loudly

"Arisa!"Coach Kawasaki and Kitagawa Asako both looked at Arisa in surprise, and then they both fell silent.

"Curse? Haha~" Miyamoto Han showed a disdainful smile on his face, and laughed softly,"I don’t think this is a curse. Can Inspector Megure send one or two of his men to search the swimming pool? I think that thing should still be left in the swimming pool."

Conan looked at Miyamoto Han in surprise. Although he knew that this incident was definitely not an accident, he still had no idea about the murderer’s method. But looking at Miyamoto Han’s appearance, he obviously saw through the murderer’s method.

Although Inspector Megure didn’t know what the thing Miyamoto Han was talking about, he immediately arranged for the police officers to go into the swimming pool to search.

At this time, the face of one of the three people suddenly became flustered.

"Chief, we found a large transparent plastic bag under the swimming pool." The police officer who went into the water soon surfaced. Seeing what the police officer was holding, everyone looked at the thing in the police officer's hand curiously. Only one person turned pale and his hands and feet were cold after seeing the transparent plastic bag.

Miyamoto Han looked at the transparent plastic bag he found, grinned, looked at the three people from the swimming training school again with a smile, and chuckled lightly:"Now that the thing has been found, are you not ready to admit it?"

"Inspector, there's news from the hospital. Because of the emergency treatment she received, Miss Takei Izumi is no longer in danger of death."At this time, a police officer rushed in and reported to Inspector Megure anxiously.

"Great!"Everyone was relieved to hear that Quan Mei was not in danger.

"She's fine! That's great!" Tachibana Arisa cried with joy, and then, under everyone's surprised gaze, she stood in front of Inspector Megure and said:

"Officer, I plead guilty. I was the one who caused this accident and nearly killed Takei Izumi!"

"No way!"Xiaolan and the others couldn't believe it as they looked at Arisa who admitted that she was the criminal. In their opinion, Arisa was a very timid person. How could such a person do such a bold and terrifying thing? You know, she was only 14 years old!

"this"Even Inspector Megure hesitated and looked at Miyamoto Han hoping he could give an answer.

"Don't be confused, Inspector Megure, the criminal in this case is indeed her. Next, let me tell you about the trap set by Arisa!"

After a while, under the puzzled eyes of everyone, Miyamoto Han brought two buckets of water and placed them directly in front of everyone.

"As you can see, these are two buckets of water. Now I will throw these two pieces of tofu of the same size into the two buckets of water at the same height. Guess what will happen?"As Miyamoto Han was speaking, he had already let go of the piece of tofu in his right hand. The tofu slid directly from Miyamoto Han's hand into the water in the left bucket and sank completely.

Then Miyamoto Han let go of another piece of tofu at the same height and in the same way. When the tofu slid into the water in the right bucket, the whole piece of tofu was blown to pieces.

"thisWhat's going on?"Everyone looked at Gong Benhan in confusion, hoping that he could explain.

""Could it be that a lot of salt has been added to the water here?" Conan suddenly said at this time. At this time, he already knew the murderer's method, but it was no longer his business, because Miyamoto Han saw it earlier than him.

Miyamoto Han smiled and said:"Just like Conan said, although the two buckets of water look the same on the surface, in fact, I added a lot of salt to the bucket of water on the right, which greatly increased the salt concentration in the clear water."

"I don't know if you have heard of the Dead Sea. It is said that in the Dead Sea, even people who can't swim don't have to worry about drowning. The reason is that the Dead Sea contains a high concentration of salt, which is 8.6 times that of ordinary seawater. Therefore, even if a person is on it, he will not sink. But if someone jumps in from a high place, he will be seriously injured!"

(Thanks to lvpeizhi1234 book friend for the 1,000 points reward, thank you to Pluto book friend for the monthly ticket support!)

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