"Really? Miyamoto-kun."Xiaolan asked.

Sonoko asked curiously,"How did you know?"

Miyamoto rolled his eyes at Sonoko and continued,"Come on, I'm a physics professor at MIT, so this level of calculation is not difficult for me. Salt water with a concentration of about 30% is about 1.3 times denser than fresh water. Therefore, the impact force received by an object falling from a height into the water will be 2.2 times the original"

"It's more than 2 times. You know, the impact force of diving is not small."Coach Kawasaki was also shocked by this data. As a swimming coach, she knows more about diving than the people on the scene, and has a more intuitive understanding.

"Yes! Coach Kawasaki, you are right. If the swimming pool is made like the Dead Sea, it would not be surprising if you break your spine if you jump from the 10-meter high platform."Miyamoto Han nodded and said

"But this doesn't make sense! Wasn't it Arisa who was the first to jump into the water? How come she is fine?" Sonoko asked in confusion.

"Miss Sonoko is right, and if you really say so, if you want to change the entire swimming pool, it will probably take at least several tons or even dozens of tons of salt!

" Inspector Megure asked in confusion.

Miyamoto Han smiled and said,"So that's why there is that plastic bag!

I think Arisa, you must have sneaked into the swimming pool last night, and used that big plastic bag and fishing line and other things to create a"mini Dead Sea" right under the diving platform!

But even so, the amount of salt required is hundreds of kilograms, so I guess you must have secretly stolen the salt from your family's rice store at night and put them in here.

I guess you must have worked very hard!


Arisa lowered her head and responded in a low voice,"Yeah! But how did you know?" Arisa looked at Miyamoto Han in confusion. She believed that she had done it very secretly at the time and should not have been seen by anyone. Why can the person in front of her tell everything she did as if she had seen it with her own eyes. Miyamoto

Han smiled faintly and said,"There's nothing strange about this.

It was you who told me this.

Maybe you didn't even notice it!

There is a lot of white salt on your swimsuit.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for sweating to form so much salt.

This can only happen if you have been soaked in high-concentration salt water.

And the towel you just used must have detected a lot of salt.

At the same time, the salt composition detected in this swimming pool should be the same as the table salt in your store.


"Why? Arisa, why did you do this?"Coach Kawasaki asked Arisa sadly.

"I didn't expect it to turn into such a serious accident. I just wanted her to get a minor injury and be unable to dive for a while. That guy looked down on me as a poor guy and used money to snatch my admission quota. He knew my family situation, but he"Arisa clenched her fists tightly.

Miyamoto Han interrupted Arisa before she finished speaking:"Although telling you this is a bit cruel for you now. But I still want you to know what you did wrong. You must think in your heart that Izumi's friendship with you has changed. Not only does she often bully you and laugh at you, she even used money to snatch your admission quota. But is this really the case?"

"Isn't it? That guy is just that kind of person!" Arisa said angrily. Miyamoto Han looked at Arisa with pity and said,"You keep saying that she has changed, but in fact, she hasn't changed at all. The one who has really changed is you. It is your inferiority complex that has changed your friendship. Do you really think that she spent money to snatch your admission quota?"

"I can guarantee this. I secretly asked the principal of this school last night, and he told me that Takei Izumi's parents did want to buy the admission quota, but in the end Izumi herself came to him and refused."At this time, Sonoko also came forward to help Miyamoto Han to prove it.

"How could it be?" Arisa's feet staggered, and she took a few steps back, her face full of disbelief:"You are kidding me!"

"That's not the case. If I had known, I should have told you the truth yesterday." Coach Kawasaki also stood up and said,"In fact, after she tore your swimsuit and left yesterday, I chased her and asked about Izumi. Originally, I had the same idea as you, thinking that she had really changed from before, and she even gave up your friendship for a direct admission. But after I heard what she said, I realized that we were both wrong.

In fact, she did that on purpose. She just wanted you to be less self-deprecating and be bolder. As for the swimsuit, she hoped that you could wear this new swimsuit to report to Fukatsu Affiliated High School. It was a gift to congratulate you for getting the direct admission. She said that if she gave it to you directly, you would definitely not accept it with your personality, so she did it on purpose."

After listening to Coach Kawasaki's words, everyone, including Arisa, was silent. Although Izumi's actions were a bit too much, her consideration for her friend deeply touched everyone. The friendship between her and Arisa has never changed. Perhaps, as Miyamoto Han said, it was Arisa who really changed. It was Arisa's inferiority complex caused by poverty that changed their friendship.

"Woohoo~ I'm sorry Izumi! I'm really sorry!!!" Arisa couldn't bear it anymore and fell to her knees and started crying.

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