At night, Suzuki Sonoko returned home with a happy face, and unexpectedly saw Suzuki Shiro, Suzuki Tomoko and Suzuki Ayako were all

"It's so late, and you just came back!" When Suzuki Tomoko saw Sonoko coming back, she immediately frowned and said sternly

""Okay, okay, it's good that Sonoko is back. She's grown up now, so you don't have to control her too much." Suzuki Shiro quickly grabbed Tomoko and advised her.

Her elder sister Suzuki Ayako also advised her mother in the same way:"My little sister knows her limits, mom!"

"You twoI'm so pissed off. It's because you two dote on Sonoko too much that she has become more and more lawless, and even learned to come home late, huh!"Although Suzuki Tomoko calmed down a little after being persuaded by Suzuki Shiro and Suzuki Ayako, she was still very angry about Suzuki Sonoko coming home late.

Sonoko said with a look of grievance:"I was just chatting with Xiaolan and accidentally stayed up a little late, I didn't do anything bad!"

As for Xiaolan, Suzuki Tomoko and the others all knew that she was a friend that Sonoko had been dating since she was very young, and the relationship between the two was as good as that of sisters. Suzuki Tomoko was more relieved about Xiaolan, so after hearing Sonoko say that she was with Xiaolan, she was not so angry.

"Forget it this time, come over and eat! The whole family is waiting for you." Suzuki Tomoko said calmly to Sonoko who was still standing there.

"Oh!"Sonoko was relieved to see Suzuki Tomoko like this. The person she feared most in this family was not Suzuki Shiro or Suzuki Ayako, but her mother Suzuki Tomoko.

At the dinner table, Sonoko accidentally told what happened today and mentioned Miyamoto Han. Suzuki Shiro and Suzuki Tomoko, who had not paid much attention to it, immediately stopped what they were doing.

"Sonoko, are you saying that you met your aunt Rie's son, Miyamoto Han?" Tomoko asked carefully.

"Yes!" Yuanzi felt a little strange when she saw her mother like this, but she nodded and said

"I haven't thanked him for what happened last time! Sonoko, if you meet him next time, remember to invite him to our house. Mom and Dad haven't thanked him properly yet!" Suzuki Shiro also said to Sonoko seriously at this time

"Mom and Dad, I remember Han Jun should still be in the United States? Did he return to his country? Although Ayako had only met Miyamoto Han a few times, she still remembered him. However, this was the first time she knew about Miyamoto Han in Tokyo.

"Well! Last time your mother was sick, he came to visit your mother instead of your aunt Rie. He cured Tomoko's illness at that time, but it was a pity that you two were not there when he came last time."Suzuki Shiro explained, but he still concealed Tomoko's condition at that time and did not want Sonoko and Ayako to know

"If it's just to invite him, of course there's no problem. Anyway, he lives near Xiaolan's house. When I go to Xiaolan's house to play, I'll just go and see him."After listening to Suzuki Shiro's words, Sonoko was full of gratitude towards Miyamoto Han. She didn't know that he was the one who cured her mother's illness. She saw Miyamoto Han's medical skills with her own eyes today, so she didn't find it strange.

"That's it! Okay, let's eat!" Suzuki Shiro finally asked everyone to continue eating.

Three days later, Miyamoto Han, who was baking cookies and cakes at home, suddenly heard the doorbell ring.

"Ding Dong~ Ding Dong~"

Miyamoto Han checked the time on the oven and hurried out. He was a little curious about who was looking for him.

Miyamoto Han opened the door and found that the person who rang the doorbell was Conan and the three naughty kids.

"Excuse me!"The three naughty kids shouted to Miyamoto Han happily with innocent smiles on their faces.

Conan on the side had a helpless expression on his face.

"It’s Conan and the three kids I met in the art museum last time! Hello!" Miyamoto Han said to the four of them with a smile,"What’s the matter with you coming here today?"

"Big brother, we are here to thank you for what happened last time. Thank you, big brother!" Yoshida Ayumi was the first to stand up and said to Miyamoto Han.

After Ayumi finished speaking, Mitsuhiko and Genta, who were following behind, also followed and thanked Miyamoto Han.

Miyamoto Han was speechless. It has been so long since that incident. You only think of coming to thank me now. Who are you kidding! Miyamoto Han looked at Conan, who was still covering his face with helplessness, and he had a rough idea in his heart.

"oh~~"Miyamoto Han looked at Ayumi and the other three with a playful look on his face, and the tone of his voice kept changing, until the three of them finally lowered their heads in embarrassment.

"I don't like dishonest kids!" Miyamoto Han stopped staring at them and said with a chuckle.

"Sorry!" The three of them apologized honestly,"Actually, we came here because Conan told us that Big Brother has delicious snacks."

When they said that, Genta, who was the most greedy, even had his stomach growling, which made Conan and the other four blush even more.

"Hahaha~ I was just kidding with you. I just happened to bake some cookies and cakes, let's eat them together later!" Miyamoto Han looked at their embarrassment and laughed, but then said to them,"No, children should be honest and can't lie, okay?"

Soon, Miyamoto Han entered the kitchen, and the oven was about to start cooking, so Miyamoto Han immediately took out the things inside, put them on a large tray and brought it out

"In addition, considering that Conan betrayed me, in order to punish him, you say that Conan should say"I was wrong, Brother Han!" three times in a row. What do you think?"Miyamoto Han glanced at Conan, and suddenly thought of a bad idea, and said to the three naughty kids.

After hearing what Miyamoto Han said, Conan realized that it was not good. Sure enough, when he turned his head to look at Ayumi and the other three, he found that they were staring at him with ill intentions, and laughing, which made Conan feel a little scared.

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