After treating the group of naughty kids to lunch, the three of them also became familiar with Miyamoto Han. After lunch, they politely invited Miyamoto Han to go fishing with the four of them at the nearby river.

It is said that the place was discovered by Yuantai, and a lot of fish can be caught there, so today they came together, in addition to eating delicious snacks at his house, to catch fish.

Originally, Miyamoto Han thought that what they called fishing was catching big fish or something, but after waiting there, he realized that it was just some very small fish.

However, seeing these children having so much fun, even Conan, who is obviously a high school student, is having fun with them. Miyamoto Han looked at Conan who was smiling so happily, and couldn't help but think maliciously in his heart: After Conan's body became smaller, wouldn't he even have a childlike heart!

At this moment, Miyamoto Han, who had sharp ears, keenly heard a voice coming from the small river not far behind him.

Although Conan and his friends found it later than him, the sound was getting closer and closer to them, so they all heard it, and curiously looked in the direction of the sound.

Then they found a toy speedboat speeding on the river, and there was a red balloon tied to the toy speedboat, which was very eye-catching.

""So cool!" Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and the other three looked at the toy speedboat with envy in their eyes.

At this moment, a gunshot suddenly came from a distance, and then the red balloon on the toy speedboat suddenly shattered.

"Sniper rifle!!!" Miyamoto Han and Conan were the first to react. Miyamoto Han quickly held down Ayumi and the other three. However, after Conan reacted, he took out a telescope and tried to find the person who had fired the shot.

"Conan, you little brat, you are so impulsive again!"When Miyamoto Han looked at the abandoned building that might be the sniper location through the telescope, he wanted to slap him to death on the spot.

Kudo Shinichi himself was not afraid of death, but he did not expect that Ayumi and the other three were completely different from him.

""Han, come and look, in the building opposite, there is a man holding a rifle, and there are two men in black beside him who seem to be threatening him with guns." Conan didn't pay any attention to what Miyamoto Han said just now, and was talking to Miyamoto Han with a serious face. He didn't notice how different he looked from a normal elementary school student.

Miyamoto Han rolled his eyes at Conan speechlessly, thinking secretly in his heart, he is worthy of being the elementary school student of the God of Death, even coming out to catch fish with these three naughty kids will encounter troubles.

He took the telescope from Conan's hand and looked towards the abandoned building opposite.

Although he didn't see the two men in black mentioned by Conan, he did see a man holding a rifle in his hand, and the man seemed to have noticed him and was turning his head to look at them.

Then the man walked away

"They're gone!" Miyamoto Han put down the telescope and said to Conan

"Should we go over and take a look?" Conan's detective spirit was already burning, and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"The other party has a gun in his hand. This is no longer something you kids can get involved in. Let's leave here immediately and notify Inspector Megure and the others to come and deal with it." Miyamoto Han thought for a moment and said to them

"No! We are not afraid!" Hearing that Miyamoto Han wanted them to go back, Ayumi and the other three immediately said with dissatisfaction, not understanding the seriousness of the matter at all.

Conan calmed down a little at this time. He also thought that the other party had a gun in his hand. If they went over now and were discovered by the other party, they might be in danger. So he began to persuade the other three:"Brother Han is right. This matter is too dangerous now. It is not something we can touch. Let's leave it to the police!"

Miyamoto Han said to Conan:"Conan, you watch over the three of them. I will call Inspector Megure."

Conan nodded at him after listening.

Miyamoto Han soon contacted Inspector Megure. Out of trust in Miyamoto Han, Inspector Megure, who was on vacation today, immediately brought people over.

Because the three little guys kept clamoring to go with them, and now there were policemen, Miyamoto Han finally agreed to them, but he also reminded them from the beginning to stay with him and not to wander around.

""Brother Miyamoto, this is where you and Conan saw it!" Inspector Megure had people search around here, but found no evidence, so he asked Miyamoto Han

"Yes, it is here. Although I didn't see the other party shooting, when I looked over, there was indeed a man holding a rifle in his hand. I think he must be the one shooting! I guess he is doing some kind of sniper practice here."

"And according to Conan, he also saw two men in black clothes beside the man with the rifle, who seemed to be threatening each other with guns. I think it is very likely that someone wants to use that man to shoot someone!" Miyamoto Han said to Inspector Megure

"But we didn't find anything here. Although those people you mentioned are indeed suspicious, we have no idea where and when they want to shoot and who they want to kill. There is no way at all!" Inspector Megure said in embarrassment. If the person who called the police was not Miyamoto Han, Inspector Megure would have left long ago.

Just when the police still found nothing, Conan suddenly came and said that he found something that might have been left by the kidnapped man.

It was a calculator with a string of numbers on it: 3135134.162

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