Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman

Vol 3 Chapter 334: sudden assassination

Mizumayuki took Itakura Taku's backpack and found a reason to slip away.

The Metropolitan Police Department's computer has a local area network or something similar, and Tsuki Mizuma, who doesn't know enough about computers, doesn't want to consult those floppy disks on the Metropolitan Police Department's computer.

Although Mizumayuki doesn't feel relieved if she doesn't have a computer, it's actually not difficult to find a computer that can reassure her.

It would be better to say that because there are too many targets to find, Mizumayue has a hard time deciding. There is an intricate undercurrent around him, but he is not standing in the center of the undercurrent, but a small rock on the side, so While wandering aimlessly across a small park, Tsuki Mizuma studied which forces she should guard against.

Swah-! A cold light pierced through the silence and hit the water moon.

Effortlessly dodging, Mizumayuki kicked the opponent casually.

"You're not too timid, you dare to commit murder in broad daylight, who are you?" Although she was distracted, Mizumayue had already noticed that no one had been seen in the park since just now.

The assassin was a man, very young, not even twenty years old.

"The one who killed you!" The assassin on the opposite side shouted imposingly, and rushed up again.

"You don't even have a gun, how can you come up with such nonsense?" Mizumayuki asked contemptuously, without delaying him to block the opponent's attack again.

When the skill gap is too big, the short dagger can't threaten the water moon at all.

"You're dead!" The man rushed over with perseverance.

"..." Mizuma Yue didn't know what to say.

It seems that he has never encountered such two killers before, not only with such poor skills, but also with so many words.

"Where did you come from? Do we have any grudges?" Mizumayue continued to ask while avoiding this man's successive attacks with ease.

"Kill you! Kill you!" The assassin on the opposite side was like a lost child who only knew how to keep bashing Mizumayuki.

Something was wrong, Mizumayue felt that something was wrong, and after reacting, she stopped talking nonsense with the assassin, and just jumped behind him and punched the back of the head with a fist. .

bump! This time it was a real gunshot, right where Tsuki Mizuma's feet had just been.

After stunning the strange assassin with one blow, Tsuki Mizuma ran without stopping, so she avoided the sudden bullet.

But without seeing the direction of the ballistic trajectory, Mizumayuki could only keep running forward, jumping and turning irregularly at the same time.

bump! The second bullet didn't hit Tsukishima either, he just dodged away at that moment and found the location to shoot.

After turning a corner and hiding behind an iron trash can, Mizumayuki took advantage of the dead spot for shooting to sort out the situation here.

The reason why I thought that boy like that was a killer at first was because Tsuki Mizuma realized that no one else could be seen in the park.

Trying to disperse irrelevant people is the norm of behavior in the dark world, not the neurosis of gin.

But the boy's skill basically shows that he is not a killer at all. In fact, he has already guessed his identity.

But such a young man has no ability and consciousness to drive away idlers, so he is a pretense.

And now, the one who shoots at Yue Mizuma should be the real killer. As for the boy, it is estimated that he is a relative of the person who was arrested by him, such as his younger brother or son. As a criminal police, this kind of thing is not common, but it is not uncommon. It's not uncommon, Shui Jianyue also met once in the past two years.

After a brief glance, Mizumayue confirmed that the sniper was not far from her, so she was lying on the roof of a small house about 50 meters away, which seemed to be a public toilet.

Shui Jianyue gave up her plan to call for help. Neither the organization nor the public security could have responded in a short time, and she didn't know where the person on the other side came from.

God knows if Jinjiu randomly found a member of the organization outside to make trouble for him. If he succeeds, the boss will not punish him. If he fails, someone will take the blame. When the time comes, he will ask the organization for help. If you take action and stop it, it really makes Tiantian not respond, and the ground is not working.

And if you call the police to save him, there is a risk of exposing his connection with the police, so Mizumayue can only rely on herself.

And it can't be delayed for too long here, passive squatting here to avoid, whether it is the other party's change of position or the appearance of an accomplice, he will fall into passive.

First, put down the handbag that interfered with his actions, and Mizumayuki sorted out his tools.

Because it was a common case, I didn't bring a gun when I called the and the stick that was in my hand was taken away by Sato Miwako. I have neither come back nor get another one.

To put it simply, Mizumayuki is now unarmed, and if he has anything, it is a bag at his feet, but he has never ordered any skill points to use a floppy disk as a dart.

"You can use it over there..." Mizumayue analyzed the surrounding environment and muttered softly. It wasn't that he had nothing wrong with expressing his thoughts, but that he was giving himself a hint, afraid that he would not dare to rush out. to bullets.

No matter how powerful Ren Shui Jianyue is, he still doesn't have the courage to rush out when he says he's going to rush out when there is a hail of bullets outside.

The last time I did something like this was when Tokyo Tower was shot by a gin machine gun, but at that time I drank fake wine, and I was a type of low-drinking drinker.

"Fight!" Mizumayue said to herself, and rushed up with a vigorous step.

It should have run out suddenly so that the other party didn't react, or the other party was also on the way to snipe at him from a different angle.

Even so, Mizumayuki kept turning back and forth while running, making it difficult for the opponent to aim at him.

Because the types of bullets and guns cannot be determined, Mizuma Yue does not know how often the other party needs to change the bullets, and it is said that experienced killers generally reload the bullets before the bullets are used up, just to let the other party not understand their own rules. .

While jumping, Mizumayuki kept scanning the public toilet from the corner of his eye, looking for traces of the enemy.

After going around an arc, dodging the bullets coming towards her, Mizumayuki finally pulled the distance between the two to force the other side to give up the sniper rifle in her hand, and took out her dagger and pistol to prepare for a close fight with herself. ) Download Free Reader!!

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