Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman

Vol 3 Chapter 335: antidote research

Hu Chi... Hu Chi... Mizumayue panted like a bellows, leaning her right hand against the wall, looking at the corpse in front of her.

In head-to-head battles he won and the opponent died.

The left hand is covering the abdomen, where there is a large pool of dark red. Fighting empty-handed against an enemy armed with knives and guns, and (probably) a professional killer, Mizuma didn't expect to win unscathed in the first place, but rather was satisfied with surviving.

There was a gunshot wound to the left abdomen, which missed the vital organ, but the bullet was inside. In addition, there were more than ten abrasions and knife wounds on the body.

I'm very glad that the last shot that I couldn't escape didn't hit my lungs, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to breathe like a bellows like now.

"Hey!" Leaning against the wall and sitting down slowly, Mizumayue felt the wound being torn.

I don't know that the killer has no accomplices, and the continuous loss of blood makes Mizuma Yue know that she doesn't have much time to think. She made a phone call and told Amuro Toru about the situation here. As for whether it is more appropriate for the organization to clean up the scene or the public security to clean up Let Toru Amuro decide, and Tsuki Mizuma began to tear his shirt to make a simple bandage.

After bandaging the wound, Mizumayue thought for a while, and called Naomura Lang again.

The injured person has a stronger sense of crisis. First of all, Mizuma Yue can't go to ordinary hospitals to deal with gunshot wounds. Although he is a policeman, it does not mean that he has been assassinated. The Metropolitan Police Department knows. The organization also had medical support, but Tsukune Mizuma subconsciously felt that she couldn't organize.

Then just go to Naomura Lang, if there is anyone who can deal with his gunshot wound and let himself pretend to be uninjured, he is the only one left.

Struggling to stand up, Mizumayue found the young man who was knocked unconscious by her just now, took off his coat and put it on her. Although it was obviously a size smaller and it was all dust, it was better than walking on the road and scaring passersby. Strong alarm.

Going back and picking up the bag with the floppy disk, Mizumayuki started walking towards Rice Flower Hospital. He didn't intend to stay in place and wait for Naokura Lang to pick him up, that would be equivalent to shouting from the spot: "Come and make up the knife!"

Fortunately, the other party did not have any accomplices who were traveling with him, so Mizumayue walked all the way to the gate of the park and found that the gate of the park was closed.

There was a person in the duty post next to him, who was staring at Shui Jianyue inside, with unknown meaning, and Shui Jianyue walked directly to the guard box.

"Who are you? This place is blocked by the police to arrest the suspect!" He hesitated for a while, and the security guard who should be on duty in the guard box asked.

"Let's see for yourself." He took out his police officer card and threw it to the security guard, then opened the door and walked away when the security guard was in a daze.

The lost blood was not enough for his brain to think, how to tell the security guard that he was both the so-called arrested suspect and the real police.

Using the name of the police to block the park and disperse the people inside is quite normal when you think about it carefully, but when the target of the target is the policeman, this method is quite disgusting.

The security guard who was completely fooled by Mizumayue's actions did not stop Suimayue, and watched Mizumayue go away in a daze. Of course, it is also possible that she was frightened by the blood-stained Mizumayue. After all, she was only wearing a piece of clothing, and there were bloodstains everywhere except her face.

Without letting Mizumayuki go for too long, Naomoura drove his car to find Mizumayuki and took him back to Miwa Hospital.

Blood transfusion, removal of bombs, disinfection, suturing of wounds, or other steps that Mizuki didn't know the purpose of, in short, let Naomura Rang fiddle with herself at ease.

When she woke up, Mizumayuki found herself lying on the sofa in Naokura Lang's laboratory.

Although she knew she couldn't be hospitalized in the ward, Mizuki still complained that Naokura Lang was not friendly enough to the patient.

"Are you awake?" The most popular beginning after waking up from sleep, Naokura Rō was tapping on the computer crackling.

"How is my condition?" As soon as he sat up, Mizuma Yue felt pain in her stomach.

"The intestines were broken, so I cut off the part and reattached it because I thought it would be troublesome to repair, so don't do strenuous exercise recently, especially stretching."

"You really..." Mizuma Yue was speechless and didn't know how to evaluate Naokura Rō, because when the other party was talking to him, the movements of his hands did not stop, and his eyes were still fixed on the computer screen.

"Small injuries in other places have been treated with instant medicine for you. The disadvantage is that you will be very sleepy recently." Naokura continued.

Hearing that, Mizumayue pulled up her sleeves and looked at one of the stab wounds.

There was not even a piece of gauze, there was only a scar on it, it didn't look like a new injury, like a scar that had passed for a year.

"It's really amazing." Mizumayue thought it was amazing.

"To be honest, I developed this quick-fix medicine based on the principle of ATPX." Naomura Lang dropped a sentence without salt or It took a few seconds to remember what ATPX is. Moon's face turned pale.

"Don't worry, this is only part of the principle, and it won't have the same toxicity." A cold voice came from the side, Mizumayue turned her head away, it was Haibara Ai.

You should have known it when you saw Conan. Didan Elementary School was still closed, so it was not surprising that Ai Haibara appeared here.

"By the way, I seem to have seen Kudo Shinichi a couple of days ago." Now that she's here, Mizuma Yue asked about the research and development of the drug by the way.

"Yes, the direction of the antidote is still wrong, this time he will change back for two or three days." Hai Yuanai said.

"Have you found the right direction?" Mizumayuki asked curiously.

"There is one."

"Not yet." The two different answers came from Naomura Lang and Haibara Ai, the latter being Haibara Ai.

Mizuma Yue believed in Naomura Lang more, so her inquiring eyes were cast on Haibara Ai.

"There is indeed a conjecture but it cannot be verified, and if that is the case, we have nothing to study now, so we can only give up." Haibara Ai explained.

"Why is this?" Mizumayue didn't understand, but after finding a research direction, she couldn't do any more research? What's the point of this?

"..." Haibara Ai didn't say anything, just doing the research in her hand.

It was obvious that the other party didn't want to continue talking, so Mizumayuki didn't ask any more questions, and looked around at the backpack with the floppy disk.

"Rangko, I'll borrow your computer for a while... Eh, I don't seem to need it anymore." Naomura Lang's computer is full of medical materials, so it must be very safe, so Mizuma Tsukimoto wanted to read Itakura Taku's diary here. When she opened the water bag, Yue was dumbfounded. )!!

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