Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 24 No matter how I electrocute him, he just wants to kill me! ?

"You!" Director Jinchuan frowned, and was so angry at Kishida that he almost fired a crossbow arrow.

"Don't be shameless! I'll ask you one last time, will you cooperate or not!" Director Jinchuan took a deep breath.

"Uh (⊙o⊙)... I'm curious, if I refuse once, will you ask me one last time!" Kishida asked curiously. Then I saw Director Jinchuan's veins throbbing, but he didn't say a word, as if he was hit on the heart!

"Tsk tsk, no way!? It seems that I am really important to you!" Kishida opened his mouth and said in amazement. He is really fearless now.

"Tell me, what do you want to cooperate! Do you need to pay more?" Director Jinchuan suddenly became calm and said in a steady tone.

"Can you still make conditions?"

"As long as they are not too excessive, I can make the decision first and agree to you on their behalf!" Although Director Jinchuan said this, he sneered in his heart. Now I will let you show off for a while, but once you get on our boat, you can't say anything after that! You have to let us control you in all kinds of ways!

"Okay, but we will talk about the conditions later. You have to tell me the identities of your partners first, otherwise I will feel uneasy!" Kishida pretended to agree and planned to ask about the identities of the partners first so that he could hand them over to the police to catch them all in one fell swoop!

"..." Director Jinchuan stared straight at Kishida, as if he was hesitating.

"What? You don't have any sincerity at all?"

"Okay, but you have to show your sincerity later!"

"What do you want me to do?"

"My employee's body is now hidden in the library. The police may come here to patrol and investigate in a while. What you have to do is to secretly help me transport the body while I attract the attention of the police. As for whether to cremate the body or throw it into the river, it's up to you!"

"If the police investigate later, they will probably list me as the first suspect instead of you, right!"

Director Jinchuan looked at him without comment.

"Humph, this is a token of loyalty, okay, I promise you!" Kishida laughed.

"Now, who else is in our group?"

"In addition to the deceased former village chief of Tsukikage Island, Mr. Kameyama, there are also the current village chief Mr. Kuroiwa, Mr. Nishimoto and Mr. Kawashima. Among them, Mr. Kameyama and Mr. Nishimoto are responsible for sales, Mr. Kawashima is responsible for transporting goods from abroad to the country, and Mr. Kuroiwa, as the village chief, can cover some of our transactions." It seems that Jinchuan is very satisfied with Kishida's words "our group", and explained to Kishida very happily and patiently.

"And you are responsible for receiving the goods transported by Mr. Kawashima from abroad, hiding them in this library in the name of foreign imported books?" Kishida continued his words.

"That's right!" Director Jinchuan said without hiding it.

"But if that's the case, don't you still have Mr. Nishimoto responsible for selling these goods for you?" Kishida asked puzzled.

"Alas, since Mr. Kameyama died of an inexplicable heart attack, Mr. Nishimoto has been afraid of nothing. He stays at home all day and night. When we called him, he told us that he was planning to retire!" Director Jinchuan was helpless and angry when he said this.

"It's not so easy to get out of this business in our industry!" Director Jinchuan smiled sinisterly.

"Are you going to kill him!?"

"Humph, then you will be responsible for his clients!" Director Jinchuan did not answer Kishida's question directly, but the meaning of his words was very clear.

"It seems that I have a great favor to this Nishimoto!" Kishida suddenly sighed.

"What do you mean!?" This time it was Director Jinchuan's turn to be puzzled.

"From what you said, don't you want to kill him and force him to hand over the information before he dies?" Kishida asked back.

"What does this have to do with your kindness to him?"

"Of course it has something to do with it. If I send you all to jail, won't he be saved? I am indeed a kind man!" After learning the identities of the other people, Kishida finally revealed his cards.

"You were just deceiving me!?" Director Jinchuan was shocked and angry, and was about to pull the trigger on the crossbow regardless of everything.

"You guessed it right!" Imitating Director Jinchuan's tone just now, Kishida lifted his feet under the table, and the black and white sneakers gently touched his little feet.

"Crackle~~" There was another pleasant electric shock sound that Kishida liked very much. Director Jinchuan shook his whole body with this pleasant "music beat", and the scene was like an old man dancing in the square.

"I told you to point the crossbow at my face!" Seeing that Director Jinchuan was in a state of half-dementia, Kishida did not dare to take the crossbow that fell on the ground. God knows if there is any residual current on it.

"But Dr. Agasa didn't lie to me, these shoes are really good!" Kishida looked at his new sneakers with satisfaction. The color of the shoes is very low-key, just pure black and white. But it has three functions:

The first is to release electricity like now, to sneak a trick on someone. As long as the toes make a few specific movements in the shoes, the switch can be turned on.

The second is for running away. This is Kishida's suggestion to Dr. Agasa based on Conan's solar skateboard. So when chasing someone or running away, you can turn on the switch on the side of the shoe with your hand, and let the four single-row small wheels hidden in the middle of the thick sole extend out, which looks like roller skates.

However, since the size of the shoe itself is relatively small compared to the skateboard, the energy block inside this thing is not very large, and the propulsion speed is not very fast. Kishida estimates that it would be good if it can reach half the speed of Conan's skateboard. Of course, even so, Kishida is very satisfied. Besides, he dare not run faster than the speed of the car. If he falls, the picture is too beautiful to imagine...

As for the third one, it is an additional function. Yes, it is to increase height. Because there are too many parts in the shoe, the sole of this shoe is very thick. However, Kishida said that he does not need it at all!

"Haven't you woken up yet? So this is why I don't like to use electric shocks to interrogate. It's too slow and inefficient! Every time I ask, I shock, and I don't know when it will end! Fortunately, there is nothing to ask this time!" Kishida said to himself.


"Hey, is he going to wake up?" Director Jinchuan groaned and was about to wake up. Seeing that he was moving, Kishida took the electric baton at his waist and gave him another one without saying a word.

Well, I'll shock him until he's afraid of me, and that should change him, right? Kishida thought so because of Chikako's experience last time. As for why he changed to an electric baton, it was mainly because the electric current of the electric baton was relatively small, and it shouldn't kill people. And Director Jinchuan would wake up earlier, and Kishida could shock him more times...

"Tell me, do you still want to kill me!?" After shocking Director Jinchuan for the fifth time, Kishida, who still didn't see the system message, stepped on Director Jinchuan who was lying on the ground, and looked at him unkindly in the dull eyes of Director Jinchuan.

The confused Director Jinchuan cried in his heart: Mom, please let the police catch me quickly, this man is a devil! !

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